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ATWT: Week of December 22, 2008

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As if I needed more reason to loathe that doughy stooge. What I hate the most about this whole Nuke phenomenon is that all these random news outlets that are praising the show for Nuke don't know a god damn thing about a) As the World Turns and B) soaps in general. Nuke is overblown clap trap, thus making it crap!

I make it a point to visit Eileen's website at least once or twice a month because she regularly updates the front page with some information about what she's been up to lately and the such. She rarely mentions ATWT...at most, it's normally "I've been at the studio a lot lately, so I hope you get to see me soon" and the like, but in the latest update, she did two paragraphs about her frustrations with feeling like a "footstool" on the show and how she wishes the show and characters were more relateable. It's worth a read.

I can't wait until Lucinda finds out that grandbaby is trying to bone her man. My God, would it be wrong to want her to seriously go nuts on both their asses? Lord knows Maddie wasn't gonna do it!

And LOL about Deakins. She's several years before my time, and Rattray was still around when I was young, but I wasn't at the point of knowing who was who at that time, so I've been wondering for a while who that was lol.

Both of you stand behind me, I have no problems taking the pain for us all! If I never said it before, I'm saying it now. DOWN. WITH. NUKE!!! I'm in such a rage, a banner might come out of this!

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Nuke is a textbook example of an insta-couple. But they're a gay insta-couple, so that trumps all. Ugh. It bugs!

Whenever I watch the Luke-Comes-out-to-Kevin drama on YouTube, it just pisses me off. That story was SO NOT over! It just wasn't! The foreshadowing was there, the viability was there, everything was there! They just dropped it, pushed Luke into the back, and then a few months later, voila, let's give Luke a boyfriend so that everyone will think we're hip, cool, and truly outrageous.

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Your posts are always right on AMS.

I agree with your assessment of Nuke. Those who gush about it dont know the soap or care to know it. They just watch for Nuke.

I need to visit Eileen website. Do you have a link to it?

I doubt Lucinda will scratch out Luke's eyes out. I can hope so but I doubt it. She will take all her anger out at Brian.

Deakins was around my time of watching but I hardly remember her in the role. I remember Martha and Heather days as Lily.

I hope you make a banner soon, AMS.

Yup, Luke and Kevin had so much potential. The story was gaining steam and then it was dropped. The ratings for the show were much higher than with Nuke pairing. The writers really blew a good opportunity with Kevin and Luke.

LOL...or they are getting them from their crappy inturn contest...UGH!!

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Thanks for the link AMS. What Snyders...??..oh yes...Jack and Meg. There was no Emma..etc..and where were the Hughes? I miss the Hughes Christmas'.

Blah....Jack's same [!@#$%^&*] jealous of Carly with another man. I am so sick of the same drivel with Jack now. The same [!@#$%^&*] Joanny storyline...so not original. I hate this story already again.

Well at least you tired. :D

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Here is the number to reach ATWT or the email to complain about the show. I say use it to end Nuke. Tell them how boring they are as a couple and how they have lost all their fizzle. I thought of starting a new thread just for this but decided not to.

Call or email now and often!


[email protected]

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I have and I do. I tell them to end Nuke and either bring back Kevin, or let the Luke and Brian story move forward. The Luke and Brian story is kind of odd because of the age difference, but Brian's late blooming and the talks he has had with Luke and the chemistry between Lau and Hansis is so much better than anything Nuke.

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Well, let's be fair....Casey and Margo were on yesterday, and the Lily/Holden Snyders were on Mon and Tue.

That being said...it was a horrible Xmas Eve show. I loathed Janet the Obnoxious Holiday Elf and Craig was insufferable as usual.

Don't get me started on Jack. I love him...but he was an obnoxious jerk today. That he had a point about Craig was beside the point, he just went in guns blazing and didn't give Carly a moment to explain.

No wonder I love Carly. At least she tried having some holiday spirit.

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