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Y&R: Week of June 1, 2009

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Good episode.

EH continues to be a star. Chloe is a great character and it is about time that TPTB noticed. BM was outstanding in his scenes with EH and PB. I do see guilt, embarrassment and shame from Billy. He isn't sorry for what he did, he is sorry that he got caught and that he may lose Jack and Chloe, the people who love him the most.

Nick is so disgusting. He was pond scum when he abandoned his grieving wife and son. Yet the Sharon/Nick and Phyllis/Nick devotees would take him back in a heartbeat.

Today was the first time that EB followed the emotions dictated by the dialogue and allowed Victor to be gentle with Nikki. The behind the scenes drama with MTS's contract probably softened the old coot. The scenes were nicely played by both of them.

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Why can't Y&R be like this every day? All the characters I actually care about as a viewer: Victor, Nikki, Ashley, Adam, Nick, Jack, Sharon, Phyllis, MJ, Billy, Chloe. Hands down the best characters on the show. I realize that as awesome as Jill & Kay are and as intriguing as P3's return is, the Chancellors are a distant 3rd for me as far as Y&R families go. The Newmans & Abbotts are where it's at.

EH rocked today. I want her to kick Billy to the curb cause he deserves it, but then who would she be paired against? It's slim pickings in town.

Seeing Nikki at the Ranch and eavesdropping on Ashley was divine. This is where she belongs. And the scene between Nikki & Victor was beautiful. I cannot imagine this show without MTS.

There's something hilariously meta about Adam watching Olivia & Ashley and Nick & Victor -- in those moments it's almost as if the 4th wall is broken and he's just like a member of the audience.

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lol this beyond black and white. I understood the first two times she did, but now he ran off to be with Sharon I think even empathetic intelligent people will say Phyllis' intelligence is being compromised if there is a third go. But I won't be surprised if they push it

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Stop trying to pimp your awful favourite couple, Mark. :rolleyes:

That marriage is ruined, and if Phyllis ever takes him back after tomorrow, she's lost whatever credibility and individuality she's ever had and she must like the emotional abuse Nick constantly inflicts on her.

But I guess when you're biased to a particular couple, you overlook the individual characters and their individual integrity.

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She'll look like the biggest idiot on this show if she ever goes back to him after tomorrow, especially after what she said and what he did after they had their confrontation.

The Phyllis I knew and used to love would know better than continue being a doormat for a man that isn't completely committed to her.

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It was grief sex, not supposed to be romantic or sexy. I'm glad that there's more than sex to Phyllis and Jack's dynamic, whereas sex makes up 90% of Nick and Phyllis's dynamic, boring.

Phyllis and Jack have a much deeper and more psychological dynamic. They know each other through and though, and can always be who they really are in each other's presence.

I sure as hell would take Phack over Phick any day.

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I don't like Phick, but how is Mark "pimping" Phick? He likes them and is just expressing why he likes them. How is that "pimping"? Is there another way to use the word that I am not aware of? Mark's not "selling" Phick, and if he were, who would he sell them to? Isn't the point of this board to share our (disparate) opinions?

That said, IMO, Phick is over. It was pretty clear today that Nick he's "supposed" to be with Sharon. Nick, for all of his douchery and misdeeds, actually has a strong sense of right & wrong. What I took from his convo from Victor was that he was the one who ruined everything after Cassie's death and now it's up to him to fix it, even if it's years too late. I can understand Phyllis' confusion in a way. Nick may even love her more than Sharon. Phyllis doesn't do guilt and obligation so she truly does not understand Nick's pull towards Sharon.

Bring on the Phack! I always loved them together. Their acting together is outstanding.

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I would assume by now Mark knows how much I hate that couple before he tries rationalizing their relationship in a respose post to something I originally wrote. I would also assume he knows by now that I'm halfway joking when I call him a "fanboi" for this show and this particular albatross (IMO) of a couple.

Yes, it's more than sexual, which is good. Some soap fans want sex with their couples and only that, but there has to be something deeper, and I just don't see it with Phick, but I see it in spades with Phack.

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