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GH: Week Of Jan 12th

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Did we watch the same scenes today? Robin wasn't a bitch. She is clearly ill. Even Carly figured that one out. The scenes were really good. They didn't fight. They actually had a detente. it may be possible that one day Robin and Carly can be frenemies.

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This show is UNWATCHABLE. The Carly/Robin scenes were pretty bearable, but all the Spinelli crap was unbearable. Natalia Livingston's acting as Rebecca is completely void of any subtlety it's just "I'm Emily...but I'm a BADASS"...UGH!!! I am done with this show.

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GH is not good any more. I cringe watching whole episodes. There is no balance. The mob and 4 characters (Sonny, Jason, Carly and Spinelli) dominate about 75% of the show. The mob stories are ridiculous and predictable. How many mob wars have we suffered through knowing that Sonny and Jason never lose and worse yet, never die. Worse yet, the dialogue is trite and tedious.

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As much as I'm not exactly feeling GH right now, I think the one thing it cannot be faulted on is the dialogue. GH has some of the best dialogue writers in the business and despite how unwatchable some of the show was, the dialogue saved it. Sonny and Olivia's scenes didnt do much to advance plot, but they were interesting and I think that Lisa LoCicero brings out the best in Maurice Benard.

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The Olivia/Sonny scenes were the worse part of the episode. The dialogue was embarrassing and pathetic. It reminded me of the crap that Patrick Mulachy trots out on B&B when he is a spiritual mood. TPTB have got to stop trying to portray Sonny as this complex person. It has gotten stale. He is low life misogynistic criminal.

MB doesn't even pretend to act any more so I don't see how anyone can bring out the best in him. Sonny's reaction to Olivia's crap was nonexistent. All he did was sit there listening to her.

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This may be the worst week in GH history. I have never been so bored. This event, such as it is, is basically everyone just spinning their wheels buying time til the designated day when everything hits the fan. Kimberly McCullough plays Post Partum Robin the exact same way she plays everyday Robin, and I am sick of her voice by this point, and her non-stop crying kid. She is not able to carry this story, and all it makes me want to do is turn it off so I don't have to listen to her yammer on. You got me what Claudia, Sonny, Anthony and Ric have been talking about all week. I zone out.

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I completely disagree about Kim McCullough. She is a good soap actress who rarely gets good material. The constant wailing and nashing of teeth that most soap actresses indulge in is not acting. Kim is doing an excellent job with the PPD story as is Jason Thompson. I consider the PPD story to be best part of the last two weeks.

The rest of the week has been build up to the event which is focused on Sonny, Jason, Carly and Spinelli so that has been dreck as usual. It is hard to believe that each episode is an hour when people are running all over town. Rebecca does not help the situation, but whatever.

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Robin's baby crying all the time reminds me of when Michael was a baby, and the lazy Guza had Michael cry all the time he was around AJ, and then magically, he would clam up as soon as Jason held him. I hope this story isn't leading to Jason or Carly raising the baby.

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A freakin' men. To be honest Steve Burton barely acts either. They've all digressed to their stylistic acting cues.

I haven't watched this week for the most part but KMc hasn't impressed me at all the past few weeks. She just sighs an exasperated sigh and storms out of the room she hasn't done anything or even shown that her reaction to her PPD bothers her. It's just like she has a headache or a hangnail or something.


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The egotism from the writers needs to stop. Something NEEDS to change. The show isn't ENTERTAINING. At all.

Is it entertaining to root for mobsters who kill? Is it realistic for Sonny to want to force Jason to give his territory back to "STOP THE BAD GUYS"?! That's ACTUAL Sonny dialogue. How can they have Sonny say they need to stop the bad guys?! Who made it okay that the Sonny/Jason mob are the heroes. There is just nothing to relate to in that part of the show, and as other posters have said, IT'S 75% OF THE SHOW.

Root for Claudia when she is responsible for a pre-teen's irreversible coma and continually chasing DVDs to cover it up?

Root for Carly when she's a jealous, manipulative, cheating shrew?

Root for Sonny and Jason to win their MOB territory away from the BAD mobsters?

Root for Kate who is a hypocrite who slept with Jax for revenge, deliberately tried to tank Carly/Jax's marriage for "payback" and kept the love of her life from knowing he has a grown son by her estranged (until recently) cousin?

Root for Lulu who is obnoxious to EVERYONE who has ever been good to her because they voice concern for her safety with Johnny (a mobster)?

Root for the Zaccharras who would just as soon kill each other?

Root for the Quartermaines who have nothing to do but argue about dead relatives and Luke (who is always mob-connected)?

Root for the innocent farm girl Nadine (whose entire storyline is based on a tractor patent)?!

Who the hell cares????????

I can't even really root for Maxie/Spinelli, because the writers will just never commit to it. Truly. Ever.

WHAT is likable about this show?!

The dialogue is the least of my worries, when there are so many bigger problems with the morality, direction, and characters of this show. Normally the dialogue is twisted enough to distract from all of the things I mentioned about. But at its core, the show is as rotten as the day is long.

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So much to respond to here. GH makes my blood boil. Frons, Phelps, and Guza are GH's worse enemies. They make bad decision after bad decision. I cannot stop ranting about their insistence on killing of legacy characters and their children. Why kill off Georgie? Send her away to college. Whose bright idea was it to kill Emily and then turn around rehire Natalia Livingston who is a dreadful actress in another role?

The mob worship makes me crazy. Sonny, Jason and Spinelli are criminals, not misunderstood heroes waging a just war against the Zaccharras. Their supporting groupies include Carly, Sam, Kate, Olivia, etc. The thing is that I could deal with the mob love if their stories were not monopolizing the show. If they insist on having the mob, it should be 50% and remaining stories revolve around the Scorpio-Drakes-Jones, Spencers, Cassadines, and Quartermaines.

I never want Maxie with Spinelli. All she does is rational his criminal behavior. I noticed she apologized to him after their fight, but he didn't. At this rate, Maxie will end up just another mob groupie. Maxie should be with Matt and involved the hospital stories. I really dislike Lulu, but she too needs to be pulled out of the mob stories.

Steve Burton hasn't acted in years. I was watching some clips on YouTube from before the brain damage and afterward with his romance with Robin. It is impossible to believe that it is the same actor. He wasn't great, but he actually used to emote. He and MB are simply earning a hefty pay check. Eh, who can blame them really.

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Sarah Brown, Kirsten Storms and Rick Hearst are the only reasons to watch GH. They are the only ones who seem to be acting and trying to bring something fresh or worthwhile to the garbage Guza has been spinning for far too long now. Those three are never less than entertaining to me.

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