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OLTL: Discussion for the week February 16

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I am genuinely concerned. It seems tptb are intent on forcing the Quad from hell down our throats. I don't think they're awful. I just don't think they're interesting. I loved Tea punching Martyr. She could punch her everyday. But even that wasn't really interesting. Mildly amusing.

The Buchanan story is moderately interesting, but repetitive and hardly a front burner story.

The sibling rivalry developing between Gigi and Stacy is such a weak alternative to the sibling rivalry between Natalie and Jessica, that is getting almost no play. Why do tptb insist on bringing on newbies and revolving the show around them, instead of telling stories for the characters we've taken years to care about. I can't stand listening to Jessica mewl and carry on anymore and I think Brody is boring. All he does is trade "my hallucinations are worse than yours" stories.

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I am loving these Bukes of Bourbon scenes. And that's what I'm sayin' AMS, maybe it's because he's standing under a light, but Ross' hair looks super white today. I am beginning to love Renee's look.

Todd is such a punk, sucker bottling Wes like that. The fight got me going, but it looked like tea punched Marty in the chin, not the eye. Fight choreo was a little off.

Gigi's "crying" was truly pitiful. Rhino, you have a good point, will the two Gigi's be encroaching upon Jess and Nat's territory? I don't mind that, but you're right, we need some variety so it must have some new, unique elements to it.

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SFK, I just think if they're going to make the show revolve around newbies, and frankly I include Marty and Tea in that because they're not the characters I've been invested in the last five years, (and it took a long time to care about those characters) then why not just cancel OLTL, take these characters and make a new soap opera and call it something else!

That's not the problem with the Quad. That's a whole other story. And like I said, I don't think they're horrible to watch, just there's too much focus on them. They're not that good, and their airtime is so unbalanced.

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They should have sent Marty and Cole to Ireland or back to California after the "rapemance" ended. They have struggled to do anything with Marty. I have a hard time believing that their original plans for Marty involved her spending months sitting in a house with a stranger, wearing leather jackets of various colors and acting like a brat. They've made her irrelevant and unsympathetic, which is the last thing she should have been after all the story invested in her disappearance and return.

I tend to believe Gigi's and Stacy's parents were exiled because their persistence in passing on bad acting genes made them a threat to society. I'll be more convinced if Brian Gaskill suddenly shows up as a Morasco brother. (sorry, cheap shot to Gaskill, I know)

The Buchanan and David/Dorian scenes are fun.

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OMG, if that didn't make me howl with laughter! You had me for a minute there, starting that sentene so seriously. :P

Kudos OLTL, they gave us a Friday episode on a Monday, I really enjoyed today's show.

And tomorrow, David and Dorian showing up in the full-length minks! :lol:

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-I just finished watching the show with my dad, and even HE didn't believe Stacey's story. I hope there's something more to this story.

-It'd be great if Nora and Bo slept together but we all know it didn't happen. :wub:

-I hated Antonio manhandling Tea on the dance floor.

-Get Fish a contract. NOW.

-Todd's smirking at Blair when she woke up in his bed was DISGUSTING. I want him castrated.

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Funny, Dorian flat out stated that she married David and converted to Buddhism for his $$$MONEY$$$. I thought it was because she truly loves and misses him. Ha.

And Fish is too adorable and everything that most of the men on this show are not. He needs to stick around for a while, even though the Antonio/Cris/Talia/Layla/etc circle is certainly being phased out.

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What an ending!! :o Actually, the entire last act was a WTF! LOL I can't believe Wes was murdered. So this is the second time that we a got a "flash forward" in an episode that ended with a murder. Can we officially call this a serial killer story now? I wonder who's next.

I also think Stacy is lying.

Fish is pretty funny. I hope they keep him.

That's why I'm avoiding OLTL and Y&R promos (other soaps I don't really care cause they suck right now).

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