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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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As a member of the Wonder Twins, :huh: , I think the Lame wedding and Daniel super-spy are going to be ENTERTAINING. Maybe eye-rolling in places, but maybe laugh-out-loud in places. And regardless, THAT is why I watch my soaps.

I can get my Dostoevsky someplace else. And my cure for cancer someplace else too.

Let's say the Lame wedding is sickening. Well...that's GREAT. To sit around with people I love and snark about how sickening it is? There is NOTHING better. You've now given me a new name (Daniel, SuperSpy) that I will not be able to refrain from using. And that will heighten my enjoyment of his tale.

(If this weren't a reason to watch soaps, I'd NEVER watch B&B. My sole reason to watch B&B these days has been to snark and mock and roll my eyes. And you know what...that's a lot of fun!!!)

What are the Forces of Darkness actually wanting from a soap opera? I cannot imagine....

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For me it is not rationalizing or excusing. For me, as I have said before, it is the "passenger" mentality. I'm going along for the ride. I won't tolerate EVERYTHING...but for the most part, it is my job to "consume". Indeed, constantly questioning every aspect of the creation, for me, ultimately takes me too much out of the story.

But again, and I know you can't answer. I wonder what it is, really, that the "Forces of Darkness" want from soap opera. Specifically, from this melodramatic, daytime, female-oriented, aged, shoestring-budget, crazy-time-pressure genre. Are we truly expecting something transcendent? On a regular basis? Really?

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I don't think anyone here's calling for deep, long, drawn out philosophical stories on meaning of life and all that cr*p. People just want clever, non-idiotic, inoffensive, I-don't-find-you-an-idiot-who'll-buy-anything kind of stories.

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I respect your optimism Mark. I belong to small GH board that is nothing but doom and gloom 24/7 and it gets old. That doesn't mean I object to constructive criticism, but there comes a point when being depressed and miserable about a soap goes too far. So I see your point about just going along for the ride. I'm going to try to approach this lame wedding and try to look at it with snark, instead of taking it personally. But I tell you as a woman all that sweetness is very hard for me to take. It's so unrealistic. Maybe I'm just jaded like Nikki and Phyllis. :P

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