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Y&R: Kristoff St. John Speaks Out

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I would be upset too if in two years of Maria Arena Bell's leadership, most of my storylines either happened off-screen or nothing was written for me at all.

The Winters family used to be an integrated bunch of characters, not anymore. While I DETESTS Latham, she thought of them as more of a core family than this writing regime thinks of them.

And his biggest point was the overall writing on the show, which I agree with. This regime seems intent on making Y&R the anti-soap that they've forgotten some of the core fundamentals of Y&R and general soap storytelling.

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I totally agree with you, French Fan. LML was HORRIBLE for the show, especially on teh production end. Of course, it's my opinions that the production part of the show carries every bit as much weight as the writing, if not MORE. And his comment about Hogan is spot on. I have a feeling that Maria let him do his chipmunk thing because she didn't want to be "bothered" with Kevin/Glo/The scoobies. She wants to write for the Chancellors, and they seem to get the best attention. And he never worked more than under Latham? Please. That whole Orchid debacle under Jack Smith was when the Winters were on EVERY DAY for 6 months. The Winters were rammed down our throats until we were sick to death of them. I do agree that the family drama is what is needed on this show, THAT is true... but now that his character is getting good play with just that, why is he bitching now?

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Oh I am sure other loyal employees are fed up, but are afraid to complain too much because they need their jobs. Sure the writers have their favorites, but never have there been top notch actors being completely backburned and neglected before MAB, and I don't blame them for being pissed. You can be patient and think your time will come, but how long do you wait, while the same characters get story all the time. While actors who have been on screen less than a year get three or four stories while some long term vets get nothing. And even when LML was writing, characters like Kay and Jill did get some screentime even if they weren't used well. They weren't off screen for weeks or months at a time. Now I am not saying I preferred LML's stories, I am just saying she used the whole cast.

I didn't like LML, but I don't see that great a difference between LML and what we are getting now on the show, except for a rare show like todays. It is all contrived plot and little heart on the show and they keep adding and adding all these younger actors/characters that nobody cares about.

I understand budget issues, but the runners of this show have to remember that this show remained number one as a character driven show not a plot driven mess.

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LML wasn't good for the black characters either. She just wrote Niel as a stud. Maybe that's what he referring too. I guess the cast going to start call him crazy nows. The writers think black viewers are stupid. We know when things aren't right with the black characters. We don't need Victoria or him to tell us.

But the best after Bell to write for black characters. To me was Jack & Kay. Maybe Jack could have done wonders for the black characters since he's married to a black woman. Maybe he went home & ask her & she gave her input on the matter.

After the cancer thing is over & Lily moves back to Cane. I'm sure The Winters are going to go back to having cooties that only the black characters that aren't Lily can catch while boring CKLily interact with everybody that isn't black.

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All of LML's stories were bad, but at least she recognized the importance of the Winters for diversity and as a family in Genoa City. MAB hasn't tried, good or bad and what little she has done (once a bloody week!) is incredibly racist. I can see how he'd prefer LML. Outside of a few actors, I'm sure there are MANY upset cast members. I also like that he spoke out on how awful the writing for the gays is as well. MAB, Hogan, etc. are a disaster right now and need to be told. It doesn't take two years to figure out how to write for minorities or to finally start rotating others into story. Sell that sh!t to someone else.

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