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Y&R: Week of June 15-19, 2009

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It's a jolt, because Jess Walton is playing this very straight, and then the ha ha music started.

I don't know what it is about the character of Jill that makes the women who play her so protective, but I'm glad.

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You've GOT to lay out more meat than that. Do you mean she's cash-strapped, and can't play her whole cast, and so she's doing what she can by focusing on one section at a time?

Or do you mean Hogan was foisted on her, and she's doing what she can to compensate for his weaknesses, but there is only so much she can do until his five year contract is over?

What do you mean?

I disagree. By saying it was episodic, and the last episode happened BEFORE SHE JOINED THE SHOW (i.e., in Madison, after the accident), that did it for me. These are few and far between, they signal when she's hitting bottom, and they are unpredictable. They are mostly guilt motivated, and they go away for long (15+-year) stretches.

Done! I accept that. I also think, because she did not have therapy, some day they will be triggered again. I accept this at face value...far more than the fact that Victor has not locked Adam in his basement dungeon.

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MAB can't win. Some of you want her to write for everyone on the cast. I (and I don't think I'm alone) want her to halve the cast if possible.

I started watching AMC again. Partly because I'm a masochist. Also though because there are few things AMC does really well -- like the sweet & sexy Jake/Amanda pairing -- that I just can't get from Y&R. I wonder if there are a lot of soap watchers like me who watch bits and pieces of several shows? Right now, I watch all of Y&R but I'm usually multi-tasking, and the Mary Jane, Adam and Nina/Cane stories are the only ones that can get me to focus.

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Not only that, but they've grouped Jill in with those cartoon characters Gloria and Jeffrey and we're somehow supposed to enjoy them all as comedic relief. They obviously have no plan for these characters, they're just lumping them together.

Um, where did you get that he has a 5 year contract? No one in daytime has a contract that long anymore.

And for the sake of the show, I would hope his contract isn't that long.

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I don't know but I find it absurd to say that Jill's story is bad. Yes, we are suppose to laugh at her losing everything. I am enjoying it and Alvin huffing and puffing about everything wrong from the stories...to ..blah..blah..wont change my mind. I am so sick of hearing the same drivel!

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I don't want to see poor Jill. I want to see slutty cougar Jill. :wub:

Just like I don't want to see slutty Mac. I want born-again virgin Mac.

I like my sluts to be sluts and my prudes to be prudes. Don't confuse me! I ask for so little.

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MAB is wasting time and resources plugging up holes that didn't need plugging (e.g., it sucks that the previous regime rewrote history by making Cane the real Phillip III, but what was re-written was written. Move the hell on). Plus, MAB is not only making new holes, she's also making new holes in the process of plugging up old ones (e.g., bringing Phillip III back from the dead).

MAB is an overrated shrew. I'm glad that more people are becoming disillusioned with her and her fellow hacks.

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