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All My Children EPISODE COUNT...


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All My Children April 2009 Episode Count

22 Episodes from Wednesday, April 1 - Thursday, April 30

01..Cameron Mathison [Ryan Lavery]...20

02..Alicia Minshew [Kendall Hart Slater]...18

03..Vincent Irizarry [Dr. David Hayward]...17

**..Thorsten Kaye [Zach Slater]...17

**..Susan Lucci [Erica Kane]...17

06..David Canary [Adam (15) & Stuart (3) Chandler]...16

**..Bobbie Eakes [Krystal Carey Hayward]...16

08..Jacob Young [J.R. Chandler]...15

09..Michael E. Knight [Tad Martin]...13

10..Melissa Claire Egan [Annie Lavery]...12

**..Aiden Turner [Aidan Devane]...12

**..Darnell Williams [Jesse Hubbard]...12

**..Multiple Children [ian Slater]...12 [including 4 Episodes with Doll]

14..Adam Mayfield [scott Chandler]...10

**..Brianne Moncrief [Colby Chandler]...10

**..Debbie Morgan [Dr. Angela Hubbard]...10

17..Ricky Paull Goldin [Dr. Jake Martin]...9

**..Lucy Merriam [Emma Lavery]...9

**..Chrishell Stause [Amanda Dillon]...9

20..Brittany Allen [Marissa Tasker]...7 [including 2 voice-overs]

**..Tamara Braun [Reese Williams]...7

22..Jill Larson [Opal Cortlandt]...6

**..Rory & Declan McTigue [Adam Chandler III]...6

**..Denise Vasi [Randi Morgan]...6

25..Alex, Benjamin & Caleb Eckstein [spike Hart Lavery]...5

**..Beth Ehlers [Taylor Thompson]...5

**..Joel Fabiana [barry Shire]...5

**..J.R. Martinez [brot Monroe]...5

**..Cornelius Smith Jr. [Dr. Frankie Hubbard]...5

30..Meredith Patterson [Francesca]...4

**..Eden Riegel [bianca Montgomery]...4

**..Lisa Yuen [Nanny Rachael]...4

**..Multiple Children [Gabrielle Williams Montgomery]...4

34..Jenna DiMartini [Corrina Gonzales]...3

**..Haley Evans [Miranda Montgomery]...3

**..Shannon Kane [Natalia]...3

**..Daniel Kennedy [Peter Corlandt]...3

**..Anna Koonin [Nurse Gayle]...3

**..Jamie Luner [Liza Colby]...3

**..Ray MacDonnell [Dr. Joe Martin]...3

**..Drew McVety [Attorney Jay Stark]...3

42..Thomas Galantich [Dr. Chappell]...2

**..Ronald Guttman [Alexander Cambias Sr.]...2

**..Multiple Children [Jenny Martin]...2

45..Stevie Ray Dallimore [Oak Haven Administrator]...1

**..Lauren Singerman [Tori]...1

**..Walt Willey [Jackson Montgomery]...1

All My Children Year to Date Episode Count

84 Episodes from Friday, January 2 - Thursday, Apri 30

01..Thorsten Kaye [Zach Slater]...71 [-3]

- 16/18/20/17

**..Cameron Mathison [Ryan Lavery]...71 [+9]

- 16/16/19/20

03..Vincent Irizarry [Dr. David Hayward]...70

- 17/15/21/17

04..Bobbie Eakes [Krystal Carey Hayward]...64 [+21]

- 13/14/21/16

05..Jacob Young [J.R. Chandler]...63 [+20]

- 15/13/20/15

06..Alicia Minshew [Kendall Hart Slater]...62 [-16]

- 6/18/20/18

07..Tamara Braun [Reese Williams]...55

- 16/18/14/7 [Last Aired on 4/29]

**..Susan Lucci [Erica Kane]...55 [+3]

- 12/16/10/17

09..Michael E. Knight [Tad Martin]...49 [-7]

- 11/13/12/13

**..Chrishell Stause [Amanda Dillon]...49 [+32]

- 14/13/13/9

11..Aiden Turner [Aidan Devane]...48 [-16]

- 8/13/15/12

12..Darnell Williams [Jesse Hubbard]...47 [-6]

- 8/11/16/12

13..Ricky Paull Goldin [Dr. Jake Martin]...44 [+43*]

- 10/14/11/9

**..Debbie Morgan [Dr. Angela Hubbard]...44 [-16]

- 7/10/17/10

15..Melissa Claire Egan [Annie Lavery]...43 [-17]

- 10/13/8/12

16..David Canary [Adam & Stuart Chandler]...37 [+1]

- [Adam] 8/8/5/15[16] - [stuart] 0/0/0/3[16]

17..Eden Riegel [bianca Montgomery]...35

- 16/15/0/4 [Last Aired on 4/29]

18..Cornelius Smith Jr. [Dr. Frankie Hubbard]...34 [-7]

- 7/10/12/5

19..Jill Larson [Opal Cortlandt]...33 [+19]

- 11/7/9/6

20..Brianne Moncrief [Colby Chandler]...31 [-2]

- 7/3/11/10

21..Denise Vasi [Randi Morgan]...28

- 6/7/9/6

22..Rebecca Budig [Greenlee Smythe]...28

- 17/10/1/0 [Last Aired on 3/19]

23..J.R. Martinez [brot Monroe]...24

- 7/2/10/5

24..Daniel Kennedy [Peter Corlandt]...22

- 4/7/8/3

**..Lucy Merriam [Emma Lavery]...22 [+6]

- 6/4/3/9

26..Beth Ehlers [Taylor Thompson]...21

- 5/2/9/5

27..Walt Willey [Jackson Montgomery]...20 [-16]

- 4/6/9/1

28..McKenzie Westmore [Dr. Sinclair]...19

- 10/9/0/0 [Last Aired on 2/19]

29..Rory & Declan McTigue [Adam Chandler III]...18 [+9]

- 4/0/8/6

**..Multiple Children [ian Slater]...17 [+4]

- 1/2/2/12

30..Multiple Children [Gabrielle Williams Montgomery]...16

- 3/9/0/4

31..Shannon Kane [Natalia]...14

- 3/3/5/3

32..Alex, Benjamin & Caleb Eckstein [spike Hart Lavery]...13 [+4]

- 2/2/4/5

33..Drew McVety [8] & David Furr [4] [Attorney Jay Stark]...12

- 3/1/5/3

**..Meredith Patterson [Francesca]...12

- 0/0/8/4

35..Adam Mayfield [scott Chandler]...10

- 0/0/0/10 [began Airing on 4/9]

**..Lisa Yuen [7] & Jessalyn Wanlim [3] [Nanny Rachael]...10 [+8]

- 1/2/3/4

**..Multiple Children [Jenny Martin]...10 [+1]

- 4/1/3/2

38..Haley Evans [Miranda Montgomery]...9

- 0/6/0/3

**..Alexa Gerasimovich [Kathy Martin]...9 [+6]

- 4/2/3/0

**..Anna Koonin [Nurse Gayle]...9

- 0/1/5/3

41..Brittany Allen [Marissa Tasker]...7

- 0/0/0/7 [began Airing on 4/21]

**..Stevie Ray Dallimore [Oak Haven Administrator]...7

- 5/1/0/1

**..Joel Fabiana [barry Shire]...7

- 0/0/2/5

44..Jenna DiMartini [Corrina Gonzales]...6 [+1]

- 1/1/1/3

**..Ray MacDonnell [Dr. Joe Martin]...6 [-25]

- 2/1/0/3

**..Lauren Singerman [Tori]...6

- 0/0/5/1 [Last Aired on 4/]

**..Colin Egglesfield [Joshua Madden]...5

- 5/0/0/0 [Last Aired on 1/29]

48..John Behlmann [Dr. Burke]...4

- 0/0/1/3

49..Jamie Luner [Liza Colby]...3

- 0/0/0/3 - [First Aired on 4/17]

**..Tonya Pinkins [Livia Frye]...3

- 2/1/0/0

**..Laila Robins [Claire Williams]...3

- 2/0/1/0

52..Laura Bonarrigo [Rebecca]...2

- 1/1/0/0 [Last Aired on 2/5]

**..Adam-Jon Fiorentino [simon]...2

- 1/0/1/0

**..Thomas Galantich [Dr. Chappell]...2

- 0/0/0/2

**..Anna Stuart [Mary Smythe]...2

- 1/0/1/0

56..Chris Henry [Ren]...1

- 1/0/0/0

**..Elizabeth Rodriguez [Carmen Morales]...1

- 1/0/0/0 [Last Aired on 1/6]

**..Frank Runyeon [Forrest Williams]...1

- 0/0/1/0

59..James Mitchell [Palmer Cortlandt]...0

- 0/0/0/0

NOTES: Thanks to alexisfan07 for Canary, Luner, Smith Jr. and Vasi corrections.

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Jamie Luner, I just forgot. I'd have her for 2, the third? I thought Liza on computer screen was repeat footage of the Monday she was on. Or was there a voice-over I missed while using the remote to speed up an episode?

Looking through computer file, you're correct on Adam, he is at 15 and with the non-shared Stuart episode that has David Canary at 16. In my written file I actually have Adam at 16, so that was just a extra "stick" + bad counting on my part.

Looks for Frankie and Randi now. You're right on both.

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I don't think it was rollback. Do you remember what part of the episode she was in front of the slot machines? I can check. Also, did you count the two Marissa voiceovers? I assume it was the same exact thing, so counting one is probably best. But I don't even know if that was her voice.

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I don't remember with Liza.

No, I didn't. I remember one of those voice-overs (when Krystal was at ConFusion) and thinking damn I hate those (in terms of episode counts) and I never did count it. I assume it was the same actress. There were 2 seperate episode voice-overs with her? Have the dates?

ETA: Hadn't counted SL/Erica and JL/Liza for today's episode. It's since been added on.

ETA #2: Gave BA/Marissa 2 more episodes for voice-overs. Two hang-up calls fit with a "Hello" - one at Confusion (4/13), one at the Chandler Mansion (4/14).

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