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I hope whoever is in charge of this gathering can make sure the earlier actors (Barcroft, Roddell, Norton, Muenker, Chapman's famiily, Penberthy's son, etc.) get some applause and aren't met with crickets when they are introduced.  I assume most of the fans will be on the younger side, and many likely won't even know who some of these earlier actors (or their characters) are. And if there are Q&A sessions, I hope they plant some questions for these older actors, to make sure they don't feel left out.  Can you imagine sitting with a group for Q&A, and not getting any questions??   It's been a long time since some of these folks have received much attention, so I hope they are made to feel welcome, included, and appreciated.  I'm confident no one will be intentionally rude to them, but they could still easily be minimized or nearly ignored unintentionally.

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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I just watched an episode of the TV series Cannon from 1975 called "The Iceman." Having 4 scenes in it was Margie Impert. Impert was on Another World as Rachel from December 27, 1971 to February 15, 1972, according to the AW Home Page.

Reading online, apparently she was intended to be the new permanent recast for Robin Strasser, but it didn't work out. The producers then brought back the original Rachel for four and a half months, from February 17 to June 29. Victoria Wyndham permanently took the role on July 21, 1972. 1972 was the year of 3 Rachels.

Was Impert really intended to be permanent and not temporary? If so, I wonder what went wrong. Whatever it was, it happened quickly; she wasn't even there two months. Watching her on Cannon, I could definitely see her as a 1972 Rachel, a mix of being innocent, manipulative, and nasty. From a first impression, it seems like Impert would have been a nice recast. 

Edited by Jdee43
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Okay, you have given me an idea. What if we come up with some questions? Then I would email them to this Karen person & she'd be crazy not to use them! 

Q&A Template


Judith Barcroft Washam (Lenore Moore 1966-1971)

Barbara Rodell (Lee Randolph 1968-1969)

Leonie Norton (Cindy Clark 1970-1972)

Ariana Muenker (Marianne Randolph 1975-1977)

Susan Keith (Cecile DePoulignac 1979-1981)

Janice Lynde (Tracy DeWitt 1979-1981)

Linda Dano (Felicia Gallant 1983-1999)

Lewis Arlt (David Thatcher 1983-1984, Ken Jordan 1990-1991, Scriptwriter)

Sofia Landon Geier (Jennifer Thatcher 1983, Donna Love 1990-1991, 1993, Scriptwriter 1992-1999)

Kale Browne (Michael Hudson 1986-1993, 1995-1998)

Laurence Lau (Jamie Frame 1986-1990)

Anne Marie Howard (Nicole Love 1987-1989)

James Kiberd (Dustin Trent 1989)

Russell Todd (Jamie Frame 1990-1993)



Janet Iacobuzio (Scriptwriter 1989-1992, Associate Head Writer 1994-1995)

Steven Bergman (Set Photographer 1990-1999)

Jim Semmelman (Stage Manager 1996-1999)


Family Members:

David & Honor Heath, representing their Mother, Liza Chapman (Janet Matthews)

Mark Penberthy, representing his Mother, Beverly Penberthy (Pat Randolph)

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This is probably a good idea, Donna.  But oh boy, it might be tough.  I'm probably one of the older AW fans in this group, and even I would have a tough time coming up with questions for a few of these earlier (older) actors or their representatives.  Do you know the person in charge of this gathering?  Or are you in contact with her?  Do you know if she has experience planning this sort of fan event?   I'm hoping we can assume, since she knows enough about AW to invite some of these very early actors, that she has a plan to make sure they all get appropriate attention during the program.  But I'm afraid we cannot assume that.   Of course this is all really none of my business, and I'm not trying to interfere with the planner's intentions.  But I've seen things like this go wrong before, and do hope the earlier actors do not find themselves in a disappointing and embarrassing situation.  

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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I am in email communication with her. Hard to know but she seems experienced. I've asked her if she will be videotaping for distribution after. No, although that might change. I've asked her if she will be live streaming. No and that will not change. I asked her if guests will be able to videotape themselves. No. She indicated prohibitive costs of $3000 for videotaping and $4000 for live streaming. She also indicated disappointment that neither NBC nor P&G was interested in co-sponsoring this event. That's about it. 


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It's puzzling to see Liza Chapman's children there. How much knowledge would they have of her role ?

Hopefully, things have been arranged that they are aware of the situation and don't end up being ignored/shoved aside.Maybe the organizer is planning an overview of the early days and they are there to represent.

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Thank you for the information, Donna.  Well, I guess there isn't much any of us can do about it at this point, except show up at the celebration, lead the applause, and ask questions.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend.  I'll continue to think about your idea of submitting potential questions for the Q&A panels.  Yours is the best option I've heard so far.   

I wonder if the organizer has considered involving Alan Locher in this event?  He might have connections to get it videotaped, or perhaps parts of it streamed on his podcast.  At the very least, he might be able to offer some advice.   


Yes, it is puzzling -- yet sorta wonderful that Liza Chapman would be remembered all these years after Janet Matthews left the show.  I began watching AW regularly in 1971, and I'm confident Janet was not mentioned at all during my years of being a fan.   So, if even I don't remember Janet, how much attention are her children going to receive at the gathering?  

We can only hope the organizers have dealt with fan gatherings before, and have methods of integrating early stars equally with the more recent stars.   I really just need to release this concern, as there isn't much any of us can do about it.    

Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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