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ATWT: May Discussion

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Eh...kind of blah day. All the Paul/Meg et al. stuff went in one ear and out the other. Other than marvelling that Meg now has three men in her twisted web.

But luckily, Henry getting to (or nearly...) call Katie a selfish b*tch to her face made me smile.

I wish show would do away with the insipid two-but-don't-talk-to-her kind of "appearance". If Ro's on, I want someone to talk to her. Aside from her bohemian "outfit" that looked like it came straight from a '70's reject clothes bin, I was happy to see Ro.

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I saw the beginning of yesterday's show. WTF with Janet's hair??

Today's show:

Nice seeing Damian outside of Luke's gay orbit. But Meg shut the f u c k u p !! Paul must die! He is a useless character. Hi Bonnie...nice to see you again. Rosanna..hmmmm....and my favorite part of the show

Henry: It's all about Katie....what you want....

Slam her Henry!!!! :lol::D

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You know, I still watch. But I let the show pile up on my DVR and just as I'm about to run out of space thanks to 30 eppy's of ATWTs, I steel myself and watch a couple of episodes. I keep hoping it will get better, but it continues to be so damn hard to watch. I sure hope Rosanna will make it all better, but knowing that MW will be leaving for her maternity leave in the coming months does not give me a lot of hope.

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I think a lot of people are dreading Maura's maternity leave, truth be told.

I guess today's eppy was slightly better than average...

....it's always good seeing Babs/CZP. I was a little confused about Meg's uber-bitchy demand to be told if Paul called, and why Lisa needed to snoop outside Babs' door.

....it was really good seeing Carly/Jack/Janet discuss the Meg/Eliza/Paul situation. Yes, it was only a brief mention, and I think there was a passing remark made yesterday about Meg not being able to get Jack because he was on a stakeout, but I digress. Too often lately one branch of the family hardly seems to know what's going on with the others, (hello, Susan can't see her daughter after nearly dying thanks to a hypodermic of something to her neck or no one knowing Lukey was kidnapped...*eyeroll*) so it was nice to get a normal family "feel" again.

....Carly's downfall is like a trainwreck, the more gruesome, the more compelling it becomes. After some adult cattiness (Craig and Jack butting heads--to no one's surprise) Parker's obvious and calculated ploy to avoid family therapy by preying on Carly's fears, her reluctance to traipse through her history of mistakes and her drinking was maddening and heartbreaking. Maddening because it shows his punk tendencies at their most mercenary, and heartbreaking because he's an angry teen who doesn't realize how deeply his mother's hurting.

....Ro can speak!! Sure...I was more than a little pissed she just dismissed contacting her sister because she was "in business" with Craig (uh...hello, you married the a-hole twice, and once upon a time, you backed Babs publicly after Carly's kidnapping. Seems to me if she can get over that, you can get past Craig, even though I wish Carly'd dump him into a compost heap.) and a little startled by the uber-blonde hair she seems to be sporting (even though she's "broke".) And then there's the beret....although it's nicely crocheted. Perhaps it's organic wool, dyed with organic fruits and berries...

....didn't pay a lot of attention to the particulars of the Meg/Paul plot...but didn't Paul "clean out his bank account" the other day??? He didn't pay off the babysitter again, she got hauled down to the OPD. So, why is he phoning Mom for more cash??

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Great to see Lisa back in the thick of things, and Barbara too. The show is getting much more integrated with its stories lately, ever since Damian was revealed to be the mystery person Lucy had been working with. It is also nice to see a (most decidedly not evil) Damian interacting with Meg, it makes Meg more interesting.

Missing Luke and Noah though!

He paid the guy for the plane he was going to charter. He used the rest on the used car and its repairs.

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^^^^but Paul's loaded. We've seen him keep bundles of cash in his home safe....I'm supposed to believe that he bribed the plane guy with nearly all his cash, and the car took the rest? Well...I guess the recession's hit everyone now.

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At least I can sit through Rosanna's scenes. Even with Paul, which is nigh on to a miracle.

I wanted to be invested in the Larry/Susan/Ali scenes...but...I guess I should be grateful they remembered Susan is still alive and invited her to Ali's "party". *eyeroll* Yes...Ali's all healed now that Daddy apologized and gave her his number. Well, at least I got to admire some of Casey. I tried desperately to ignore that it was Ali.

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Oh Gawd..the show is so much better without them.

I haven't seen today's show but I am looking forward to the Larry/Susan/Ali scenes. I am enjoying Rosanna too even though Paul should die.

I wish they could find a way to keep Larry.

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Well I think he only withdrew $50,000 from the bank ... He has other money in his accounts but he can't access them without being traced. But still, good point.

Side note, I'm enjoying seeing Rosanna without her fortune on a co-op!

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Just a few minutes into Wednesday's episode (I watched my GL tape first, it is must-see TV ... ATWT not so much), and I was so happy to see Luke and Noah, with Luke even acknowledging now that you should go to to cops first! He is back to being lovable though still flawed and real.

From Tuesday, I liked the Susan/Larry, Emily/Larry, and Allison/Larry scenes. I never saw Larry when he was on ATWT before. He was interesting, but did he always talk that way, breaking at odd times? I also found out that the actor was Adam Cory on AW, I wonder what he was like there. I think Larry will be back when Allison does decide to call him again -- this was just a setup for later.

The Casey/Allison sex scene showed Chris Goutman was lying about not doing candles and about leaving it to the viewer's imagination when he defended the Luke and Noah non-scene love scene. Also, I like Casey, but I was grossed out by his body, he is too fat and too muscular. He needs to slim down. Also the slicked-back hair was icky.

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Ok, why are Goutman and Passanante trying to make Meg a leading lady on this show, when it's painfully obvious that she's not leading lady material? :huh:

And they're not making it any easier by putting Marie Wilson opposite the most wooden and boring actors on the show, first Roger Howarth, then Grayson McCouch and now Paolo Seganti. She's not the most charismatic actress herself and when you put her with these costars the results can only be disastrous (not to mention sleep-inducing).

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