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Any Capitol Fans Here?


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Leanne couldn't have been a suspect because she died shortly before the show ended. She got into an argument with Kate and fell down the Clegg staircase.

As for the actors and their other roles, you're right, but I guess I grew attached to them in their Capitol roles. The only other soap I've watched was GH and I no longer watch that show because it has become way too mob-centric. As the writing on GH went downhill, I was collecting Capitol episodes from tape traders and finding it to be my favorite soap of all-time. I'm in a very small minority in this respect and probably even smaller, considering that my favorite characters on the show, while they were considered leads, were probably not as popular as, say, Sloane and Trey.

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I don't anticipate I'll get much response to this question, but I don't have anything to lose by giving it a try: Does anyone have any taped episodes of Capitol that they would be willing to trade with me? In particular, I'm looking for episodes from Clarissa & Mark's trip to Paris in April 1985 and Clarissa and Baxter's honeymoon in around July 1986. I have a lot of episodes of varying video quality available for trading, should anyone be interested. Since not as many people had VCRs back when Capitol originally aired and it has only aired once in the U.S., taped episodes of the show have been hard to come by. However, it doesn't hurt to ask.

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I don't have any of that material, but I do have some episodes on tape at my other home. I promise one of these days I'll get them on YouTube! :D

A man called Claudio has many great eps (in Italian) on tape, I'm sure you've seen them on YouTube. He also runs the Capitol Megasite.

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I have many of the Italian eps through trading with Claudio and I've seen his site and what he's posted on YouTube. I don't think he's trading anymore. Thanks for the suggestion, however, and I'm looking forward to seeing your clips on YouTube someday. The eps I'm looking for are really hard to find and that's why I wish they would re-air the show somewhere, whether it be on DVD, online, or on some cable/satellite network. Unfortunately, I don't think there's enough demand for that to happen.

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I found a site online once, I guess it was geared towards foreign TV markets, but they were advertising Capitol. They gave a brief synopsis, the number of episodes, et cetera. It's too bad that it's not available for purchase to the average Joe.

I've only seen very little of Tammy Wynette on the show, I can't really judge. But she seemed like a charming, sassy Southern lady. I know she sang on the show with Wally.

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An interview with John Conboy from the 6/8/82 SOD, Network Publishing Co, where he talks about creating the show, and they have some cast photos. I also have some other writeups from around this time, and a black and white ad which is a bit odd (I guess they couldn't have faces because they hadn't cast actors at that time), if I can find it. This interview had some photos from a party thrown for Conboy, but they were mostly of Y&R cast, so I didn't scan them right now as I didn't think they were appropriate for this thread. If you want to see them let me know.




Edited by CarlD2
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Thanks for sharing this Carl! I know I've read some of this before at the Capitol Megasite because there's that line from Conboy that always gets on my nerves about untrained actors making such astonishing choices because they don't know how to be dishonest. Puh-LEASE! :rolleyes: I'm sitting here thinking about how excited I would have been reading this article in 1982, hindsight/unmet potential, what a downer. But there certainly was some fun memorable stuff on the show, I have GOT to get what eps I have on YouTube.

The party pics I think you're talking about are on the Capitol Megasite, like, Donna Mills, Liberace, The Hoff, right? (So did JC wear a piece back then or did he just go full Joey Lawrence and shaved it all off? :ph34r: )

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