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CNN has basically lost its way. MSNBC is similar to ESPN when it comes to their shows. They all beat you down with the same topics on just about every show.

I'll watch MSNBC because it's way more tolerable than Fox News for me. I don't think I can watch an entire hour of any of their shows though because it's like rinse and repeat. Lawrence O'Donnell irritates me when he gets on his "I'm going to educate you about religion" kick but I find him over the top anyway. Between him and Martin Bashir's total adoration of Barack Obama,,,,,

Anyway, the jet ski saga reminds me of the day Hilary Rosen dared to say that Ann Romney didn't know what it was like to work and raise kids. I knew that she meant leave the house and go to a job and that she wasn't putting down motherhood but to hear the idiotic media tell the tale was surreal. I was certain for that week to follow that I was in an alternative universe where all the dumb people had taken over. Sadly, that universe still exists to some degree.

At least they're not still milking that. Ever since I saw the clip of Wolf Blitzer insisting that Hilary Rosen apologize, I find it difficult to listen to him say anything at all. I could barely take many of those "journalists" seriously in the first place so this sort of thing only makes it worse.

I know we live in an age where everyone on television is a celebrity, but I honestly don't need to know the personal opinions or business of the people reading the news. And I don't need to hear all the quotes from twitter. I feel sorry for this social media generation because they will never know what real news is. That ship sailed.

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Wow, a perfect example of the republican mindset. Mt stupid brother in law was just bitching this morning abo0ut how the government was corrupt and robbing him of the money he EARNED because he had to pay 52% income tax several years ago on 1 MILLION dollars of income. Oh BOO FREAKIN HOO. I told him I would be more than happy to pay 50 percent income tax if I made 500,000$ a year. He said "No you wouldn't", and I emnphtically said "YES I WOULD". He's ultra religious, I wanted to say "Yes I would, because I don't worship money and material posessions". He's got his panties all in a bunch cause he's been unemployed for over a year now, and is having to live on his savings. Oh, poor baby. If he wasn't such an asshat, then companies wouldn't be so quick to get rid of him when the chips are down.

Edited by alphanguy74
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In 4 years I don't know if anyone will even remember him. He gets attention for being a loudmouth, not for any of his actual positions. If being a loudmouth was what got you the nomination, Sarah Palin would be there instead of Romney.

Speaking of Romney, John Boehner says a truth, and has to backpedal as fast as possible.


Emphasis on this:

Can you imagine the cries of bigotry if a Democrat had said that part about "fellow Mormons"?

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Not too subtle from Romney here. He knowingly gets into a situation where he's sure to get booed by the NAACP. Cue all kinds of talk about how tough he is, he doesn't back down, and Rove and friends banking on the "heartland" seeing this as poor Romney victimized by those scary dark-skinned people.


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What an idiot. This man has to have the worst campaign strategists surrounding him. Who goes into a speech to the NAACP saying this.

Now according to his "talkers" he's trying to gain a small part of the African American voters because he knows at least 10 percent of them are against the Affordable Care Act. Apparently if he gets 15% of them he's a shoe in. Where that number comes from no clue.

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In terms of ugly racist strategy, it works - a lot of voters hate black people. Of course why he is still trying to firm up this voter base is something I don't get. I guess he knows how unpopular he is and the apathy he produces.

Don't worry - he has secret black supporters!


You can't make this up.


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Some of the analysts on MSNBC suggested prior to and continue to suggest that his appearance is about his white voters. He supposedly showed them that he's not afraid to stand up to black people by referring to the AHCA as "Obamacare."

I think they may be reading too much into it. He's just following today's political handbook in terms of showing up at certain events. He's not going to be any more at home there than he seems to be at most places since being around people in general seems to take him way out of his comfort zone.

I'm still trying to figure out why he even wants to be President. He doesn't appear to be an idealist nor does he seem to be politically savvy. It's almost as if he has some list that says he should accomplish something his father didn't and he's going to just keep trying until he does.

He's going to be a constant reminder of how terrible the Republican party is at finding Presidential candidates. They're pretty lucky that George and Barbara gave them two sons and the Democrats mess up as well. They're batting 1000 in the guys we don't really like category. John McCain and now the reject of that last bunch. The only fire they can generate is the "kill Obama" fire and it's laughable that Ann Romney was whining about "kill Mitt' considering her party only really cares about "kill Obama" and nothing about her precious Mitt.

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This is what happens when liberals and Democrats split a vote:


Meanwhile, Drudge is saying Condi is high on the VP list. I don't really believe that. I think this is a shell game so that the true believers (the only ones Romney cares about, and the only ones the money men care about) will be more relieved when the choice is more boring and safe, like Portman or the odious "T-Paw."

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