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Harding came back around late September I think and was gone basically a month later. Ironically, I remember watching those episodes and seeing his craft again. Evan came to town (Janice Frames son) and Iris Wheeler re-introduced. I would also say he was responsible for creating the role of Caroline Stafford

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From saynotoursoap. I always thought this was the first 90 minute episode. Apparently it was the second. This is one of the rare chances to see a 90 minute soap. For me the highlight of this is the Vivian/Iris stuff (although some of the work from the Matthews family is moving - the best for me is Liz and Jim). It fits right in because I have an article about 90 minute AW that I'm going to post when I find it.

Another pleasure in the Vivian/Iris stuff is the blatant padding.


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Wow Carl, thanks for linking to this video from Saynotoursoap. What a classic that needed to be seen again. I saw it as a kid, but it's been a long time. I forgot just how LONG 90 minutes was. Did you notice how many of the scenes moved so slowly without dialogue? Liz and Jim were so good. You're right. I wonder why they dropped the idea of pairing them. I also loved revisiting Willis, Vince, Angie and Janice (although I wish Gwen was there too). Willis was a favorite of mine. If you close your eyes, he sounds a lot like George Reinholt. I had forgotten how Janice was involved with trying to break up Willis and Gwen in favor of Angie.

Of course another treat for me was Pat. Loved her and her reunion with Marianne. Very touching. It still drives me nuts that they killed off John and never reunited him with Pat. They should have been a tent pole couple for years to come.

I also instantly thought of my mom when the episode was playing because she used to always say, "It's All About Alice." She hated how Alice made everything about HER. In the coming weeks, she acts like she lost her husband/father instead of the poor Randolphs.

I wish we could see more of crazy Olive. What a NUT!

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What did your mother think of Rachel?

The scenes did move slowly. I think this worked more often than not - the stalling for Marianne not to leave the diner - but sometimes it cracked me up (the recap and the lost phone connection before Brian found out about how John died).

It was a mistake to get rid of John, as far as I can tell. As much as I like Brian, you'd think he would have been a better choice if someone had to go. I'm not sure why anyone did. Apparently they just wanted a shock death since they were expanding to 90 minutes. That's bad planning. From what I've seen of the actor on Another Life, he was very talented.

I like this Marianne. I wonder why she left.

I wonder if they decided it made better story for Liz to be on her own and just meddle in Jim's life.

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My mom loved Rachel. She always sided with Rachel against Alice because she thought Alice was a victim. Personally I liked them both.

I agree about Brian. Although I liked him, once Iris left, he drifted around, but basically went nowhere. They even tried to pair him with Pat which was boring.

I'm not sure why Marianne left or was let go? She and Michael were both written out within a few months of each other. Of course Marianne was recast and the character was given one more shot. I liked her the best of all the recasts.

What did you think of Maeve Kinkead(sp) as Angie? She was very subtle. A huge difference from when she went on to play spoiled Vanessa. I never liked Rose her mother though. I never understood the appeal of the actress.

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I've only seen a few episodes of Angie. I think Maeve did a good job, although there was one episode which baffled me where she started punching a baby mobile. I have to admit the story itself doesn't appeal to me.

I always assume that someone may have loved Rachel and hated Alice, or vice/versa, so it's always nice to know how fans felt at the time. I really wish that I'd seen more of Jacquie and Victoria Wyndham together, I loved their work in the 1989 anniversary episodes.

Michael doesn't seem like the greatest actor but he's easy on the eye. It's too bad the gay storyline he was supposed to be in was killed. That would have been very groundbreaking drama, and shaken up the Matthews family. Imagine Liz's reactions.

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I also loved the chemistry between Alice and Rachel at the anniversary party and Mac's funeral. Those two had something special.

You're right. Michael was just an OK actor, but I think he would have done well with the gay storyline. Liz would have swallowed the sofa if one of her relatives came out of the closet. Then again, I would have loved it if Liz would have been the accepting one and the other Matthew's had the problem with it. That would have been more unexpected.

Just from how he was written, Michael coming out would have caused a problem for John and isolated him more from his family. He always seemed to be on the outs with one or more of the Randolphs.

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RE: The 90-min episode.

All I can say is HOLY PADDING, BATMAN!

I get that they're trying to stall Maryanne but spending three minutes discussing how to break a $10 is absolutely absurd. No wonder the long episodes were such a disaster. I assume things got better as they got more accustomed to the format, but it just feels like too much time is going by without anything happening. It's frankly absurd that they allowed this to go ahead for anything more than a week of special episodes. They'dve been miles better off expanding The Doctors to an hour instead, frankly. Low(er) ratings be damned.

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I've only seen one other 90 minute episode (I guess more must be available if P&G ever releases them - don't they have everything for their soaps going back to 1979?) and the padding was a little better but not much. I think that was the episode where Joey was in court or something.

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Didn't someone mention in either the GL or ATWT threads that they only have every episode from about 1989 onwards or something? It seems unbelievable that they're missing episodes that recent, but it might also be the case for AW (thus the 1987 start date on SoapNet).

How much farther in was the Joey in court episode, do you know?

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Going by the recaps, mid-October.

One of the other reasons given for the 1987 date was that this was supposed to be an easy starting point for viewers. Nothing says easy starting point like two weeks of MJ crying, "I WAS A WHORE!!!"

They may not have all of them but I think they must have a fair amount from that period. They pulled out that random 1979 ATWT episode which had never made the rounds before, as far as I know.

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