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B&B: Week of September 29, 2008

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I really didn't like Ridge talking about Nick yesterday. He was warning Katie, but if his hypothetical played out, it would affect him as well, not just her.

Lol at Ridge putting the ring on Brooke's finger today. Shouldn't her finger be about full of rings by now?

I really didn't see the Eric and Donna confrontation coming. I'm glad it happened, but I'm surprised.

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I have been rooting for Kay Alden to become the sole head writer since she signed onto the B&B. William J. Bell had the utmost respect for her talent. If you recall when he stepped down he elevated her to replace him as head writer on Young and the Restless.. He must be turning in his grave knowing how Bradley has butchered this show. Ughh!!

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One small bright spot IMO is that we're still seeing different people. We still see Felicia and Thorne, when, IMO, they could easily leave them out. And that conversation with Beth and Katie shows that Beth still is involved. I like those little things that should be there anyway, but have been left out before.

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B&B is absolutely horrible and I honestly don't know if its Brad Bell or Kay Alden who is to blame. B&B has this pattern of either being really good or really terrible and it is all over the place right now. The only character I like at the moment is Owen. Also, where are Marcus and Steffi?

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But imagine if Nick suddenly died and Felicia got a GOOD story. The show would be much better. B&B's resistance to playing the best characters is off-putting.

I agree, although I personally have no interest in Marcus and Steffi.

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I'm trying to get back into this show, but I'm finding it very hard to do. It's so freaking over the top and not in the good way like it used to be just a few years ago.

Pam needs to go. She's not Stephanie and she'll never be Stephanie. She's a cartoon and that's not what we need as a the lead villain on the show.

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I'm so tired of Pam!

They should bring back Kimberlin Brown, Sheila is the ultimate in soap bad girls! B)

Now she's lost her baby, I foresee Katie becoming obsessed with Jack - how soon before Katie kidnaps the kid? :lol:

LMAO at Brooke carrying her "new fashion accessory" around today(KKL has a real bond with that baby, which is nice).

I also like Owen, but I wish Brandon Beemer wasn't being wasted on Jennifer Gareis, he'd really sizzle in a sexy SL with Lesli Kay.

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what was the point of this horrible story of Nick, Katie and Bridget's if only to kill off Katie's baby. Its so obvious that they are setting up for Katie to be jealous of Brooke getting to raise a baby with Nick and not her. This trianle is so lame. Are we supposed to buy Nick/Katie as a valid couple? They were never given a chance to fall in love and Im not feeling it. If anything, maybe some on Katie's end but definetly not from Nick. This baby was the only reason why they were together and they should have used that to get them closer and develop feelings for each other, but instead they didnt and it seems like a rushed mess

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