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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I wish you would! CF is a very striking-looking girl but Wardrobe seem to panic whenever somebody tall and even vaguely curvy walks in. I've noticed that they have no clue how to dress Eileen Davidson either. And really, how do you fail with somebody like ED?!

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IMHO, its Y&R. She looks great out and about, IMHO, and looked fantastic on The L Word.

This interview is a bit annoying, but look at her. I think shes sexy in it. She looks her age and energetic and full of life.

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What you people call hatred, I call sanity. Common sense. :lol:

But with all those historigasms gallore, I don't think she's going anywhere!

This might be the perfect illustration of what Alvin was talking about in another weekly thread. When I said Gloria should die and Chapman needs to return as another character, he said he hated the practice. Thus, instead of Clementine playing Mac, she should've been brought as an altogether different character.

Mac shouldn't have returned.

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Perhaps it isn't. I mean it can actually be a great thing in this twilight of soaps that one of them is actually satisfying people.

As for Maria... I said it before, she's a much better fit for B&B (Brad will kill me for saying that). If she must write for soaps at all. She is just kind of forced and even if she were to retire, I think her family would impose a continuation of her tenure.

Not to say anything about a scary prospect of getting La Latham or La McTavish... Scary stuff.

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The Chloe/Billy/Lilly/Cane triangle, with a stronger Lane, shouldn't've ended with Cane giving up Delia. I think it should be revisted. Mac is truly wasted on this group of characters. I think she should fly on into the Kevin/Jana/Daniel/Amber orbit or the JT/Victoria one.

Or maybe the whole problem with this version of Mac is that she's not neurotic enough to survive in this version of Genoa City, which isn't filled with enough impulsive people where her stoic nature provides the balance.

There are too many Macs running around, even Victoria's Mac. She should befriend Gloria or something.

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