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AMC: Wednesday, June 17

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They did "cliffhangers" on Tuesday that they totally didn't pick up on. Something new?

Jake/Amanda come home, they talk about their stupid plan and making people believe the baby is dead. They go in the house. Hugs. Tad hugs Jake and tells him he knows. They don't air much. Amanda tells Jake it doesn't matter if she has more babies, she'll never forget this one. She's very sad. At the end of the episode, Jake says he loves her (while she's sleeping) and it sounds like he has a plan ... which may just be the stupid plan, IDK.

Erica/Ryan. He was all like "Kendall told you we broke up?" ... and she confesses "Yes" (Confirmation, Yes! I thought they were going to leave yesterday open to interpretation) while trying to hide her smile. Ryan then goes up close to Erica and tells her he's in love with somebody else already (snerk, I wouldn't be surprised) and reminds her of what she told him at the cabin and pulls her into a kiss on the lips. Show opening. Erica pulls out of it, but is smiling, afterwards. She's happy they're good again, she tries not to rub it in about the break-up. He says it's all for the best.

Adam and Liza are talking. Liza's talking weirdly, like she's reading a book she doesn't want to. He wants her to defend his Annie in court. She's not really feeling it but he goes on and on, plays on her Colby issues. She tells him she'll do it if he helps her work things out with Colby. She says this like Colby likes Adam more than she likes her right now. But hmm maybe she does after the belly incident. JR comes in, Liza leaves. JR is in a nice blue shirt. He talks to his daddy about the whole Annie thing. He's pretty nice about it. Stu...Adam goes on about how he wants to help people, Annie will be the first of many.

David is at Confusion. He's whining with an actual whine because he's drunk. Marissa comes in. She's all "did you eat the baby?" after he tells her his kid died and he's offended. Marissa then suddenly goes back to her poor misjudged daddy thing. David is sick of her, he burns her good - calls her on wanting to full his heart, be the replacement for all the kids he lost and basically tells her it's not working. He roughs her up, because I guess Pratt likes that stuff, just as Krystal comes in. Krystal is all like "back off the daughter, bitch!" to David. He does. After seperating them she talks to David. She's understanding of his anger issues and what he's really doing - he's moved. He agrees to let her take him home. Tad grows sick of Marissa pretty quickly and leaves since his date left with a drunk guy. Tad is going home when a cop stops him to tell him about Krystal being in an accident.

Liza and Annie. Liza (in a very slutty dress, back to black) questions Annie. Annie is all on a "Richie was so evul. I did it all for Emma. Bad psychiatrist wanted me to cop up to murdering my brother" run. She tries to convince Liza she's sane. Liza's on the case. Ryan is outside hospital and mad. Liza makes some good points about some of the things he's saying about Annie, like maybe he's the one spinning about Annie being a danger to Emma, etc. She leaves. Ryan tackles Adam next. I don't remember what Adam said because he's just a more skilled Aidan at this point, lol. Rah, rah Annie, something like that. Erica overhears. Adam sees Erica. Erica tells Adam she's going to make sure Annie's put away, while an angry Annie listens through the glass. Must be thin glass.

I think that was it.

ETA: Liza shows up at the police station. She already got some order reversed (Jesse calls her on all the cases she's picking up), Annie won't be going to jail she's staying at the hospital. David comes in with cops. He's whining and pouting; he sees Liza: "You must have literally chased the ambulance." Hee. Liza is a little nervous when he mentions dead baby. Jesse asks him if he wants Liza to represent him, he's like nah and he tells her to be careful he's been known to steal children.

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I know I may drink too much sometimes, but did I sleep through an entire day??? What the hell happened between yesterday and today?

We left off with Annie/Adam kissing.... Taylor meeting up with Tad at ConFusion..... Kendall walking in on Zach and Liza hugging....

Today we have Adam/Liza in mid-conversation... David at ConFusion drinking... Tad with Krystal at home.... no Zendall.... I'm just so very confused!!!

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^^I really do think they did. Have they ever done something like this?

I just finished watching and it was so jarring bc it seemed like they pressed 'reset' on the show and totally dropped what they were doing and started anew. It made NO sense.

I will say - Bobbie Eakes was looking fine with her hair up - I'm glad she let that grow out a bit.

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The kiss was nasty for so many reasons...but Cam and Susan do have chemistry, and Erica's face afterward was absolutely priceless and adorable. It almost, almost, made the whole thing worth it. Almost.

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I thought that I had missed something too especially the previous episode with Taylor entering Confusion and Tad looking at her. I think I am going to like Tad and Taylor together. I still thought it was a decent episode though. And I am not too sure what I think of Ryan & Erica yet. I also can't get a handle on Jamie Luner as Liza. I don't hate her but something is off.

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