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Y&R: Episodes discussion, week of August 17

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I think they could have redeemed MJ at some point in time, but she's gone so far, and the people at Y&R now never want to delve into the reasons for actions or have characters learn and change. Mental illness is just a plot device, like the horribly written and paced Sharon klepto story.

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I- I don't understand.

Why?? Why would Deacon want kevin to think he had a brother??

W-why is Deacon pursuing Amber like her cootch transforms into an ATM??

W-why?????? Why are they torturing these actors like this?

I-it's not right.

And Lily's bald head looks like it would belong to Tammin if she did the cancer story.

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You got that right, honey! Anything in the scoobies orbit is just failure upon failure upon failure. Amber was ok in Kay's orbit, I actually LIKED her there. That's where she should be, a thorn in Jill's side. You could glean all kinds of fun stuff from that.

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The best thing about this episode was Paul/Patty cake scenes (the rest was BLAH to me) and she managed to gain my sympathy too. I'm still not impressed with the cancer storyline and I'm a very emotional person (long cancer histories in my own family). Khalil has left me feeling nothing, cold actually and Lame are just eye roll inducing but I'm sure the Lane fans are loving this.

Suresucks actually did so bad that she made Amelia look good. I died laughing when I saw Cawleen getting all huffy and pointing to her head when she was tawlking about making dinner for Lily.

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I actually cried during that final scene with Paul and Patty. I have a close relationship with my brother so it really hit close to home with me. That was heartbreaking. I totally fell into that scene like it was real. So, if they could keep those two together for a while, without overrunning it, they should.

And I really hope they continue on this Victoria Newman's a bitch angle they got going. Despite the Deacon crap, it's good to have a character who's impulsive, smart, bitter and angry on this soap. I'm starting to dig AH now. She needs a better rival, though. The Fresh Face of Sydney ain't workin'. Obviously, we'd have to see AH in a business setting for the full Vicki Newman effect to occur, which most likely won't happen, but still.

And I too nearly groaned aloud when Tammin pointed to her temple. Dear Lord, that was brilliant, Tammin. Brilliant!!

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I really hope Victoria Newman is recast with a more competent actress, not one who is hot one day, and cold as the hell the other day. Sorry, not buying anything about Amelia, there's something very stiff and emotionless about her, and as if she's never connecting with her material.

It's easy for anyone to look good opposite Tammin, but Amelia doesn't have chemistry with anyone on this show either.

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I think, if I heard correctly, TOM stole the Terroni, which is worth a lot of money. (It is also preposterous....Tom wouldn't know a Terroni from a soup tureen).

So, remember that safe deposit box Kevin never opened? The one Tom left him.

So THIS is the real story. They're trying to use Kevin to get to that safe deposit box.

Which means the Daniel and Amber beats were red herrings...steps on the way to Kevin's box.

The whole convoluted thing gives me a headache, but at least I'm starting to understand it all. Deacon doesn't really give a sh!t about Amber. It's Kevin's painting (that he doesn't know he has) that is driving this story. They're finally picking up the dropped thread of the safe deposit box. I'm sure of it.

What a bloody mess.

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You got hat right, and a perfect example of how they use history to manipulate the audience into falling for their poorly executed and convoluted as hell storylines. And yes, no way in hell would Tom know anything about art or this particular painting. Queen Hack Maria and her henchmen need to stop trying to make art happen on this show.

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How perfect was the Patty reveal today to her big brother Paul? It was mesmerizing. And yes - I got tears in my eyes watching the horror on Paul's face when he realized that this psycho-bitch was his sister. Doug Davidson - what can i say!? He's just the heart of this whole show right now. I haven't liked feral-Patty the past few weeks. Not because of the treasure that is Stacy Haiduk, but because she's just so pathetic. But today, it FINALLY happened and it was brought out in the most fantastic way. So glad that next week is going to be all about Patty and Paul (Pattycake!).

Bravo to CK, who is still not as good as she should be for wearing that bald-cap. Have to give her props for that cause she's no Jamber (Kanye's bald gf). I wonder how many other younger actresses would allow themself to be seen like that. Cause she's not the greatest beauty before, and now she reminds me Anjelica Huston in Witches. But the Winters are finally having some good dramz and for that I'm thankful. And Tyra and her She-By-Sheree weave have left so that's icing on the cake.

And good gravy, Ausileen even outacts Victoria now too! AH can throw as many things as she wants and even finally raise her voice above a whisperish fart but she's still no Victoria. She looked like she was still in a coma while Deacon was sexing her up. Seriously. They've given her ample chances to do something interesting and she still falls flat every day. She doesn't even appear to want to be there and the feeling is universally mutual.

Ryder - I'm conflicted. Is he old enough for me to have sexy thoughts without Chris Hansen showing up at my door to drink lemonade? But he's interesting at the moment. He'd be hot with Abby.

Know what? I'm sorta glad Y&R is moving out of the rainbow business. Gay s/l's need a lot of attention and finesse, and I don't think they have the resources to pull off yet another provocative s/l.

But back to Patty and Paul - please bring these folks front-and-center. I'm still miffed we didn't see Patty's mother. i just need to see Patty cry "Mama" and do a long hug. Been waiting a LONG time so I'm hoping for all of the fallout to cover every beat from Patty's connection to Jack, to Victor's involvement, to Heather's relationship to Patty. All of it! In exquisite detail.

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Agreed. The Fisher-Baldwins get a new family member every other minute so a new one isn't special or particularly fascinating. It looked like Ryder would be Daniel's brother at first, which would make it a bit more interesting since Daniel's bio dad is pretty unexplored and Daniel's other sibling is a toddler. I'm just as stumped as everyone else is when it comes to exploring this chipmunk/abuse/make Kevin-a-superstar-psycho arc.

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