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JFP’s OLTL started to significantly outperform the rest of the ABC Daytime lineup in W18-49 for a period of time (not just the Georgie story, but the misguided story of Dorian causing Jessica’s miscarriage also had high demos). That’s what partly led to ABC giving her the job at GH

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Jill used the same tactics at OLTL she did at every show: Shock and awe and a lot of slash and burn. It worked and temporarily reinvigorated a coasting show, until the audience caught on to how she did it; frontlining veterans in increasingly crass stories designed to further her favorites she brought in from other shows and tied to those veterans.

Only time that pattern changed is when she tanked the network flagship (GH) with her typical vision, and was subsequently largely disempowered creatively for the rest of her time at the show and ABC when Guza returned with co-EP control. Reducing her to a glorified line producer. I like to think of it as a fate worse than death, and what she deserved.

Edited by Vee
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There was a time when OLTL was without a head writer - but the head writer abruptly quit and Jill Farren Phelps was forced to not only produce the show, but act as interim Head Writer, until they could find someone

And that is one of the stories JFP penned - Dorian hitting Jessica with her car

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Given the VERY justified reputation that JFP has as one of the EPs who cannot resist involving herself with the writing, the way you word this is quite amusing! She was forced to do this! Right, like she was not jumping for joy?!!! Predictably that was a day of good news to her. 

Have you read when Pete Lemay described sitting in (as a consultant) on the meeting where JFP pitched the Felicia/John affair to the 3 actors? Anyway, if you didn't know that was a Producer making the pitch you would swear it was a Writer.

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Another World - January 18th 1989

All of this... for a 500 hundred dollar necklace?

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Well... what a fun episode we just watched!

Sharlene found out from Rachel that this impossible to buy 8000 dollar necklace was actually a fake one! HA! But instead of being happy that the burden of returning the necklace was GONE... she got horribly offended that Rachel gave her a fake. Sharlene's self esteem took a hit and she it took it so personally! Thank God John managed to somehow calm her down.

In the hospital Saint Victoria was feeling alright, eating and listening to her walk-man! God I remember these things from the past! Such a nice thing to see! Rachel visited her and was extra careful and nice with her. So strange and creepy to see Rachel looking at Victoria with anything but contempt.

Mathew is having trouble keeping his libido at check. Every time he sees Josie, he loses his sh-t. LOL. Well... I hope she doesn't get pregnant! We have enough of pregnant women in this show!

Overall - 9/10

Highlight - Sharlene finds out the truth about the necklace


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I really enjoyed that time on AW when the writers were setting up a Cory vs Frame feel again. Matt/Josie as the star-crossed lovers caught in the middle. I just wish the Rachel/Sharlene rivalry would have lasted longer...reminiscent of the Rachel/Janice feud. 

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Talking about Sharlene... - Sharlene and John are becoming my favorite couple... in probably all soap operas I've watched. The chemistry is on another LEVEL.  

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Oh, no!!! Sharlene, Rachel did NOT deserve that!!! Good grief, Charlie Brown. I cannot believe that Sharlene hit Rachel with that shot, right across the bow, between the eyes!! People think Rachel is a bit*h when it's Sharlene who just was one. 

Are Matt & Josie having sex?

Anyway, thanks for the fan review/recap!!!

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