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German soaps: GZSZ, UU & AWZ


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Unter Uns… ugh.. First Corinna was dying and now Chris slept with Jennifer. 

I heard that the actor of Chris Weigel2 will take a break because he is on tour with his musical or something like this. I really think they should’ve sent Chris/Corinna away with their son and let them come back later with a Corinna recast tbh.

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So far, nothing spectacular has happened on any of the 3 soaps this year (other than Corinna's unnecessary death on UU).

GZSZ's cross-over with its "Leon" spin-off with Leon and Sarah (Verena's look-a-like) returning to the main show was a failure. I mean, Leon only appeared in 2 or 3 episodes before returning to the coast, and then Sarah decided to stay in Berlin without having any ties to anyone? And the only storyline they came up with was having Erik become infatuated with her? They could've exploited the doppelgänger angle, or at least give Sarah a storyline with Philip, who accidentally killed Verena back in the day.

Speaking of doppelgänger: There's a now also a storyline on AWZ where Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen plays both Jenny Steinkamp and her look-a-like Nina. Very original 

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Other than that, AWZ lost Julia Wiedemann (Lucie Ziegler) earlier this year. In turn, Marc Dumitru (Kilian Reichenbach) and Sarah Victoria Schalow (Hanna Kern) joined the cast. Hanna is Daniela's (Berrit Arnold) half-sister.

On GZSZ, Eva Mona Rodekirchen (Maren Seefeld) is expected to return this spring. She left the show last year after having been on contract for 12 years. Also, Daniel Noah (Sascha Beck), Timur Ülker (Nihat Güney), Niklas Osterloh (Paul Wiedmann), Nina Ensmann (Jessica Reichelt) and Lars Pape (Michi Bode) have renewed their contracts. In turn, Valentina Pahde (Sunny Richter) said goodbye after more than 8 years. She last aired on March 24th, 2023.

Also, Sat.1 is reportedly developing a new daily soap opera (after many failures since the 90s, the last one being "Alles oder Nichts" which ran from October 2018 to January 2019). The working title of the new show is "Die Landärztin" (= "The (Female) Country Doctor"). According to a press release, the soap is supposed to be targeted at "older women who still watch linear TV". It is produced by Filmpool which is also responsible for RTL2's pseudo-soaps "Berlin – Tag und Nacht" and "Köln 50667" and several other scripted reality shows.

Edited by Huntress
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Sat.1 will never learn lol 

Their soap “Hand aufs Herz” had such a strong fan base and they still cancelled it.

i think the only Novelas/Soaps that worked were “Verliebt in Berlin” and later “Anna und die Liebe” even without Anna this show survived strongly. Never understood why they cancelled it. 

I wonder if this new show targeting older women has something to do with the comeback of the cancelled show on ARD “Tierärztin Dr Mertens“ lol

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German soaps are so boring this year.

only good one is the daily novela „Sturm der Liebe“..

But Sturm der Liebe lost André Konopka after 15-16 Years.

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 And we lost Shirin and Gary. At least they’ve got an Happy End. Gary and Erik were such an hilarious comedy duo. It’s such a shame that we lost them together.


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Is there any place to watch GZSZ online other than RTL? I know the Moritz and Luis fans upload some episodes with subtitles. However, the episodes are months behind and I want to see the latest ones, even without subtitles.

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Nah. Not really. No one bothers to upload them anymore coz RTL has been killing any site there was.. 

But U could use a vpn and watch it all over RTL +

Im really disappointed with the German Soaps in 2023.. UU killed off Corinna

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 Brought back OG Jennifer from The 90‘s with nothing to do, rest of the Storys been dragging since 2022 like the David-Vivi-Tobias story, all the newbies bringing nothing but boredom to the table.

Gzsz had a boring year too so far. There is not one memorable thing that happened besides Sasha/Emily. Rest is meh.

AWZ has been dead for over a year. 
Dahoam is Dahoam has been interesting coz they have a gay couple in a small town over 50.. AND there was a fire like 3-4 months ago that gave some characters a lot to do. 

Sturm der Liebe lost so many cast members that made that show worthwhile again. With them gone we are in a slump there.

Rote Rosen has been boring too for a while.


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Only on RTL+ and they have like all episodes from UU, AWZ, GZSZ. But u need a premium account for like 5 bucks and the. just use a vpn and then u can watch all episodes.

ive tried so hard to upload those shows back in the day for friends outside of Germany but nah. RTl is tougher than CBS/Sony ffs. I swear to god the minute me or one of my friends uploaded GZSZ they were taken down immediately. Insane. But 5 bucks and nearly all of the 7700 episodes GZSZ, 7200 episodes UU and 4250 episodes of AWZ is a great deal and they have some other shows too (international ones).

RTL has like two more soaps no one really talks about. Berlin - Tag und Nacht (Day and night) and Köln 50667 but they are so horrible. They have some good storylines here and there but the acting stinks. 

Köln 50666 is struggling with their ratings and RTL2 has revamped the show this year with a complete new cast besides Jan (the sole surviving OG from 2013) and the ratings are worse than ever. I think they should cancel it by now. I’m normally against cancelling soaps to keep the genre alive but Köln has been dead for years

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Haha, that's because they are not "proper" soaps, but pseudo-soaps – basically scripted reality shows with non-actors (in German, we call these kind of people "Laiendarsteller").

This is so disappointing. They brought Jenny back after 25 years (not counting her brief guest appearance two years ago), made her a regular, and now she's leaving again this month.

Apparently Jo Weil (Dominic) is now a contract player on UU, and he will soon be reunited with his former "Verbotene Liebe" co-star Miriam Lahnstein, who has joined the show as "Patrizia", Stella's mother. Lahnstein is best-known for her role als villainess Tanja von Lahnstein on VL, whom she played from 1995 to 2001, from 2004 to the show's cancellation in 2015, and in the short-lived reboot "Verbotene Liebe – Next Generation" (2020-2021).

Another familiar face joins AWZ later this month: Sila Sahin, who rose to fame as Ayla Özgül-Höfer on GZSZ, plays Miray Öztürk, a relative of Leyla's (Suri Abbassi). Sahin starred on GZSZ from 2009 to 2014, until she abruptly left the show and her character had to be recast within a short span of time.

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I don't know what happened behind the scenes at UU, but first Corinna died in March, then Jenny left earlier this month, and now Chris is also gone. Why did they bring back these three original characters if they don't do anything with them in the long run? Corinna and Chris should have become the new heads of the Weigel family ... but now, no member of the core family is left, except Paco and Sina.

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Instead Claudelle Deckert (Eva), who earlier this year left the show after 22 years because "she was over it", returned a few days ago. There's going to be another "Event Week" in November called "Vertrau mir – Ich bin dein Mörder!" ("Trust Me – I'm Your Murderer!") which will focus on Eva and Dominic (Jo Weil). This is the official synopsis:

Lawyer Eva Wagner (Claudelle Deckert) has made powerful enemies in the underworld and needed to go into hiding. She had to leave her great love Dominic Adams (Jo Weil) behind. Ute Kiefer (Isabell Hertel) is not entirely innocent of this. She now does everything she can to reunite the couple and confides in Jakob Huber (Alexander Milo). But Jakob plays a dangerous double game and lures evil into Schillerallee. Bomb alert! The residents are in extreme danger and have to take the fight for their lives into their own hands. The explosive ordnance defense specialist Henry Gerlach (Maxim Agné) is called to help. A race against time begins: The head of the criminal organization, Hector Mertens, has planted the bomb and wants to let it explode if Eva doesn't surrender herself to him ...

Speaking of grave danger, GZSZ recently had a storyline which culminated in a hostage situation:

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Also, GZSZ has shot on location in Paris, France. A special feature-length episode feauturing the Paris storyline will air sometime later this year. Apparently, the main characters will be Laura (Chryssanthi Kavazi), John (Felix von Jascheroff) and Emily (Anne Menden).

Some new outtakes:

Flashback: Dominik's funeral (December 2014):

Last, but not least: Sat.1's new daily soap venture "Die Landarztpraxis" ("The Country Doctor") debuts on October 23rd, 2023 at 7.45 pm – which means it airs against GZSZ. This is bound to be yet another flop for Sat.1. For now, they've ordered 60 episodes. Caroline Frier (of AWZ fame) plays the main character. Oliver Franck (ex-GZSZ) also stars. The other cast members are still unknown.

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Sina‘s actress is taking a break from UU for a while. It was announced two days ago.. soooo. Paco is like the only Weigel left lol oh wait… Cilly is a Weigel too. 

I hate UU so much right now. I’m really thinking about giving it up. Last time I was this struggling with UU was 2004-05. Rufus and Romy 1 were so annoying..

On AWZ- Chiara‘s actress is taking also a break. The only reason for me to watch AWZ was Chiara. AWZ has been dead for a while tbh.

Gzsz had its moments during the past few months but I’m not feeling it right now

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