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Apparently you didn't read the first line.

Obama is a surrender monkey?

Maybe you need tyo edit this crap befre you post it, or better yet, try to post an artcile that doesn't refer to the POTUS as a surrender MONKEY.

And for someone who keeps telling everyone how ope minded they are wants the POTUS to suceed (still don't belive that crap) you sure can't post one positive article about anything he's done.

Damn shame.

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My, my... aren't you a bit touchy, Roman? Why are you bothered by the phrase "surrender monkey"? What do you think that implies? Again, you are showcasing your amazingly thin knowledge of pop culture and the world in which we live...


May I ask, Roman, what YOU thought it meant?

Edited by GoldenDogs
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Hey, I live in California too. It's the perfect place for me :lol: . I enjoy the debate too. It keeps the gray matter sharp. I haven't responded regarding the service learning requirement, because I'm still thinking about it. A lot of what you say rings true, but I haven't decided how I really feel.

But really think about this; we read and link and post things that validate our opinions. I try and read mostly all the links. I can't say that I don't lean one way, cause I do. I have found in my old age that I am open to ideas that I never would have considered when I was younger.

On a lighter note, I know when I see your name or Roman's on a post, that I will be entertained and even enlightened. :)

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Awww, UCLAN! :) You make posting fun these days, just as in the past Greg, Jess, and others have.

I love California, but things are so screwy these days, what with the budget issues and such. But I can't imagine living anywhere else. I love being close to the beach and the mountains. And the weather... love the weather! The past several days have been particularly beautiful... This next week, I'll be down in the LA area for work and it should be just a beautiful down there...

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I don't see a problem with making this a mandatory requirement for graduation. Many times, children must be MADE to partake in something they may not like, it happens throughout childhood. But once these students are MADE to do something that will help someone else who may desperately need it, then you just might see a change in that student. You may seem him gain a sense of accomplishment and pride for doing something that helps another. It's TEACHING them to care about their fellow man, to have a generosity of spirit, to not be some self-absorbed twit who wants to be paid for EVERYTHING they do, even scratching their butt. Of course, conservatives don't want this.. because above all else conservatives value money and material posessions more than they value people (Unless said people are friends and family). We make all kinds of requirements for graduation, some... like algebra... are virtually usless in everyday life. Teaching caring and generosity, and concern for your fellow man is something that will be carried with you all your life. Forcing against the will never works with ADULTS, Brian.... but with children, gentle to moderate force is required many times and is quite effective

Edited by alphanguy74
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Hi Alpha!

I don't disagree with anything you've said... not at all. I absolutely agree that gentle to moderate force is often required and very effective when nudging children in the right direction.

However, it is MY job as a parent to a 14 year old boy to teach him these things and, at MY discretion, to engage him in activities I feel are necessary to instill a compassionate nature in him. Fortunately, he is very compassionate, indeed, and looks for ways to help others.

I really don't feel it is the place of anyone else to instill morals or values in my kid. Mainly because, as we've seen in headlines across the country on an almost daily basis, those people may not exactly be who you want instilling ANYTHING in your kid. Do you feel, Alpha, that you can trust 100% the educators and government officials in your local schools, etc. to reflect the type of values you wish to see in the children in your lives? If you DO... then message me where it is you live, because I wanna move there! :D

BTW, I LOVE Ms. Cooper's yesteryear picture from Y&R!!! In some way, I feel that as long as she is around, Y&R and soaps in general may somehow continue...

Edited by GoldenDogs
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I applaud President Obama and his decision to allow military force to rescue the sea captain held by Somali pirates!


What a kick-ass use of Navy personnel... Impressive work to rescue this man. Obama made the right call and the results were awesome... >>applauds<< Nice to see Obama flex some muscle!

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Well, the answer to the question of WHERE... is in the midwest, and in any community with a population of 5,000 people or less. That's where you can trust local government and schools, by and large. I'm not saying the Children need to be forced into community service of the school's choosing... there should be a broad range of activites to choose from, and like elective courses in school... the child and parent decide together which is best for them.

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