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Best potential crossovers?

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Which characters would you like to see crossing over to another soap for some time or even permanently?

Heres my wishes;

Stephanie Forrester, B&B, making guestappearances on Y&R. Since she knows Amber, Katherine, Ashley & Lauren already it wouldn´t seem strange.

Jack Abbott, Y&R, making a longer crossover to B&B. B&B needs a none-Forrester man with power and greed. Say 3 months.

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When Bianca goes back to Paris after her marriage implodes, I think she should meet OLTL's Adriana (who's already there) and fall madly in love. No bisexual angst, the real thing (off camera of course, to save money) and come back to Llanview/Pine Valley and have a wonderful, positive, joyous wedding.

Erica Kane and Dorian Lord as Mothers-in Law? Their reactions? Hilarious, touching, priceless.

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Two that I've wanted FOREVER.

Aidan Devane to GH: He has an entire family over there that he doesn't even know, it would get him the HELL off of AMC, and the chances of him getting shot and killed would multiply immensely.

David Hayward to GH: Oh he would be amazing at GH! With ex-wife Anna residing semi-permanently in Port Charles, if David were to be banished from Pine Valley I could see him landing in Port Charles to try to reclaim his wife, and snag a the Chief of Staff position at GH away from Monica. David could be used for a HUGE David/Monica rivalry because they are both cardiologists and David always wants to be the big boss. David Hayward is a character TAILOR MADE for GH, exactly the kind of sleazy, manipulative, morally bankrupt character that Guza would love to write for. I could see him trying to get dirt on Monica and the Quartermaines to snag her position (not like there wouldn't be PLENTY of dirt in that family!) and if he can't reclaim Anna I could see him as a love interest for Alexis, Kate... I think he has more potential at GH than he does spinning his wheels in Pine Valley.

And Skye needs to come back to AMC.

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I would like to see Brooke cross back over to Y&R. It has always bothered me how they had a deal as nothing more than a gimmick and then dropped it. I think Victor was the only man to get Ridge out of his mind jealous and KKL also had great chemistry with Peter Bergman.

I have also heard of a potential cross over with Rick coming to Y&R to help Amber with her designing career. That could add some interest to Ashley, especially if Colleen set her sights on him.

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That bugs the hell out of me, David, Aidan never mentions Anna or do they mention him on GH, The wedding would have been a greater time for him to meet Robin, Robert, Emma, Patrick, his good friend Luke (he could of met him offscreen somewhere).

The David Hayward crossover would be excellent. Him and Anna rocked as well and thats a damn story for her and Robert.

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