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Yes GD, LAUSD laid off 6500, mostly administrative postions. And yes thy were very top heavy administratively. My issue with NCLB are stictly academic. We now teach to the test, to the standards, etc. Our measurement for learning is determined by those tests results. Since children learn in different ways, not all gather the knowledge at the same pace. I still have issues with the passage of prop 13 many, many years ago. It dramatically changed education's funding and I feel that education hasn't recovered since then. We regulate, demand adherence to the regulation, but neglect looking at the costs. Purchased any textbooks lately? (Do you buy your son's textbooks? Just curious) NCLB has greatly impacted the teacher credentialing program here in California also. And of course the two governing bodies, CDE and CCTC are miles apart. Yes there are many good teachers and there is also the turkeys, but believe it or not I've only met 3 at most in my 30+ years in education.

Didn't see any tea parties here, but wasn't looking. I'm from that old line of thinking that there are only 2 certainties in life.. Death and Taxes. Taxes are there, I pay, I live. So I guess I don't really let them affect me. Even though I may not agree with the premise of the tea partyers, I applaud their dissent. It's what this country is all about.

Yeah Calfornia is something else. I knew that Arnold would be the same as Davis, cause the issues are still the same. Not enough money to pay for goods and services. Yes we, have a beautiful coastline. (I especially love the central coast) And we have the most beautiful and majestic mountain range The Sierra Nevada. And of course I can't forget the desert :rolleyes: I love living in California. :D

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Okay, I just read this and am trying to figure out, based on the headline at the non-partisan, fair and balanced "Crooks and Liars" blog... how is it that Rush Limbaugh attacked McCain? There is no "attack", nor making light of McCain's experiences during Vietnam. Limbaugh isn't exactly my favorite commentator, but all I see here is Rush Limbaugh pointing out an inconsistency in McCain's previous statements about torture. Why is that not fair game for discussion?

This is the issue I see with politics these days... grotesque double-standard. A piece of crap like Janene Garafolo (not sure of the spelling, but she's a fruitcake so I could care less) claims tea parties are about white power and white hatred of Obama and the left doesn't bat an eye... A piece of crap like Rush Limbaugh makes an observation about John McCain's conflicting statements on torture and some lunatic left-wing blogger makes it seem Limbaugh attacked McCain and his service to his country.

If THAT statement qualifies as an attack, then I'd say somebody's got some pretty thin skin!!

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<<Once again, Goldendogs is reminded why UCLAN is fast becoming one of his favorite posters!!!>> :D

How do you spell Garafolo's name, anyways? :huh:

I never did respond to your last post, UCLAN... I think California rocks. However, the heat today did NOT rock. Nor did I enjoy LA traffic Friday afternoon. It was freakin' bumper to bumper the entire way up the 5 from Irvine to Santa Clarita. UGH!! However, I enjoyed the slow trek past "General Hospital"... afforded the opportunity to take yet a few more pictures of the familiar landmark. I sooooo want to stop by USC one day and wander the halls...

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Great deal, because some take their words to heart and think they are the only ones who tell the truth. That is, when they call themselves "right down the middle" but spend their time blasting "liberals" and calling them pieces or crap, but if Limbaugh or Hannity or any of these clowns are called out......

WOW, there is a problem.

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Hi Roman!

When are people like Limbaugh or Hannity NOT called out? And WHO makes their being called out a problem? I note that your beloved "Crooks and Liars" site very capably calls them out, or CNN and MSNBC, etc., without much fuss. They do it so often, it's old news.

But it's funny... I don't see anyone elsewhere in the media except Fox News calling out Keith Olberman or Gaingreen Garofoolio, and only then do they counter their points (usually by making fun of them) because they skewer FOX. Can you name for me, Roman, other legitimate mainstream news organizations that have denounced or criticized, for example, Garafoolow (to hell with the spelling again!!!) for her statements that all Republicans are racists?

And, Roman, do you agree with her statements that conservatives are all about white power and hating a black man in the oval office?

And, more importantly, how are you doing? Political debate aside... how have you been? We never really talk on a non-political basis and I really want to because I want to get along better with you. I would love a private message to just chat about life and stuff if you are up to it... :)

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These guys are all called out on both sides. Remember, these are not "news" shows. They are commentaries. Anytime you see "The .... show", it's someone's opinion of what is going on. In this day of cable and instant access, the lines have blurred. Your right Roman, a lot of people take this stuff to heart. That is a problem. But a bigger problem is the amount of credence that is given to a minority opinion. The "tea bag" movement is less than 1% of the entire population of the US. It got coverage like it was a great part of the population. Chavez and Obama's picture made the front page of the LA Times, yet it wasn't stated that they only actually were in the same room 3 times during the summit. The appearance is that they had a love fest.

The media has a lot to do with shaping our views. They are also very concerned with making money. So, what's the motivation? I don't know. What's the story that's going to sell papers, attract viewers.

On a side note: Notice the name GD. I really don't really want to trek through the "hallowed" halls of U$C. (ever in life!) :rolleyes:

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Ahhh, but it does raise the issue some Obama supporters wish not to discuss -- does Obama seemingly approachable and hospitable tact with rogue governments like those of Hugo Chavez or the Iranian midget really work to his advantage, or does the tact result in confusion around the world regarding American foreign policy and make Obama seem weak in the eyes of the world? I personally think it is a mistake for ANY American President to lower himself by even providing a chance for a photo op with the likes of a dirtbag like Chavez. Does anyone in the Obama administration really believe Chavez WON'T use the opportunity for personal gain?

:D You have to admit, though, it is a distinctive structure, regardless of its television heritage!

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Are you talking hospital or the "hallowed hallls of U$C" in south central? The hospital is a work of art. I have had the experience of visiting on one or more occasions. Architecurally the school is nice, but I really like the buidings in Westwood. :D

So tell me, anythoughts on the beauty pagent "controversy"? I think it's another "story" that was picked up on and thrust into the limelight. ThenJane Harmon wiretapping issue is something different. I'm still gethering information in order to formulate an opinion.

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And IA, there are TRUE conservatives in news that report the truth and are not beholden to one ideology or another. What makes me sick is that I and others and said and done that, but some don't want to listen, but then expect me or others to listen to them. Fox News? I don't get that on my tv, so when I see something posted from there I tend to not belive it, and that's me. That's how I am.

But if some people, who have posted some stuff that at times they even refused to apologize for even when people posted how offended they were, why should I listen to anything they have to say? (BTW, Michael Smerconnish is one of my favorites radio talk show host. I think he's a CONSERVATIVE, right?)

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