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Roman, you never explained why you think that she makes a bad senator. Would it be too much trouble for you to please elaborate?

Assuming that she gets the Democratic nomination next year (which is highly likely), how likely are you to vote for her GOP opponent instead (assuming that said opponent is very conservative like most Missouri Republicans are)? Or, will you choose to not vote at all in that election, or for a member of a third-party instead? (I will likely stop jumping to conclusions if you tell me that you plan to vote for a typical MO conservative Republican over McCaskill next year. Indeed, it is possible that you dislike McCaskill for reasons other than her moderation. However--given the fact that you indicated how terrible Mitch McConnell is--most reasonable people would conclude that you probably would not vote for a Republican for Senate, since that would increase McConnell's chances of becoming majority leader.)

And when you suggested that liberal vs. conservative doesn't even enter the equation for you--but perhaps it does for me--you were once again jumping to conclusions (despite previously chiding me for doing the same). I wasn't trying to be mean or nasty by pointing this out; rather, I just chose to do so in order to show that you yourself seem to jump to conclusons about what I might think.

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California is toast, Roman. LOL... Seriously. There is no hope for my state. It's a shame... such a beautiful place, but it has been run into the ground. Schwarzenegger sucked as governor, so does Brown. Of course, it doesn't really matter who is in the governor's mansion because the state legislature runs things... into the ground. They don't seem to get that there IS NO MONEY. I'm not quite sure what they're doing in Sacramento each day, frankly.

Hmm... legalizing weed... big deal here these days. For the longest time, some dude was stationed outside of the nearby Walmart, petition in hand, looking for signatures to reverse a local county ordinance banning larger medical marijuana stores (or whatever you call them). The local ordinance states that no more than a certain amount should be available... or something like that.

You know, if things would get magically better by legalizing marijuana or any other substance currently classified as illegal I might be all for it. But I seriously need someone to answer this question for me, because I'm lacking knowlege on this... I have wondered why a marijuiana "pill" won't work to ease pain in a terminal patient or take the edge off... whatever... and that only SMOKING weed helps. If it is about the "substance", why isn't it satisfactory to produce a pill one could take to achieve the same effect as smoking grass? I also don't get why, in some instances, the very same people advocating the legalization of marijuana are demanding that cigarettes should be banned... Seems hypocritical to me. Not that I'm a big nicotine fan... or alcohol (gasp, shock!) for the matter... curious as to your thoughts on this, Roman... and anyone else reading this.

I guess I could be called a dull and boring person... Never smoked pot or cigarrettes... never had an interest. And I don't really like the taste of alcohol. Sipped some wine last month while on vacation and my tastes haven't changed... still didn't like it!

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Tell you what, max. When you elaborate why McCaskill is not liberal enough (your words) then I'll tell you why Most Missourians can't stand (not being available for her constituents, never being the state, the private plane fiasco, voting against the cash-back car legislation 2 years ago, no transparency at all). Oh, sorry. I just listed the reasons. Now, if they are not to your liking, I am sorry, and cannot and WILL not do anything about that. But I am starting to realize that talking politics with you is not a positive experience. you see others in this forum talking politics with some candor and respect. Not saying that you don't, but you seem to calling people out on almost every comment, like they should always explain themselves to you. I'm now at the point where i will no longer do that with you, max. I believe what i believe. If a case can be made to me, or I to others, for others to t least understand where each of us is coming from (while still seeing things differently), i welcome that.


But i will not come on here every single time to explain myself to you. Sorry, Max. That day, along with the days of me acting like an immature idiot towards anyone who disagrees with me, are done. Over and out. I hope you can see what I'm saying. I truly hope this.

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Dull? Boring? YOU? Please. I thought you were talking about me. LOL! I agree with you about a weed 'pill', but i also think that unless the legal drug industry can get their hands on something like this and make a significant monetary windfall, it won't happen. Remember when W. outlawed going to Canada or internationally to get prescriptions drugs for a much cheaper price? IMO, he did it for no other reason than helping his cronies in the industry achieve record profits, which they did.

I still remember reading about Bruce Lee. When he dies, the autopsy showed he had canibus is his system. he suffered from severe migraine headaches, brought on by his rigorous training. He had lost so much weight and had so little body fat (if any) that it caused his MHs. The ONLY thing that brought him any comfort was marijuana. But, the over-the-counter pill he took the night he died swelled his brain, and it pressed so hard against his skull that it led to his death.

Amazing, isn't it? the marijuana helped relieve his pain, but the OTC pill took his life.

I feel that any state Congress would legalize a goat sitting on the top on a counter at a McDonald's if they could get some type of tax money from it.

I also never understood how just smoking weed can relieve some of the painful symptoms that many people get. I feel there are and have been cures to many diseases that ail us all, but as long as the pharmaceutical companies are making their billions, we will NEVER see the light of day with these drugs. Brian, maybe you all in the great Cali. need to peacefully go and do a sit-in in Sacramento. maybe if they heard you all, all walks of life, they will listen. There are many here in Mo. and Ill. who have planned to do that very thing.

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Well, I don't doubt that the effects of marijuana helps some terminal patients with pain... But the people I see pushing for legalization (ie: protests, waving signs and banners, petitions, etc.) look to be some of the most fit and active among us. It's confusing to me. And I agree, if there is money to be made from something, including legalizing certain narcotics, lawmakers would jump on it. They haven't - even in California - for a reason... Not sure what it is, but it certainly suggests a need for more research. The dangers of OTC pills and the greedy pharmaceutical companies notwithstanding, I need to know why an FDA-approved pill that meets legal requirements and is safe can't accomplish for those in need what smoking a join will do. I'm all for making any medicinal properties in weed available to those in need in an appropriate way... but I would definitely like to know the answers to these questions...

As for the possibilities of a sit-in in Sacto... I know I'm going to take heat for saying this... but some of us can't go and protest because we have jobs. Now, I'm not blatantly stating that all protesters (tea party or ows) are all unemployed bums... but I often wonder how a person can facilitate hanging out somewhere for days or even months with responsibilities at home. Just wonderin'...

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Well, allot may be former students, many are hippies from the 60s, and many more are unemployed. My guess. Shoot i don't know all these people. Hell, I don't know even one. LOL! Just guessing. But I still see your point.

As for the marijuana....just like any other social service plan, we will have those who just want to use it for very selfish reasons, like just getting blasted to the far winds. Lot of bong heads who just want free marijuana. That's why I'm seeing that it should be in prescription form, from a certified doctor. It will not mean that people won't be able to get around it. Nothing is perfect, but it'll be a start.

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I can shed some light on the Marajuana thing. the reason that it is not put into a pill form is that since Marajuana is a herb, and not a man made chemical, legally, it cannot be patented. So therefore, there's not enough money in it for the drug companies to want to mess with. What they DID do, was attempt to chemically synthesize the chemical in Marajuana, THC... and they do have that patented... but like most things man made, it doesn't work very well... it's not quite the same. the drug is called Marinol. Many think that making marajuana completely legal, and taxing the hell out of it would be something that would be a boon to struggling state economies. I have to agree.... and I am the most anti-subsatnce person you will ever meet. i've never smoked a cigarette, no drugs, no alcohol, I don't even drink COFFEE.

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Thank you! That is what doing some research is all about! Bless you, because I honestly didn't know. Also, Brian, Lee was allergic to a chemical in the OTC pill called equagesic [sic] and that is what caused his death. Sorry. I didn't include that. I do not and will not agree that all illegal drugs should be legalized, but I still don't understand why marijuana cannot, since it is the only herbal drug (to my knowledge) that is used for medical purposes. And yes, if taxed, could be a serious boon for our economy.

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I agree.. Marajuana to me, is no different that alcohol... but I certainly don't think Cocaine and other stuff should be legalized by any means. I, however... don't feel that anyone should go to jail for drug use. Fined out the wazoo, yes... but not go to jail. Or if they have no money, they should be forced to perform work for the state.

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You are putting words in my mouth, Roman, as I never said that I dislike McCaskill for not being liberal enough; rather, that was a criticism that I have heard from liberal commentators and bloggers/posters. I do appreciate the fact that you finally explained why you have a problem with her.

What really upsets me is this double standard that you seem to have: while blasting me for making assumptions of what others think, you yourself seem to have no problem doing so (given that you have already suggested that I seem to judge senators based on how conservative or liberal they are, and given that you have suggested that the Republican agenda is to suppress the black vote in the South).

With all due respect, you seem to still be pretty immature yourself. So if you no longer want to talk politics with me, I would be fine with that.

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Regarding the whole nicotine vs. marijuana legalization debate, I also wanted to say that I'm consistent on this matter: since both substances are detrimental, both should be banned. (In certain instances, I would make an exception if medical professionals can show that either substance can heal a disease in a way that no other medications are able to.)

There's another disgraced and unethical Wall Street executive making the news this week: it's Jon Corzine, the liberal Democrat who formerly served as NJ Governor (and was a U.S. Senator prior to that). Today, he resigned as head of MF Global, after a scandal that is currently engulfing the company:


I've criticized Chris Christie many times in the past. But despite the fact that he is blatantly running for president in 2016 (and thus not devoting his primary energies towards being governor), I'd gladly take him any day over Corzine.

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