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Another World

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Richard Bekins was the best Jamie.

Matt Crane left in early 1997 and a few months later was replaced by Brian Krause of Return to the Blue Lagoon fame. He was OK, he had some potential. He was written as more of an amoral Matt. He was fired after a few months. He went on to do Charmed. Jeff Phillips, best known as the first Hart Jessup on Guiding Light, replaced him. He was very dull. He was fired in late 1998 and Matt Crane was brought back.

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Yay! The truth is finally out! Olivia told Dennis he is the father, told Sam he is not, and Marley knows everything and is trying to adopt the kid anyways. This is a really good storyline. I love Dennis.

Actually, i love the men on AW. Men on soaps usually.. suck. But on here they are great. Have lots of layers and depth. It is nice.

Also, Ryans dad just told him Grant took the money, not him. And Ryan knows Viki/Grant have a thing. This is also all very good drama right now.

Sam/Amanda are cute. Love them.

Its also nice to see such balance. Nobody dominates this show.

And, i cant belive this, JB is growing on me, a lot.

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AW should have kept the concentric circle theme in each opening-each of the circls representing those 'other worlds' we live in privately or strive to be a part of.

They did the right thing by bringing back Dennis, but where were Nancy,Ben, Nicole and others who tied into existing characters and had heaps of story potential.

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I never knew why they didn't bring back Nicole or Peter. I think Donna was in a lot of ways better off without her siblings, as they were both marred by frequent recasting, but Nicole still had potential. It's a shame Nicole went through so many recasts and so many not so great storylines. From what I've seen the first Nicole was the best.

I don't know why they never would bring back Nancy.

I remember reading somewhere that by the last years of AW it was pretty much a rule that the McKinnons couldn't return.

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The closest they got was some nephew of his who showed up in the last six months of the show, who was a love interest for Alli Fowler. I can't remember who his parents were.

It was especially annoying that even when the McKinnons were there, Ben would not be allowed to return. It seemed very obvious that someone felt Jake must be the only young man in the family. How far would the Snyders have gone if Holden had been the only young man in the family?

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Lorna/Matt broke up and she is breaking my heart! I really hope its not the end for them, but it feels so final.

Also, i love Robin C and cant wait to see her take on Lorna, but i am assuming Lorna changes a lot? I cant see Robin playing THIS Lorna. Who is the actress that is playing Lorna and does she go onto anything else? Shes fantastic. Cold but heartbreaking at the same time. A true talent.

I am begining to see why Sandra Ferguson would wanna try other things. Amanda has been a bore since getting back with Sam. I miss the Amanda who took on Carl & Iris and stood up to her mother. Shes just so... happy, and content.

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Once Lorna was on the scene,Lisa(Felicia's niece)was forgotten.Then there was Jenna.They kept tying young women to Felicia and dropping them,so she was left alone again.

I didn't like Anne Howard and what they did with Nicole.i always thought Philece Sampler would have been a better Nicole than Donna,especially if she played her like Renee on Days,which is more in keeping with the original Nicole character.

It would have been interesting had Nicole been released from jail and seeing how she tried to fit in to Bay City and how Donna and Cass would have reacted.The writers could have played her as reformed and desperate to make a new start,or hardened by her prison time or a little psycho with an obsession for Cass,

I think Sean McKinnon was MJ's son from an offscreen marriage.

I disliked that the Frames were brought back by inventing characters like Dean and Frankie.Why not have Frankie be Molly?

Giving Russ a daughter was a good idea but her Matthews connection was forgotten and his other daughter Olivia was also written out.

What about Sam and Lahoma's daughter(Rachel's cousin and Ada's niece.)?

There was way too many cast changes where viable characters were dropped.

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George sent him that. It is from some play. Not sure what. All those letters that George wrote him are around here somewhere, even a copy of some excerpts from Reinholt's autobiography. Steve showed it to me once. He said he promised George that he would never show it to anyone or reveal anything it it. And as far as I know he never did. I am not sure where it is now but I know it is here.

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