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ATWT: Week of January 5, 2009

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Seriously, what is the point of Katie promising anything, if it takes her less time to spill the beans than explain the entire set up for Brad to understand???

And really...does P&G think that hilariously bad excerpt from Henry's book is going to create a stampede for it?? *eyeroll*

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I thought the "big reveal" was emotionally dead. Good grief, Jade nuked (pardon the expression) Lucinda after that measly snot-laced remark? I hate to think of what she'd do if someone cut ahead of her in the check out lane. Then there's poor Lukey, making it all about him again..."everyone hates me"....*eyeroll* Well, I guess if "everyone" means Noah, the poor bastard you cheated on for no real reason.

The Craig/Dusty/Bratie stuff was a little better...but stupefying in it's own way...I don't have a clue why Brad all of the sudden confided in Dusty, or Dusty immediately decided to put the screws to Katie. But I will get down on my knees and kiss Dusty's ass if he starts raining down [!@#$%^&*] on Katie's head for her part in all of this. I've been waiting forever for someone to hold her accountable for anything she's done. I was just hoping it'd be Carly, not Thugsy.

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Quoting you again...lol

The whole Brian and Luke saga fell flat...Ugh.... Nu Jade has no acting abilty. Van Hansis acting today just plain awful. His facial expressions were just horrible. He should have been in panic mode not that stupid smirk on his face. At least Peter Brash used the word "bisexual" in his script. The Lucinda/Brian scenes were ok. It just lacked something. I did like Lucinda saying..so you still attracted to my grandson....and you tried bedding him...lol. The scenes would have been so much better had Lucinda caught Brian and Luke in bed together. But no we cant upset the Nuke fanbase. I would have taken Lucinda surprising Brian and Luke kissing. We got Jade instead blurting it out and not very well either.

The Craig/Dusty/Katie/Brad/Lucy fiasco....Ugh again. Another badly written story...what a surprise. The script writing is fine with me. I just hate Jean's overall outcomes to both stories. There is not one person to root for in the story. Why should anyone(the audience) care what happens to Johnny? If I had to root for anybody it would be Craig. I hate how Dusty acts like he is hollier than thou.

Now the acting....ummmmm....Craig is so one note character again now that Bryce is gone. How I would have loved Bryce playing Craig in today's scenes. But Goutman had to put his stinky foot in it.

Today's show could have been outstanding had some better actors and setups been thought out.

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I've been as critical as anybody recently about ATWT, but I must say I loved today's show. When Jade dropped that bomb, my jaw dropped a mile. Liz Hubbard is often accused of over-acting, but today she nailed her scenes! Instead of the hysterics we would see on other shows, she just radiated resignation and disappointment. Laurence Lau was right there with her. Also, I loved the Johnny ramifications , with people mixing who NEVER mix in Oakdale, like Dusty and Katie. Great show!

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It felt like an emotional fire sale...GMAFB...they can't bother to play out this (supposedly) HUGE reveal over more than one friggin' day? Guess Pissy and Goutman realized they filled up enough days with bad newbies, and they needed to clear the airtime for the endlessly vapid Johnny story and all the rammifications. :eyeroll:

Lindstrom is tanking in the role. He never commands a scene. But I'm sure as long as he doesn't bother adding any subtext to the role, Gouty will keep him front, centered and employed until ATWT's final days.

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