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Y&R - Actress OUT?

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At GL, Fiona Hutchinson sat on the backburner for about a year and then when she complained to the press, she was killed off. At OLTL he also had big problems with Louise Sorel and Robin Strasser, I think.

I didn't realize the Bells did nothing to help the many longtime supporters of theirs who were pushed out by LML. I don't know what Bill Bell would have said. No wonder Y&R seems so little like the Y&R of old now.

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Oh yes all the long time writers like James Houghton and others were fired by Latham and nothign was done. Many of them had been on staff for years.

It was sad. I keep thinking some of them will eventually come back but so far none of them as far as I know have been asked back.

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I know DaytimeFan once said, Sony handles the contracts so it has nothing to do with MAB and Rauch. Just wanted to throw that out there. If someone already stated that above and I missed it, I apologize for being repetitive.

I'm kinda indifferent about Nikki. I always found her and Victor boring. I liked her with Jack but that will never happen again. If she goes, I think the show will survive. However, I'd love, just love, love, love it if Lorie Brooks made a return, but this time as a full time contract player!

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Good points here Steve. I agree with you about these issues. I too feel the Bell's aren't totally innocent when it comes to a lot of backstage stuff. Even before LML and Rauch, look at the behind the scenes drama they had with Dickson, Lister, Breaden. I'm sure there were other's too. I think it's a whole combination of things going on here that we don't know about, but I'm sure sure we would all love to know every little detail. I know I would! :D

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I was mostly thinking of the behind the scenes crew. The Bells stood silent LML fired those people one by one. She fired every single writer, the music people, Marnie Siatta, the casting director, who had been with the show for almost 10 years, and tons more that we know. Those people had worked for their family for years and they did nothing to save one of them other than giving Eileen Davidson and Don Diamont a place to land. The Bells must be some cold fish. No wonder they have raked in the bucks over the years.

You comments about the Bells playing a role in the firing Adrianne Leon for her weight gain gives me a new perspective on that situation.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Lorie come back (even if it had to be for Victor). But I do wonder if Jamie Lyn Bauer would bring her own share of drama.

At this point I'm starting to wish someone could start up a whole new soap starring Jamie Lyn, MTS, Robin Strasser, Brenda Dickson, Jess Walton. Just call it Diva! and have all types of hysteria in every episode. Judith Chapman can play a character who desperately wants to join in, and they keep telling her she's not worthy. Finally, in a dramatic cliffhanger, Judith plays the trump card -- as her act of revenge, their new producer is Jill Farren Phelps.

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She may very will bring quite a bit of drama to the set. I've heard she was quite the complainer back then so who knows. But man, how she played that high and mighty "I'm Lorie Brooks and I'm better than you" role so, so well.

When she returned in 2002, I loved when she said to Nikki:

"I always pictured your marriage to Victor as the billionaire and the stripper." and did that little move to imitate Nikki stripping. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now that would be must see. Brenda Dickson has to get special billing. :lol:

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I know what Daytime Fan said, and I think she knows what she is talking about. She always seems too.

But here in the last 2 weeks we have had 2 reporters that have said Rauch is behind this stuff. If he is then someone is not completely right here. If Rauch has something to do with it then Sony is not fully in charge of contracts or they have given Rauch free reign in that now.

As I said before I still find it ironic that the three actresses used to threaten Walton with were actresses Rauch was familiar with. Sony would have never thought of those 3 actresses on their own.

People disregarded Lynda Hirsch when she said Rauch had something to do with it. Now we have Nelson saying Rauch is behind some of this and I guess MAB too.

Some people are wanting to believe all Nelson says lately so here he is saying Rauch is behind some of this.

It is just all confusing.

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She was totally miscast as Laura.

Of the original Brooks sisters who were so popular only Janice Lynde ever had any success in other roles in daytime.

Trish Stewart and Pamela Peters both disappeared after Y&R.

Jaime Lyn had 2 roles outside of Y&R of any importance and both she was sorely miscast. She was okay as Laura but so wrong for the part. And then she took over the role in Bare Essence that had been played by Donna Mills and she was so bad in it.

And then the originial Fosters, Brenda Dickson disappeared until recently. James Houghton was on KL and then went to writing. William Gray Espy got the role on AW and was very popular and then nothing.

The original Y&R stars were so popular it would have seemed they would have been in high demand, but sadly they weren't.

Of course there were the rumors that OLTL wanted Dickson at one time, but nothing ever came of it.

I meant to say that I always felt that Bauer would have been great as Beth on Y&R. She would make a nice foil for Susan Flannery I think.

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Yeah, I think from like 1977 to 1982 were her years as pretty much "the" Y&R star. If she never left, she would have been the only original actress on the show from day one. She and Jill of course would have been the only two original characters. Did she and Jill ever share any scenes? I just can't picture them in any.

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Was that when Y&R fired her in 1987? If so, I can't imagine her working under Rauch if she was diva crazy. He would have squashed her, but I wonder if they wanted her as a recast Dorian when Strasser left.

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I'm sure she must have, because Jill was married to Lorie's father at one time, wasn't she? I wonder what Y&R would have been like if she'd stayed.

I also wonder if the actors struggled to find work after Y&R because they were so highly identified with the roles, and they were in them for so long, they sort of became them. It's interesting that the actors who took over some of those roles went on to lengthy careers (Wings Hauser, David Hasslehoff; Deborah Adair to some degree).

I think Jamie would have made a great Beth Logan. She still would. She's so perfect for B&B.

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I'm over it.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's turn our focus to B&B's Beth Logan and the Logan girls. This is a dated composite picture, made before the advent of good image manipulation software.


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