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Y&R: Kristoff St. John Speaks Out

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You know, I'm listening to this entire interview and Kristoff certainly didn't make it all about himself. He defended Eva Marcille and Nia Peebles, took the writers to task nonstop, spoke about Generations, Shemar Moore and so many other things. He was really bold in his statements and showed that he does watch and know Y&R. He seems like a team player, IMO. I'm glad he was bold because, look--he's on a six week vacation! According to his comments, he's constantly given these breaks because they don't want to write for him, not because he's requesting time off. Who knows? Maybe it's the same for Tammin. But he really has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Hopefully the writers get some heat for this and take it to heart. They really can't defend themselves at this point and I'd love to see them address it in the press.

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When Lethal Lynne began the reign of terror,she had all these one on one chats with cast members.I think Jeanne,Jess,Eric and now Kristoff have spoken of them.

I wonder if all cast members got the opportunity,or she was already playing favorites.

Not that it did any good.

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I just became a die-hard KSJ fan.

He's right - LML did do a much better job of writing for the Winters family. Despite her many faults, there are actually a lot of things I miss about LML. The show was great when she was co-HW with Smith and Alden.

It seems his beef is with Hogan Sheffer and not necessarily with the other two HWs. It would behoove MAB to cut him loose.

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I've been a fan of Neil (KSJ) for a long time and I know and see glimpses of when written for he is strong, I do disagree LML was better and on some other things. When the Winters were written better for is when Bell, Smith and Alden were on board NOT LML at ALL.

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I think it's great that Kristoff is speaking out about how crazy this show has become. I would imagine Hogan Sheffer to be the one making the *worst* contributions of the regime, IMHO. Sheffer made DAYS damn near unrecognizable in his short time there, so I don't have any more faith in that guy.

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How come when KSJ speaks out everyone's rah rah rah but when Tristan Rogers does it, everyone tells him to STFU. I dont see St. John as any less self-serving. He'd condone Latham because she wrote for HIM even though she put the rest of the show in the toilet.

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MoTheGreat, I rooted for Todd and Evangeline and John and Evangeline and got nuthin' for it. The writers were crazy. John longing for Nat when he had Evangeline? Not hardly believable. Both are beautiful women, but Nat was a bit too whiney and John was too no-nonsense to have appreciated that. It ruined his character, for me.

I giggled like crazy when I read this... and then got mad all over again! I want my Dru back!

I don't understand what could be interpreted as 'homophobic' in his statement. I thought he was suggesting that the writers should have avoided the 'gimmick' storyline and should have told a more complete and realistic storyline involving gay characters. Why take the sleaziest character on the show and churn out a storyline that isn't even about expressing sexuality and sensuality, but is about using another person? I thought it played into the WORST of stereotypes and was a lousy storyline. Admittedly, I didn't listen to the entire interview so if he said worse, I take the comment back.

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There is NOWAY they would get rid of 'KSJ'.........He didn't attack anybody he expressed what he disliked on storylines.

If they axe him nobody would stand for it.

He is a Winter's, he is the Head of that Family and they cannot afford to lose him or that family.

If anything they may speak with him clear the air and I do believe he could get somewhere if he shut his mouth nothing will change and even if it still doesn't at least he did, but I don't think they will ignore it.

TPTB knows they cannot afford to lose viewers and have lower ratings, which would happen if he left.

KSJ has proven he can shine, when written for just like when Dru left, Neil's (KSJ) scenes were strong and incredible and that is the Actor no so much the writing. Yes they wrote it but it was him who got to shine without anybody else's help. I think he is under valued and mis-used.

In his Bell, Alden and Smith days he was great as well and he was alone at times.

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