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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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I'm glad they aren't focusing on his being gay, because that would distract from the real issue. That he is a coward and that he has hurt his child in a way which I think is almost impossible to forgive. I don't like that this is the reason they are giving for him to inflict such pain on his loved ones. I like even less that he decided to bring Cane in to do something "nice" for his family, since it certainly wasn't very nice for Nina or Phillip. But if they are doing this story then I would rather them not talk about any opposition to homosexuality. It would just let Phillip off the hook for what he has done.

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One of MAB's own staff writers who has read & understand the Poetics could write this show. MANY MANY people could write this show as long as they follow the basic rules of drama.

You're not going to get Stephen King, Dan Brown, James Patterson, Janet Evanovich, Stephanie Meyer, Charlaine Harris or the like, but you could probably find some B-list author who does a good knock-off. [Though SK is an AMC fan so he might be willing to pen a short-term horror plot if the TPTB approached him]. One under-rated suspense gem is Scott Smith but there are so many talented writers out there who get the basics. That's all I want from MAB -- just for her to understand the basics.

And if you're going to retcon, don't retcon your own writing!

It would have been IN CHARACTER for

to lie, and it would have been prevented a retcon of something we saw with our own eyes less than a year ago. As a writer, you must respect the limits that you yourself set out. You cannnot keep rewriting your own stories after stuff has played out on screen one way. It just infuriates the audience and makes them give up, sometimes for good.

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Um, do you know what I'm talking about here -- the BASIC RULES OF DRAMA? That has nothing to do with prose styling or the like. I am taking about the rules of drama as set down by Aristotle and the Greeks. Dan Brown may irritate you but he knows how to tell a story and how to move from point A to point B to point C, etc. until he gets to his resolution.

It will take a bit of time, but it's very worth a read. Any writer who picks a pen needs to have this absorbed into his very bones.

Aristotle's The Poetics

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Dan Brown is a sucky dramatist, too. And I know why I mentioned the style. ;) Furthermore, I have read every possible poetics from Aristotle, Schlegel, Lessing, Brecht, Egri, Freytag, McKee, Field and more. :D

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What's wrong with her? What's wrong with any of the A-list authors I mentioned? None of them are Shakespeare (TM Beth Ehlers) but they can all fashion a coherent story that moves from point A to point B, etc. I just want MAB to respect *her own rules* for the universe she has created. In Stephenie Meyer's world, there are rules about what is and what is not possible. She sticks to them. You might hate what happens but she doesn't violate her own rules. Same thing for Dan Brown. The problem with MAB is that she is constantly telling us what we saw on our screen just a few months did not happen, i.e. now Sharon & Ashley are due at the same time. MAB creates a world where Adam can hook up the house with spyware but it's also a world where VICTOR doesn't think to sweep his own house or put in his own spyware? Please. It's world where DNA tests change every other day just so we can get cousins Mac & Billy together or nephew/aunt Devon & Tyra together. It's bad stuff.

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