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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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Well i do agree with the poster who said Colleen is a core character regardless of who is portraying her, and i think she should get more storylines/screentime otherwise there is no point.

I am sick of seeing the Amber/Chloe show.

Characters having equal storylines/screentime is best i like it when all the characters get a fair share of storylines. Because seeing the same people every day is boring.

Its about quality of storylines to me i want to See Colleen, Victoria, JT and Abby do something and i dont mean love traingles, proper real stuff like away from business/relationships more to do with the individual character.

I dont like the storyline about Victor/Victoria/Colleen/Jack fighting with each other, i think they be nice, sick of the snarkyness going on in GC.

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17 pages and it's only Wednesday :shakeshead:

They must have filmed some scenes out of order cause Jess W had this haircut a few weeks back and then she went back to her normal one. Personally, I like this one better.

Score 1 for Colleen, Wannabebitchtoria didn't even have a comeback!

Adam sucks. <_< Poor Ashley!

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