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AMC: Monday, May 11, 2009

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We did have a bit of excitement on Friday when Dr. Chapelle, inventor of the now infamous heart valve appeared to have hung himelf.

Scott was freaking out today and JR was the cooler head between them.

JR and David still have mad chemistry.

Erica vs. Nurse Gayle is on!

Jake Martin working on my flatlining toddler, I go all Beasty Zach myself. "Page Hayward", grrrrrrrrrr.

KWAK's Original Recipe Babe speechifying dragged things down a little.

What Annie did to Aidan? Yeee-ow. Hurts. Yikes.

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I think so but don't recall all of that article.

While she was struggling to get away from Aidan (they were in a stairwell once again which seems to be *their* place). He was pulling on the door to keep her from escaping but was on the landing/stairwell. In the back and forth (Annie couldn't see, I believe), Aidan goes down the steps and dislocates his shoulder. Annie relocates it then ties up his arms. I want an Advil or 4 myself after that. :D

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I didn't want to root for Annie in the Aidan/Annie scenes, but I don't like Aidan very much right now. He's like a lesser version of the know it all bossy men (Zach and Ryan). He believes he cured Annie with his spotted dick and she has to do as he says, leave with him without her daughter. Pfft.

Speaking of know it all bossy men, Zach. Sure I get getting a feeling but muhboyisdying was so heavy-handed and therefore annoying. That said, Jake is such a crappy doctor, bad bedside manner. Good one with Amanda, but bad at the actual hospital.

Not as good as 2004. I remember their was a scene with them on the Chandler Terrace area and David had him backed up against the doors and... Heh, this show had so much HoYay in those days.

It's not consistent. Last week JR was thinking with his heart no matter what anybody said and Scott was thinking with his ego. This week Scott's thinking with his heart and JR's thinking about the company's status. Keeps us guessing, I guess - Jekyll or Hyde.

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The Angie/Ryan scene was random but very nice - we need more wonderful scenes like that.

Enjoyed today - it was a nice follow-up to Friday's show.

Zach was annoying as hell though - but I guess he was right.

Seems like they are slowly introducing Liza into the show - I'm surprised we haven't had 24/7 Lunar!

Where was Colby and Petey during this Chandler party?

Why would they allow JR and Scott to just talk and argue at the crime scene - or why would they want to stand there all episode anyway? And Jesse was annoying cop again today - I understand Jesse's frustration with the PV citizens when investigating crimes - but his take on that frustration is annoying. Btw, I totally wrote Derek and had to correct my typo! That's sad!

Finally - the Marissa/Krystal scenes were nice. I'm just really enjoying Marissa more and more each day.

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yeah and people were so convinved that Pratt was going to plaster her all over our screens just bc he knew her from Melrose Place. Im almost wishing he had bc I love me some JL and wish she were featured more. Its ridiculous that Liza's been in town so long and she hasnt interacted with anyone she knows besides Jake. Shoot is she even still in town? Its been a while since we've seen her

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Even the people she did know, like Babe and Kendall, she now doesn't seem to remember she knew.

I think part of the reason they may be going slow with her is because they don't seem to have any idea what to do with her character. They basically said they were just going to try her with various men and see what happened.

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