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AMC: Friday, July 17, 2009

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So this Amanda/Jake storyline is getting a little out of hand. I almost don't even know what's going on anymore... which baby is really Amanda's? If it really is this baby they found today (where they pretty much broke into the house and seemed like that was totally ok, and even this Margaret lady wasn't startled in the least as if this was a Godly Father-Clarence type experience where rules can be broken)... but if this baby is really Amanda's, then why did Jake freak about the DNA test? If Liza's baby really is Trevor, then Jake is seriously lying himself into a corner and will eventually piss everyone off...what an a$$ he is! And if Liza's baby really is Trevor, then who really is this Margaret, and where did they find another parent-less baby that Jake/Amanda can just randomly see whenever they want?

I'm so confused :blink:

Still loving me some Annie/Adam!!! Best thing going on this show right now.

Also loved seeing Zach finally get his ass slapped --- he's had that coming for a LONG time.

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Yeah, that was one sweeeet Kane Woman bitch slap. :) Long-time coming, imo. I miss strong Kendall.

I don't want Annie to be the murderer either Mrs. Q. I'd rather it be Annie than Adam or even Lil A (if soaps were going to be on the air long enough for Lil A to be a legacy adult character, that is). As awful as it is, I'd rather it be Emma than Adam, even. Emma's guilt would explain away a lot of Annie's problems right now that affect her character's longevity. A little kid being a killer is not my idea of a day at the amusement park. So, just yuck to all of that, Charles Pratt.

Stuart's murder story is all so convoluted though, most anybody on the cast list or any day player could surface as the guilty party. Think of a bowl of cooked spaghetti against the wall.

Amanda was too thankful and not pissed enough at Jake for being a lyin' liar to her and he admitted to Liza also. Amanda noted that, it seemed. I hope it registers. He lies to do want he thinks is best for his woman and her kid. CS was really terrific in her reunion scenes with Baby Pork Choplet

alwaysamc, is right above in his comment about how difficult it's been to follow this line of the baby lies. Not in a good mystery-following way, but in a I can't follow this kind of way. Just exactly has Jake done, what lies has he told to whom about which babies? The Baby Liars are having to repeat exposition almost daily to remind us of where the gamepieces, er-babies are.

Liked Erica and JR having scenes and talking about liquor. I enjoyed JR in his scenes with Adam. Junior has shown concern about Adam for what would be legitimate reasons for any son, imo. The Annie situation, especially after Adam admitting mental problems (drug induced or not) should be concerning to Junior, espcially considering Annie's history. So often Junior was shown hating on Adam for things that made little sense to me in the past. I am glad he's showing some love to Big Daddy Chandler.

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I stood up and soft-cheered that a little, lol. He's always so condescending and talking at her (and down to her and around her) and yeah it did feel like it was a long time coming. I noticed he was less abrasive afterwards too.

The line was stupid in the context of how he may have meant it (and how Kendall interpreted it) and then in how he said he meant it, they just wanted the character to be slapped by his wife. I'm not complaining.

JR's been written well during this story. He's not written for a lot, but he's written well. He's written as both intelligent and caring. Adam on the other hand is having one of those unfortunate "idiot" periods. I hope the show gets back to Erica and Adam. I think this would all be be much richer (A/A and E/R's thing) if that was the overlying story - Adam and Erica's bond.

ITA. She said something about kissing his feet. I wonder if Kate Hall wrote today's episode, because she's put in some really anti-women (degrading to women) lines lately. Just checked, it was indeed Kate Hall. You're a female woman (aren't you?), stop doing that!

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Hello AlwaysAMC. Jake found A Baby on the Internet and he gave that Baby to Liza. Jake Hired Margaret to Take Care of Amanda's Baby. Jake and Amanda Were Not Breaking In and Margaret didn't Mind. Jake Told Tad that Everything will be Okay when Tad Told Jake that David Hayward was Getting A DNA Test of Liza's Baby. Jake wasn't Worried because He Knew that Liza's Baby is Not David's Baby. Jody

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Jake's scheme was so off the charts he sounded like a crazy man rambling out all the permutations to Amanda. YMMV.

Yes, R, it did seem kind of that way the last couple days (that is if I am interpreting your comment correctly also). Emma's word is apparently is way on up there in the heavyweight divisions because that one little blurb on her part has most of PV wiggin' out in different ways. Ryan really believes Emma believes, imo. Zach senses a way out for Kendall, little girl be damned if it gets Lady K free. Annie's panic is now relieved with Kendall named. Erica and Kendall are freaking out thinking K's doomed.

Everyone in town is suddenly acting as if the testimony of this young child with a long history of acute psychological trauma and lying (for mom, but still) is THE evidence to slam dunk a death penalty guilty verdict for Kendall. I get that Emma's testimony would be a factor in Kendall's case--one pointing to her guilt. Emma's credibility as a witness would be so easy for defense attorney Liza to call into question and which North already knew apparently. Don't see why Kendall so sure she's got to take a plea over this? Does not compute. But little does lately.

Angela is right there was too much apologizing by women today. Boo to Kate Hall then. Though she did try and win me over with Kendall getting a little due.

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If Liza is a good lawyer, she could get Emma's testimony thrown out with one half of her brain tied behind her back. Just the fact that North questioned Emma without parental permission would be enough in the real world. But I guess Emma doesn't see heffalumps under her bed like Little A does :)

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I don't agree for one second with Jake and Amanda letting David think that his son is dead, but I was very moved by the scenes yesterday when Amanda was reunited with her baby. Naming the baby, Trevor, made me melt all sorts of wonderful memories and love for the late Uncle Porkchop (bastards should have never killed off Trevor). CS has come along nicely as an actress. She shines in her scenes. ABC wasted her for years bowing at the altar of Babe. Now ABC is tripping all over itself to try to convince her to extend her stay. Ironic.

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Well, what I was implying with my statement has less to do with her word being gospel as much as it has to do with the child in particular. Soooooo much story has been focused on this bland, boring, not very unusual child. Everybody wants to get to her! Everybody wants to protect her! Everybody wants to get information from her... it's as if any other children in Pine Valley don't exist. Kathy's storyline (a child played by an actress who actually looks like she WANTS to be there) has been dropped. Little Adam was important for about 3 weeks, and now he's gone. But Emma's been front and center from the get-go. I don't understand why this child is sooooo important. Annie was brought to town on the run trying to protect Emma and three years later this Emma girl is still the focal point of everyone's lives!

Not only do I find the actress totally bland and boring, I hate that name "Emma." As a gay male, all I can think of is Enema everytime I hear that name!

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