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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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I didn't see a thing between Jill and Neil. Not an iota. Walton is trying to play her sexual chemistry with all men now...true to character...but she doesn't spark with Neil. She sparked a lot more with Malcolm :).

That's a good question about Walter and Lillie Bell. I have just assumed they died...since they were not mentioned for their granddaughter's wedding :).

I'm taken aback at how old Della looks...walking with a cane. It's appropriate...but that's not my mental image of Della. But I love her. I personally first became aware of her on Chico and the Man....and I have enjoyed her ever since. Like Murphy, the show needs to replenish its "wise elders"...and I feel Della could totally do the trick.

She's probably too expensive to put on contract, though. :(.

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Nick clearly loves Sharon, and while he may love Phyllis too, it's a horrible marriage when your spouse isn't fully committed to you and loves you as much as he loves his ex as a his wife.

They've established many times that Nick loves Sharon, and that's fine and all. But he IS married to Phyllis and why does Phyllis let herself to be the doormat to her husband's love for another woman?

The misogyny is horrible.

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Phyllis KNOWS Billy and Sharon shagged. She KNOWS Billy could be the sperm donor.

She needs to drop that bomb SOON. Because that will impair Nick's ability to 'bond' with "his" child and "his" child's mother. That bomb must be used at the earliest convenience if Phyllis wants to save this union.

This is a Bell soap. It is part of the brand formula.

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Look, Alvin (because I know he'll read this at some point), I know how frustrated you are w/ Y&R right now, because I was in the exact same boat several years ago w/ GL. That show had gone down more than just the tubes, despite what all the Jammy and Jeffrey/Reva fans wanted to believe. In the end, though, did all my hue-and-crying over GL's sad state make one bit of difference? Obviously not. If anything, I elevated my stress level over something that had been in my family for three generations, but was out of our control whether I wanted it to be or not. Therefore, I gained nothing.

I do not want the same to happen with you. It isn't healthy. If there were some way you could influence TPTB to hire a new (and better) HW, I'm sure you'd have done it by now. Truth is, though, the Bells seem happy with their choice, and so do many, many fans. All we "candle-holders" (a term Danny-and-Michelle fans gave to us longtime GL fans who they believed "kept living in the past") can do is either sit and find something about the show that's still worthwhile, or just walk away.

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Sharon can do the nastiest of things, and it won't change the way Nick feels about her. They've firmly established this. It's another emotionally abusive relationship, but there's unconditional love there that doesn't die.

I'm a complainer, what can I say? :lol:

I enjoy some things about the show, but at the moment, it does not impress me overall and I think the general quality is quite sub-par, that's all.

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Well, I'd be inclined to think that if his SON told him how f*cked up they all are, Nick might listen.

But maybe not.

Victor, Nikki and Ashley also never listened regarding how f*cked up THEY all were. This is the Newman dynamic. It is part of why Victoria and JT fail...no visible dysfunction.

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I don't think she needs to in order to be Neils fiesty SO. Constantly pushing him to go up against Victor or whomever to get what he deserves. Neil just needs someone with spunk. Jill or Nina are just the ones who come to mind.

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