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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of June 29,2009

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Sharon probably hates the brat now anyway. :lol: I think they gloss over how these lies affect people because if they focused on the fallout then there would be all types of mental breakdowns on air.

I forgot to mention how much I liked the Cane/Jill scenes on today's show.

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It did make me wonder if Sharon now believed her own lies. She's a favorite of mine but herself and directors should have kept in mind while doing that , that Noah (as TPTB insists on keeping him) loses respect for his parents at every stupid impulsive turn. It seems it's a team effort making Sharon and Nick that stupid

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Well... my review of Today's episode. FABULOUS!!! Patty Jane's scene..."Kitty, where did you hide my pills?" It should have been funny, but it was just DISTURBING, and briliantly done! I LOVED Jill's necklace, it's too bad her blouse looked like it was picked out of a dumpster. And Let's SEE.... time to GLOAT. How many in here were calling the writers lazy and stupid saying that the lab would know if the blood was frozen? WELL GUESS THE [!@#$%^&*] WHAT? THEY DID. It's obvious that Paul suspected foul play ahead of time, and already spoke to the people at the lab. Although we haven't seen it yet, I also bet he instructed them to deliver the results like nothing was wrong, in order to not tip anyone off. He HAD to have done that, or why else would the lab have called Paul and had him come down to their offices? Now for Pete's sake,would some of you let this stuff play out before you go after the writers with pitckforks? Some should be ashamed. I'm not sure what to make of Heather... I think theyr'e wanting to portray her as someone who is DETERMINED to get back at the Newman family for making her into the stooge, so she keeps grapsing at straws, throwing things against the wall, hoping someday, something wil stick, and she will be vindicated in her own mind. And the end scene... the background music, the look on Tricia Cast's face... CLASSIC ending scene, I LOVED IT. I can't wait till tomorrow!!! Question about Morrow, what is up with him? In scenes which call for incredible grief and fear... he can really BRING IT. But otherwise, he's jsut mediocre. I don't know if he's jsut not inspired most of the time, or if he's doing it on purpose... playing this big clueless dolt that is ruled by his penis, but shows feeling once every couple years when there's a crisis?

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I liked her necklace too. I don't know what's been going on with Jill's clothes for the past several years. If Brenda was still here, her clothes would still be haute couture!

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