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AMC Getting a Studio Downgrade?

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This doesn't sound good, it sounds like a craptastic P&G-like move. When will these idiots learn that you need to spend some money to make some money? Obviously, production values aren't everything, story should come first. However, if you put on a crappy looking show that isn't up to date with the times in terms of looks, I seriously doubt you'll keep many viewers interested. Like it or not, the look of the show does have an impact on viewers.

By the sounds it of, it seems AMC will start looking like GL circa 2005 to early 2008. If this is indeed true of course.

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Didn't ATWT just move over to AW's old studio though? Does P&G have any owning interest in that studio? They also kept a lot of the old AW crew, of course.

But, what other studio space is there in NYC, if AMC is indeed moving out of its studio space? I thought ABC owned AMC's studio space, so why is it costing them all that money?

I'm surprised OLTL isn't being downgraded, but I guess it cost much less to produce than AMC.

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Well just because it says the ABC Television Center doesn't mean they own the building. I know of other companies out there that rent buildings but in their lease they are given the rights to name the location and plaster their name all over the building. ESPN for example, is leasing the building right outside Staples Center in what will be its west coast home. It's a brand new building which they are leasing from a company called AEG. Their lease is for something ridiculous, like 25 years or so.

Anyway, this is all speculative. I don't want this to be true. It brings down everyone's morale. :(

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The ABC logo is etched in stone outside the studio, so I'm pretty sure they own the space, but what do I know...

I'm more surprised that this news/rumor is about AMC and not OLTL.

ATWT took over AW's space in Brooklyn. In Queens, there's Silvercup (Ugly Betty, Hope & Faith, Jezebel James, Gossip Girl, 30 Rock...) and Kaufman-Astoria Studios (Cosby, Sesame Street...). If AMC is going anywhere, I have a hunch it would be one of those locations, particularly Silvercup. They aren't that hard to get to by subway, and of course there would be car services, but say you're a contract player who lives on the UWS and is able to save the cab fare by mingling with the common folk on a short subway ride home... I'd be pissed as crap.

Wow, I just can't imagine All My Children not taping in Manhattan, they're in such a great/convenient location smack dab in Lincoln square near Columbus Circle. How you gonna strand a mini-mogul like Susan Lucci in Queens?? You know she needs to get her lunchtime shop on at Bergdorf's...

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I kinda DON'T believe this. Has anyone here seen AMC's studio? It's not huge and they share a building with The View and their neighbor is a river. It's not like they're on Park Avenue. I don't think they could downgrade any further, except for doing the GL style of filming.

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