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Y&R: Week of November 24, 2008

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GREAT ending! The little actress who played Ana broke my heart at the end of today's episode. She is more than just a singing prop, and I hope TPTB work on her dramatic talents some more, because she can shape up to be an amazing versatile actress. And once again, Esther/Kate Linder stole those Chancellor scenes! I want Katherine to stay dead for awhile longer lol.

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Today's episode was great. It was a good classic family soap episode. Most of the plots didn't really advance, but you need that when you do family-centered holiday episodes. I thought it was really smart of them to amp of the Tyra/Ana storyline, which is the one story that had been pretty dull when compared to the others.

Again a great ensemble piece with many great interactions. Y&R is a true example of a soap that's best when it goes back to basics.

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I loved Esther today and she finally looked classy. Esther telling Jill that she just fired herself was too funny!! I loved every minute of today's episode and the Winter's family storyline just went up a few notches to finally make them interesting. I really felt for Ana an.d Devon since he'd already been through that

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I am loving me some Nikki and Paul!

I have never given a damn about couples on soaps. I have always been about the intrigue and drama-

But I am loving these two together and I hope it continues. Melody was friggin adorable.

And I love Victor and Ashley as a couple.

The show has made such excellent choices and the show is benefiting greatly.

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Jill and Esther were hilarious, I loved Esther firing herself. LOL!

Jack visiting Victor in prison was classic.

Nikki and Paul are in that "cute" phase.

LOL! at Katherine working at the diner. I LOVE it whenever they bring out that diner set, and I hope they use it after this storyline wraps. I know it was used a few months ago for the River storyline, and it was used in 2005 when Daniel and Lily were on the run. but is this the same diner set that was used during the original Katherine/Marge storyline?

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i LOVE Murphy! He's my new favorite character on Y&R. And Paul and Nikki...awwwwwww! I love that Victor and Nikki have found good enough mates so we won't be checking the clock to see when Victor and Nikki are going to get back together. In fact, I wouldn't mind if they stayed apart for a long while.

After watching Jill today, it occured that Jill would make the perfect lesbian. She's such a battleaxe that to see her with some petite, sweet almost Sabrina-like lady would be very interesting to see. I don't think it would be a stretch to believe that after all her hearbreak and experience with men that she couldn't fall in love with a woman. Y&R wouldn't do it but I think it would be a terrific s/l.

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