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German soaps: GZSZ, UU & AWZ


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Preview Pictures August 2017


Unter uns
01. While Andrea (Astrid Leberti) has a lucky streak at the casino, Benedikt (Jens Hajek) suspects that his wife has turned to gambling to distract herself from her trauma of shooting a man 02. Easy (Lars Steinhöfel) kisses Finn (Jan-Martin Müller) for the very first time 03. Bambi (Benjamin Heinrich) and Sina (Valea Scalabrino) don't know how to react when their daughter Amelie catches them while they are having sex 04. Streetkid Manu (new series regular Lea Freund) has been disappointed by Schillerallee residents Rufus and Britta and returns to the streets 05. Britta (Tabea Heynig), Rufus (Kai Noll), Irene (Petra Blossey) and Easy take care of Malte (Stefan Bockelmann) who fears that his wife Caro has been killed in a plane accident 06. In prison, Kay-C (Pauline Angert, left) fights with her cellmate 07. Easy has sex with another man for the first time 08. Valentin (Aaron Koszuta) and Benedikt once again have a heated argument 09. Easy, who wants to keep his affair with Finn a secret, gets in trouble when Ringo (Timothy Boldt) gets a hold of his cell phone 10. Till (Ben Ruedinger) and Eva (Claudelle Deckert, right) are shocked when Ute (Isabell Hertel) asks Eva to become Ute and Till's daughter's godmother. The problem is that Ute doesn't know that the babies were switched at the hospital and that she's raising another woman's daughter!


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Alles was zählt

01. Jenny (Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen) is happy that she's not pregnant, but Deniz is a bit disappointed... 02. Vanessa (Julia Augustin) is shocked when Iva (Christina Klein) suddenly suffers from a sepsis after an operation that Vanessa performed 03. Jenny and Deniz are wondering who Richard's (Silvan-Pierre Leirich) new business partner might be 04. Ben (Jörg Rohde) blames Carmen (Heike Warmuth) for his financial troubles 05. Christoph (Lars Korten) and Vanessa are worried about Iva's condition 06. With the help of the devious Stephanie (Ann-Cathrin Schaible), Vincent (Daniel Buder) tries to sabotage Jenny and Deniz's business 07. Stephanie is responsible for Jenny falling into a lake during a promotional event 08. Michelle (Franziska Benz) breaks things off with Ronny (Bela Klentze) 09. Diana (Tanja Szewczenko) and Ingo (André Dietz) tell Ronny that they are confident that they can stay in their apartment 10. Simone (Tatjana Clasing) calls on Richard to choose between Ben and the family business



Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten

01. While searching for Jasmin, Emily (Anne Menden) gets lost in Venice 02. With Emily and Katrin (Ulrike Frank, right) at her side, Jasmin (Janina Uhse) is ready to take her future in hand [and Janina Uhse departs the show after 9 1/2 years) 03. Nina Ahrens (new series regular Maria Wedig) and her teenage son Luis (new series regular Maximilian Braun) arrive in Berlin 04. Lilly (Iris Mareike Steen) celebrates her birthday with Paul (Niklas Osterloh), Anni (Linda Marlen Runge), Chris (Eric Stehfest) and Tuner (Thomas Drechsel) 05. Jule (Luise von Finckh) is mugged at the café 06. Anni is heartbroken when Katrin tells her that Jasmin has easily settled into her new life without her 07. Jule and Anni try to be there for one another 08. Paul and Emily argue about Emily's business plans 09. Maren (Eva Mona Rodekirchen) asks John (Felix von Jascheroff) to come clean about his illegal money transactions 10. Laura (Chryssanthi Kavazi) tries to get buddy-buddy with Luis and Katrin


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Some casting news:

  • Oliver Franck has joined the cast of GZSZ in the contract role of Martin Ahrens. He is Nina's (Maria Wedig) husband, Luis's (Maximilian Braun) father and works as lawyer. Wedig and Braun first appeared on August 3rd, 2017, while Franck debuted on August 28th, 2017. The Ahrens family is apparently harboring a dark secret that will slowly unfold.
  • Christina Klein will depart AWZ on October 19, 2017. The 26-year old actress and singer joined the cast in October 2014 as Iva Lukowski. For most of her run, Iva didn't have a major storyline and only appeared as a sidekick to Marie, Michelle and Vanessa. Her biggest storyline involved her being stalked by one of her bandmates.
  • Robert Maaser (Tim Hayer) made his final appearance on AWZ on September 1st, 2017. He only joined the cast this past March.
  • When it was announced that Stefan Bockelmann would depart UU after being on contract for 16 consecutive years, it was speculated that his on-screen partner Ines Kurenbach might also be on her way out. The two actors are indeed leaving the show together on September 18th, 2017, when their characters Malte Winter and Caro Kasper Winter decide to start a new life in South Africa. Kurenbach's Caro entered the scene in August 2014.
  • In turn, Alexander Milo has joined the cast of UU in the new contract role Jakob Huber, Benedikt's (Jens Hajek) younger and much nicer brother. Saskia Weigel (Antonia Michalsky) falls in love with him on first sight.
  • Also on UU, it's very likely that Aaron Koszuta (Valentin Huber) is on his way out. Last month, his agency disclosed that Koszuta is "available for new projects".
  • Meanwhile Andrea Brix (Roswitha Küpper-Pütz) has been placed on contract. She is now listed among the show's stars on the official website. The 80-year old actress first appeared on-screen in July 2015 and had been recurring ever since. Roswitha is Robert's mother, Andrea's grandmother and Valentin's great-grandmother.
  • There also rumors that Conor Weigel will be SORASed soon. The son of Till Weigel and Ute Kiefer Kern Weigel Fink was born in January 2003 and was portrayed by a set of twin child actors until 2010 when Conor was sent to a boarding school. In 2012, he made sporadic guest appearances, now played by a prepubescent child actor.

Last month, UU's annual fan event took place on the studio set in Cologne. For the first time, it was organized as a joined event with AWZ as both shows are filmed next to each other.


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The 2017 Cast of "Unter Uns"

Back row: Luca Maric (Robert Küpper), Benjamin Heinrich (Benno "Bambi" Hirschberger), Petra Blossey (Irene Weigel Küpper), Milos Vukovic (Paco Weigel), Andrea Brix (Roswitha Küpper Pütz), Claudelle Deckert (Eva Wagner Weigel), Nora Koppen (Elli Schneider), Stefano Ligorio (Gianni Aurino), Pauline Angert (Katharina "Kay-C" Schneider), Lars Steinhöfel (Ingo "Easy" Winter), Timothy Boldt (Ringo Beckmann), Valea Scalabrino (Sina Uhland Hirschberger), Patrick Müller (Tobias Lassner), Tabea Heynig (Britta Schönfeld), Ramon Ademes (Roger Schmitz)
Middle row: Cronis Karakassidis (Nikos Karadimas), Lena Klöber (Sarah Fuchs), Antonia Michalsky (Saskia Weigel), Kai Noll (Rufus Sturm), Isabell Hertel (Ute Kiefer Kern Weigel Fink), Stefan Bockelmann (Malte Winter) 

Front row: Aaron Koszuta (Valentin Huber), Astrid Leberti (Andrea Huber), Jens Hajek (Benedikt Huber)
Absent: Ben Ruedinger (Till Weigel)



The 2017 Cast of "Alles was zählt"

Back row: Lars Korten (Christoph Lukowski), Dorothee Föllmer (Linda Engels), Jörg Rohde (Ben Steinkamp), Silvan Pierre-Leirich (Richard Steinkamp), Madlen Kaniuth (Brigitte Schnell), Franziska Benz (Michelle Bauer), Daniel Buder (Vincent Thalbach), André Dietz (Ingo Zadek), Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen (Jenny Steinkamp), Ania Niedieck (Isabelle Reichenbach Steinkamp), Cheyenne Pahde (Marie Schmidt)

Middle row: Bela Klentze (Ronny Bergmann), Juliette Greco (Lena Bergmann Öztürk)
Front row: Sam Eisenstein (Marian Öztürk), Ralf-Maximilian Prack (Alexander von Altenburg Öztürk), Heike Warmuth (Carmen Bauer), Igor Dolgatschew (Deniz Öztürk), Christina Klein (Iva Lukowski), Julia Augustin (Vanessa Steinkamp Lukowski), Ingeborg Brings (Renate Scholz)
Absent: Tatjana Clasing (Simone Steinkamp), Tanja Szewczenko (Diana Sommer)

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The two remaining telenovelas are still on the air. While "Sturm der Liebe" will shorten its 13th cycle due to a ratings slump, "Rote Rosen" has been renewed until at least 2019.


Sturm der Liebe
Opening of the 13th cycle (Main protagonists: Ella, Rebecca & William)


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Rote Rosen

Opening of the 14th cycle (Main protagonists: Helen and Peer)



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Regarding previews and detailed synopses of upcoming episodes: Starting October 1st, all channels belonging to the RTL group (affected channels: RTL, RTLII, VOX, n-tv,  NITRO, RTLplus, Super RTL, RTL Crime, RTL Passion, RTL Living, Geo Television and TOGGO plus) have changed their formula of publishing their programming schedules. From on now, only the next 4 weeks (instead of 6) will be published in advance. The decision was made because main rival Pro7Sat.1 (affected channels: Pro7, Sat.1, kabel eins, sixx, Sat.1 Gold, Sat.1 Emotions, Pro7 MAXX, Pro7 FUN, kabel eins Doku, kabel eins CLASSICS, PULS 4, PULS 8) started to publish their programming schedules only 3 weeks in advance earlier this year. Both companies have stated that this change needed to be made in order to keep their schedules more up to date.


Some news:

  • The secret that the Ahrens family on GZSZ is harboring has been revealed: It's domestic abuse. Martin (Oliver Franck) hit his wife Nina (Maria Wedig) in the face after a heated argument – and it wasn't the first time that this had happened. In front of their teenage son Luis (Maximilian Braun), the couple tries to play a happy family, but Luis seems to know that something's wrong.
  • Also on GZSZ, Turkish actress Gamze Senol has been cast in the new role Shirin Akinci. Shirin becomes John's (Felix von Jascheroff) co-owner at the "Mauerwerk" nightclub. Her first airdate is October 17th, 2017. Shirin is a tough young woman who enjoys illegal car races.
  • On UU, Aaron Koszuta departs the show on October 18th, 2017. His alter ego Valentin Huber decides to become a policeman and departs Cologne to study at a police academy in Hamburg. Koszuta was part of the contract cast for 1 1/2 years.
  • On AWZ, five new characters have joined the cast:
    • Dorothee Föllmer plays nurse Linda Engels, who has come between Dr. Vanessa Steinkamp (Julia Augustin) and her husband Christoph Lukowski (Lars Korten). Linda slept with Christoph but acts as if she was Vanessa's friend. But behind her back, Linda tries to destroys Vanessa's personal and professional life. Föllmer is recurring.
    • Maike Johanna Reuter plays nurse Pauline Reusch, who becomes a true friend to Vanessa and even moves in with her. Her first airdate is October 18th, 2017. Reuter will be on contract.
    • The Steinkamp family is extended once again with "Sturm der Liebe" alum Christian Feist stepping into the role of Damian Steinkamp, a distant cousin of Richard Steinkamp (Silvan-Pierre Leirich). Apparently working as a lawyer, he quickly becomes entangled in the scheming of the other Steinkamps. Because we all know how devious and sneaky Simone (Tatjana Clasing), Jenny (Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen) and Richard can be... Romantically, Damian will be torn between nerdy Pauline and bitchy Isabelle (Ania Niedieck), who has already bedded every male member of the Steinkamp family. Feist will be on contract and first appears on November 27th, 2017.
    • In addition, Dirk Moritz and Nassim J. Avat will appear as Martin Zobel and Thilo Spiegelmann, respectively. Both Martin and Thilo are drug dealers and will be involved in the "Dragon Haze" storyline. Both actors are on recurring status. Dirk Moritz was the second Daniel Fritzsche on "Verbotene Liebe" from 2011 to 2012 and also appeared on "Rote Rosen", while Avat has previously played smaller roles on AWZ and UU.
  • Also on AWZ, Francisco Medina will once again return as the dangerous Maximilian von Altenburg later this year. Medina was on contract from 2007 to 2013, returned for several weeks between 2014 and 2015, and again in early 2017.
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Not much going on at the moment so the recent highlight was that GZSZ and UU updated their openings.


For GZSZ, it's the first update to the "Berlin Style" variant that debuted in May 2017. The original versions can be found here:


In Version A, Janina Uhse (Jasmin) has been replaced by Maria Wedig (Nina).


Order: Valentine Pahde as Sunny Richter – Ulrike Frank as Katrin Flemming – Wolfgang Bahro as Dr. Jo Gerner – Berlin, Alexanderplatz – Jörn Schlönvoigt as Dr. Philip Höfer & Felix von Jascheroff as John Bachmann – Thaddäus Meilinger as Felix Lehmann – Brandenburg Gate – Maria Wedig as Nina Ahrens – Eric Stehfest as Chris Lehmann – Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten


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Version B was left unchanged.


In Version C, Janina Uhse (Jasmin) has been replaced by Valentina Pahde (Sunny). Pahde's scenes in this version resemble her shots in version 1, albeit slightly altered.


Order: Anne Menden as Emily Höfer – Clemens Löhr as Alexander Cöster – Eva Mona Rodekirchen as Maren Seefeld – Berlin, Alexanderplatz – Felix van Deventer as Jonas Seefeld & Niklas Osterloh as Paul Wiedmann – Lea Marlen Woitack as Sophie Lindh Moreno – Brandenburg Gate – Daniel Fehlow as Leon Moreno – Valentina Pahde as Sunny Richter – Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten





For UU, its the second update to the "Ghosts of Cologne" variant. The previous versions can be found here:

This is the first opening to feature Pauline Angert (Kay-C Schneider), Andrea Brix (Roswitha Küpper), Astrid Leberti (Andrea Huber #2), Antonia Michalsky (Saskia Weigel) and Alexander Milo (Jakob Huber).
Stefan Bockelmann (Malte Winter) and Ines Kurenbach (Caro Winter) were removed.

Strangely enough, they also removed the recently departed Aaron Koszuta (Valentin Huber) from version A, but left him in version B.

The order of the scenes was also slightly modified.


3 scenes: Sina

2 scenes: Bambi, Elli, Eva, Till

1 scene: Andrea, Benedikt, Britta, Easy, Irene, Jakob, Kay-C, Paco, Saskia, Ringo, Robert, Roswitha, Rufus, Ute, Tobias, (Valentin)


Version 2017.1/A

Order: Claudelle Deckert as Eva Wagner Weigel (2001-2006; 2008-present) & Ben Ruedinger as Till Weigel #2 (2000-present) – Nora Koppen as Elli Schneider (2015-present), Antonia Michalsky as Saskia Weigel (2017-present), Pauline Angert as Kay-C Schneider (2016-present) & Valea Scalabrino as Sina Uhland Hirschberger (2010-present) – Kai Noll as Rufus Sturm (2003-present) & Tabea Heynig as Britta Schönfeld (2010-present) –  Benjamin Heinrich as Benno "Bambi" Hirschberger (2013-present), Valea Scalabrino as Sina Uhland Hirschberger (2010-present), Lars Steinhöfel as Ingo "Easy" Winter (2005-present), Patrick Müller as Tobias Lassner (2006-present) & Aaron Koszuta as Valentin Huber (2016-2017) – Astrid Leberti as Andrea Huber #2 (2017-present), Jens Hajek as Benedikt Huber (2016-present) & Alexander Milo as Jakob Huber (2017-present)



Version 2017.1/B

Order: Benjamin Heinrich as Benno "Bambi" Hirschberger (2013-present) & Valea Scalabrino as Sina Uhland Hirschberger (2010-present)  – Timothy Boldt as Ringo Beckmann (2012-present), Milos Vukovic as Paco Weigel (2000-present) & Nora Koppen as Elli Schneider (2015-present) – Claudelle Deckert as Eva Wagner Weigel (2001-2006; 2008-present) – Isabell Hertel as Ute Kiefer Kern Weigel Fink (1995-present) & Andrea Brix as Roswitha Küpper (2017-present; recurring previously) – Petra Blossey as Irene Weigel (original cast member), Luca Maric as Robert Küpper (2015-present) & Ben Ruedinger as Till Weigel #2 (2000-present)




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Easy suddenly being gay still doesn't make sense. I think the writers originally wanted a Valentin/Ringo pairing in the long run, but that story was abruptly dropped in August. At the same time, Easy met Finn and came out of the closet. Now Valentin is gone and Easy realizes that he's fallen in love with Ringo. However, Ringo only pretends to be friends with Easy because he wants to buy the local kiosk that Easy's been running for some years. Ringo secretly works for Valentin's devious father Benedikt.




In an unsual move, Luise von Finckh left GZSZ in yesterday's episode. The show only announced her departure after the episode had aired. Von Finckh joined the cast in November 2016 as Anni's 18-year old half-sister Jule Vogt – a character that was hated by the majority of the audience from the get-go. Jule was paired up with Tuner (Thomas Drechsel), but didn't want a steady relationship with him. She also had brief flings with Jonas and John. Then, when Tuner hooked up with his good friend Lilly (Iris Mareike Steen), Jule became jealous and wanted Tuner back. It was all very annoying to watch.

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I know some fans wanted the pairing - I wonder if was an age issue or something (didn't they write Valentin out?). And now Easy will fall in love with Ringo. It would seem very cliched if Ringo returned his feelings. 


So was she so unpopular they dumped her without a second thought, or is that pretty rare?

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I don't think there was an age issue. Valentin and Ringo are roughly the same age. Valentin was supposed to be 18 and Ringo is ~ 21. Easy is in his late 20s (although some characters on UU never seem to age. Easy was tied to the teenage crowd for years, and Paco Weigel celebrated his 18th birthday twice in different years.)


Regarding Jule's departure on GZSZ, it seems as if her exit was initially only planned as a short break, but then they decided to write her out entirely. The actress filmed her last scenes in September. There was a similar case in 2014, when Sila Sahin departed the role of Ayla Özgül Höfer. She was supposed to be gone for a month or two, but then decided to quit and didn't return to the set. Storylines had to be rewritten and the role was recast a few weeks later with Nadine Menz.

Earlier this year, Mustafa Alin (Mesut Yildiz) was written off the show after being on contract for 3 years. Mesut left town with his new girlfriend (some chick he met only a few episodes prior to his exit) in March 2017. Even though Mesut as a character was quite popular – he fulfilled the cliché of a typical Turkish macho (dumb, but with a heart of gold) and was usually used as comic relief –, the writers struggled to give him compelling storylines. The actor was supposed to return during the summer months and even filmed scenes for the new opening credits which debuted in May. However, he was quietly dropped from the opening before the opening premiered on tv, and he was also removed from the cast page on the official website. On his Instagram account, Alin hinted on several occasions that he'd return. In a strange move, the opening featuring Mesut was then used between June and September before it was pulled again. A few days ago the show released a statement via Twitter that Alin would not return after all.


GZSZ has always had a strange policy when it comes to publicizing exits. There have been quite a few instances where actors were only supposed to take a break before they'd return to the canvas, but in most cases it never materialized. Some of them only returned for a few weeks to give closure to their storylines before they left for good. Others were taken off the opening credits months before they'd eventually leave,

others remained on the opening for ages after their departure, and in rare instances they'd update the opening just because one character left (liked it happened now with Janina Uhse's Jasmin).

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Some news:

  • On Unter uns, Ute and Till's son Conor Weigel receives a recast when Moritz Bäckerling steps into the role on December 6th, 2017. The 18-year old actor is the first adult performer to portray Conor. The character was born in January 2003 and was shipped off to a boarding school in Spain a few years ago. Conor last appeared on-screen in 2012 and was roughly 12 years old back then. Moritz Bäckerling previously appeared for two seasons on the Nickelodeon series "Spotlight".
  • Also on UU, Moritz von Zeddelmann plays Easy's new love interest Hauke König. The two guys meet via an online dating app. Hauke first appears on December 11th, 2017. He's a professional ice hockey player who hasn't come out of the closet yet.
  • In February 2018, Alles was zählt will feature a crossover storyline with the popular ice show Holiday on Ice. In the soap's storyline, Marie (Cheyenne Pahde) toys with the idea of giving up her career as a professional figure skater after failing badly in an important competition. Then Marie and her coach Diana (Tanja Szewczenko) meet former Olympic champion Robin Cousins, who now works as a choreographer for "Holiday on Ice". He invites them to watch one of their shows. Will this eventually bring back Marie's passion for figure skating?
    In real life, Cheyenne Pahde and her twin sister Valentina – who stars as Sunny Richter on GZSZ – are currently part of the ensemble of "Holiday on Ice: Atlantis". Both actresses are also professional figure skaters.



And since the soap year 2017 is almost over, it's time for a little retrospective.


All in all, it was an average year. The biggest shocker was clearly Janina Uhse's exit on GZSZ.


Ratings are still solid. On average, GZSZ had a market share of 19 % in 2017, AWZ had ~ 14 %.
UU, SdL and RR are roughly the same as 2016.

The scripted reality shows "Berlin – Tag & Nacht" and "Köln 50667" (both RTL2) which air against GZSZ and AWZ have a market share of ~ 10 %.


Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten (1992-present, RTL)
Total episodes in 2017: 253 (#6161 to #6414 [#6255, #6256 and #6257 were shown as a 90 minute episode for the show's 25th anniversary on the same day])
Current cast: http://www.soapsworld.de/gute-zeiten-schlechte-zeiten-gzsz/besetzung
Contract arrivals:

Maximilian Braun as Luis Ahrens (August 2017-present)
Oliver Franck as Martin Ahrens (August 2017-present)

Chryssanthi Kavazi as Laura Weber (June 2017-present)

Maria Wedig as Nina Ahrens (August 2017-present)
Contract departures:

Mustafa Alin as Mesut Yildiz (January 2014-March 2017; recurring previously)
Luise von Finckh as Jule Vogt (November 2016-November 2017)
Elena Garcia Gerlach as Elena Castillo Gundlach (October 2014-May 2017; recurring previously)

Merlin Leonhardt as Till "Bommel" Kuhn (January 2014-July 2014; August 2016-January 2017; recurring previously)
Janina Uhse as Jasmin Nowak Flemming LeRoy (January 2008-July 2017)


Unter uns (1994-present, RTL)
Total episodes in 2017: 251 (#5514 to #5765)
Current cast: http://www.soapsworld.de/unter-uns-uu/besetzung
Contract arrivals:

Andrea Brix as Roswitha Küpper-Pütz (September 2017-present; recurring previously)

Astrid Leberti as Andrea Huber #2 (April 2017-present)

Antonia Michalsky as Saskia Weigel (July 2017-present)

Alexander Milo as Jakob Huber (September 2017-present)

Contract departures:

Stefan Bockelmann as Malte Winter (September 2001-September 2017)

Aaron Koszuta as Valentin Huber (April 2016-October 2017)

Ines Kurenbach as Caro Kasper Winter (August 2014-September 2017)

Kristin Meyer as Andrea Huber #1 (May 2016-March 2017)


Alles was zählt (2006-present, RTL)
Total episodes in 2017: 251 (#2592 to #2843)
Current cast: http://www.soapsworld.de/alles-was-zaehlt-awz/besetzung
Contract arrivals:
Christian Feist as Damian Steinkamp (November 2017-present)

Maike Johanna Reuter as Pauline Reusch (October 2017-present)
Contract departures:
Julian Bayer as Leo Brück (November 2015-March 2017)
Daniel Brockhaus as Thomas Brück (January 2015-June 2017)

Christina Klein as Iva Lukowski (October 2014-October 2017)

Robert Maaser as Tim Hayer (March 2017-September 2017)


Rote Rosen (2006-present, ARD)
Total episodes in 2017: 228 (#2344 to #2572)
Current cast: http://www.daserste.de/unterhaltung/soaps-telenovelas/rote-rosen/darsteller/index.html


Sturm der Liebe (2005-present, ARD)

Total episodes in 2017: 231 (#2607 to #2838)
Current cast: http://www.daserste.de/unterhaltung/soaps-telenovelas/sturm-der-liebe/darsteller/index.html


Lindenstraße (1985-present, ARD)
Total episodes in 2017: 45 (#1610 to #1655)
Current cast: https://www1.wdr.de/daserste/lindenstrasse/personen/aktive/index.html

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RTL is a bit late as GZSZ celebrated its 25th anniversary last year, but they have released a few new videos on GZSZ's official website, ranking the show's best moments in several categories:


Some of their choices are a bit weird, though, since the show had a lot more to offer over the years.


Best Cliffhangers
Video: https://www.rtl.de/cms/gzsz-die-25-besten-cliffhanger-4138264.html


#25: In a parking garage, Saskia Rother (Saskia Valencia) steps into an elevator to meet one of her clients on the upper floor. She doesn't know the man's planning to kill her. Tom Lehmann (Jan Sosniok) wants to rescue Saskia. [1995]
#24: Senta Lemke (Hanne Wolharn) walks home to find a cluster of people in front of her house. Senta is shocked when she realizes that her daughter Sandra (Anna Frenzel-Röhl) is about to jump from a window. [2001]
#23: Jo Gerner (Wolfgang Bahro) and Katrin Flemming (Ulrike Frank) are desperately trying to their daughter Johanna, who has been kidnapped. In the cold and snowy forest, the police finds Johanna's beanie. [2007]
#22: During one of their bizarre BDSM sessions, Tina Zimmermann (Sandra Keller) tries to choke Claudius Mohr (Andreas Krätzig) by pushing a cushion onto his face. "Now you get what you've deserved for a long time," she says. [1996]
#21: During a press conference, Sonja Wiebe (Tina Bordihn) accuses Jo of having molested several children. [1998]
#20: In Sonja's apartment, Barbara Wiebe-Graf (Maren Thurm) and Frank Richter (Torsten Stoll) find Sonja on the bathroom floor after a suicide attempt. [1997]
#19: When Katrin provokes Jo to the utmost, Jo is about to hit her in the face. [2006]
#18: Elisabeth Meinhart (Lisa Riecken) tries to kill herself by turning on her gas oven. [Cliffhanger of the very first episode in 1992]
#17: Katrin confronts Jasmin's adoptive father Dieter Nowak with a gun. She wants him to suffer for what he did to Jasmin all of these years. "You little piece of s*it!" she screams into his face. [2009]
#16: During his brief stint as a journalist, John Bachmann (Felix von Jascheroff) wants to write a story about life in prison. Suddenly, he is threatened by an inmate. [2007]
#15: Jo is arrested for fraud and betrayal. [2007]
#14: During a family gathering in Christmas Eve, Senta spills the beans about having an affair with Hannes Bachmann (Klaus-Dieter Klebsch), her sister Patrizia's (Christin Baechler) ex husband. "He's a hypocrite, and I'm a hypocrite. But don't think you can crawl back into my bed tonight!" she says. Everyone else is shocked and ashamed. [2002]
#13: In prison, Jo is brutally beat up. [2007]
#12: Patrick Gerner (Björn Harras) is kidnapped in front of Dominik's (Raul Richter) eyes. [2011]
#11: Standing at Sonja's grave, Marie Balzer (Jeanette Biedermann) hears strange noises. There's a man in the bushes. Is it Fabian Moreno (Ralf Benson)? [2003]
#10: Katrin and Leon Moreno (Daniel Fehlow) are shocked: A baby doll has been placed in Johanna's stroller. But where's Johanna? [2006]
#09: David Brenner (Philipp Christopher) is sure that the police will find Frederic Riefflin's corpse at the construction site. Katrin and Jo are nervous as hell, but then the police tells them that no body has been found. Katrin is relieved. But what happened to the corpse? [2017]
#08: On a rooftop, a stoned Patrick celebrates the revelation that he's Jo's biological son. He pees from the rooftop and screams "I'm the king of the world!" Suddenly he loses his balance and falls to his death. [2012]
#07: Leon finds Johanna in a nursery in Switzerland. It was Jo who had kidnapped his own daughter! Leon informs Katrin via phone. Jo appears and knocks Leon down. "You will regret this," he says. [2007]
#06: On the houseboat, Sandra wants to play a prank on her ex-boyfriend Moritz Demand (Hendrik Borgmann). Then she catches him in bed with her mother Senta! [2001]
#05: Robert König (Norbert Hülm) wants to blow up Jo with dynamite – which he strapped onto Jo's body. [1996]
#04: During a school dance, teacher Jonas Vossberg (Dominic Boeer) and student Julia Blum (Yvonne Catterfeld) are about to have sex on the school toilet. [2004]
#03: Cora Hinze (Nina Bott) and Nico Weimershaus (Raphael Vogt) are looking for their daughter Antonia who has gone missing in a shopping mall. When Cora eventually finds the stroller, it is empty. [2000]
#02: Jo and Katrin hold each other at gunpoint. Both want the other one to stay out of Johanna's life forever. They don't notice that Johanna's stroller is about to collide with an ambulance. [2007]
#01: The cult "Ring der Welt" (The Ring of the World) is about to commit a mass suicide. Andy Lehmann (Raphael Schneider), Nico, Nataly Jäger (Nadine Dehmel) and Cora are among the victims. "What you drank ... is poison. In a few minutes you will all be dead," the cult leader tells Andy. [1999]


Most Dramatic Moments

Video: https://www.rtl.de/cms/gute-zeiten-schlechte-zeiten-die-25-dramatischsten-gzsz-momente-4138278.html


#25: In an accident, Charlie Fierek (Julian Scheunemann) had killed Katja's then-boyfriend Oliver. He was acquitted of charge. In the courthouse, Charlie is shot by Oliver's mother Dorothea. [1998]
#24: André Holm (Matthias Matz) pushes Lilo Gottschick (Susanne Ziellenbach) down a flight of stairs. "You apparently don't know who you're dealing with!" Lilo says. "You clearly don't know, either," André replies. Push forward. [1993]
#23: After a physical fight with Tayfun, Leon Moreno (Daniel Fehlow) has trouble with his vision. At the "Mauerwerk" nightclub, he faints and falls down the stairs. [2009]
#22: Silke Balzer (Susanne Evers) is threatened by her ex-husband David. When she tells him that it's over and that she's now with Fabian Moreno, David grabs her and breaks her neck. "You belong to me!" he screams. [1999]
#21: When Iris Gundlach (Andrea-Kathrin Loewig) starts her car, a bomb detonates, killing her instantly. [1994]
#20: Jörg Reuter (Daniel Enzweiler) has kidnapped Sonja Wiebe (Tina Bordihn) in his car. Andy Lehmann (Raphael Schneider) follows them on his motorcycle. Both vehicles almost collide. Andy crashes into a ditch and the car crashes against a tree. (In the aftermath, Andy was left paralyzed and Sonja's face was destroyed.) [1998]
#19: Another car crash involving Tim Böcking (Oliver Böcking), Caroline Neustädter (Jessica Ginkel), Verena Koch (Susan Sideropoulos) and heavily pregnant Isabel Eggert (Natalie Alison). (In the aftermath, Isabel gave birth to her son and died two episodes later.) [2006]
#18: David Brenner's (Philipp Christopher) traumatic experience in a Malaysian prison. [2015]
#17: After having found out that Friederic Riefflin (Dieter Bach) has an affair with his own daughter Jasmin, Katrin Flemming (Ulrike Frank) begs Frederic to leave the country and to stay away from Jasmin. Frederic threatens Katrin. Katrin's best friend Maren Seefeld (Eva Mona Rodekirchen) appears and kills Frederic in self-defense. [2016]
#16: Only a few hours after his wedding to Elena Castillo (Elena Garcia Gerlach), Dominik Gundlach (Raul Richter) dies in a motorcycle accident. [2014]
#15: Emily Höfer (Anne Menden), Philip Höfer (Jörn Schlönvoigt), Lena Bachmann (Uta Kargel), John Bachmann (Felix von Jascheroff) and Paula Rapf (Josephine Schmidt) are trapped in a subway tunnel. [2005]
#14: On the beach, Katrin finds Till's clothes after Till has walked into the ocean to commit suicide. [2017]
#13: In a nightly forest in Poland, Jo Bahro (Wolfgang Bahro) is shot by one of his former business partners. [2012]
#12: High on coke, Emily and Franzi (Jasmin Weber) cause an explosion at the "Fasan" restaurant. Franzi dies in the fire. [2008]
#11: Cora Hinze (Nina Bott) and Nico Weimershaus (Raphael Vogt) are looking for their daughter Antonia. In the forest, they find a shrine with candles and baby clothing. [2000]
#10: Katrin wants to know where Jo has been keeping their daughter Johanna and turns to brutal methods. [2007]
#09: A bomb placed by the mafia detonates in Fabian Moreno's (Ralf Benson) trailer. [2000]
#08: The "Mocca" café is left in ruins after a landslide. Philip Höfer, Ayla Özgül (Sila Sahin), Lucy Cöster (Sarah Tkotsch) and Carsten Reimann (Felix Isenbügel) are trapped inside. [2010]
#07: The mafia has taken over the "Mauerwerk" restaurant. Tayfun (Tayfun Baydar) is shot. [2014]
#06: Nataly Jäger (Nadine Dehmel) wants to castrate Jo. "It's called justice," she says. "I have nothing to lose." [2000]
#05: Almost the whole cast is on board of a plane that is about to crash. [2004]
#04: Kai Scholl (Tim Sander) dies in the arms of his best friend Moritz Demand (Hendrik Borgmann).
#03: Hannes Bachmann (Klaus-Dieter Klebsch) and Senta Lemke's (Hanne Wolharn) first flight with their new plane ends in disaster as they crash into a field. "We are not dead?," a heavily injured Senta asks Hannes. She doesn't know that a huge piece of metal is stuck in her body. (Senta died in the same episode and Hannes died a few episodes later.) [2007]
#02: "Daniel's Bar" is the scene of a huge explosion that changed the show forever. [2002]
#01: After being hit by Philip's car, dearly beloved Verena Koch (Susan Sideropoulos) dies at the hospital. [2011]


Most Romantic Moments

Video: https://www.rtl.de/cms/gzsz-die-25-schoensten-liebesmomente-4138271.html


Half of them weren't romantic at all, but who am I to judge.


#25: Jo Gerner (Wolfgang Bahro) joins Patrizia Bachmann (Christin Baechler) for a karaoke duet. [2001]
#24: Xenia di Montalban (Mia Aegerter) and Ben Bachmann (Peer Kusmagk) meet for the first time. [2002]
#23: Ricky Marquardt (Oliver Petszokat) gives Nataly Jäger (Nadine Dehmel) a snow globe. [1998]
#22: Jasmin Flemming (Janina Uhse) and Dominik Gundlach (Raul Richter) have steamy shower sex. [2009]
#21: In an empty cinema, Kai Scholl (Tim Sander) tells Marie Balzer (Jeannette Biedermann) that he loves her. [2000]
#20: Nataly and Jörg Reuter (Daniel Enzweiler) pose as mannequins at a furniture store. Jörg proposes to Nataly. [1997]
#19: After a lot of trials and tribulations, Ayla Özgül (Nadine Menz) and David Brenner (Philipp Christopher) leave Berlin together. [2016]
#18: Being wanted for Claudius's death, Heiko Richter (Andreas Elsholz) says goodbye to his former high school flame Tina Zimmermann (Sandra Keller). He promises to call her when he's safe – but ultimately, Heiko stayed missing. [1996]
#17: Frederic Riefflin (Dieter Bach) proposes to Jasmin (who turned out to be his own daughter later on). [2016]
#16: Tuner (Thomas Drechsel) and Emily Höfer (Anne Menden) share a romantic kiss. [2011]
#15: Katja Wettstein (Alexandra Neldel) surprises Leon Moreno (Daniel Fehlow) in Finland. (Leon had gone into a witness protection program a few weeks earlier.) [1999]
#14: Tayfun Badak (Tayfun Baydar) surprises his wife Emily with a romantic dinner. [2016]
#13: John Bachmann (Felix von Jascheroff) doesn't want to give up on Pia Koch (Isabell Horn). [2013]
#12: Philip Höfer (Jörn Schlönvoigt) and Lucy Cöster (Sarah Tkotsch) have sex. [2009]
#11: Katrin Flemming (Ulrike Frank) and Till Kuhn (Merlin Leonhardt) in the sauna. [2014]
#10: Jasmin and Anni Brehme (Linda Marlen Runge) kiss passionately. [2014]
#09: Lilly Seefeld (Iris Mareike Steen) and Amar Akram (Thando Walbaum) in bed. [2015]
#08: Verena Koch (Susan Sideropoulos) and Leon Moreno (Daniel Fehlow) celebrate the birth of their son Oskar. [2010]

#07: Paula Rapf (Josephine Schmidt) and Franzi Reuter (Jasmin Weber) kiss. [2008]
#06: David and Ayla have wild sex. (It was surely the raciest sex scene on GZSZ ever – including butt grabbing and stuff.) [2016]
#05: Cora Hinze (Nina Bott) gives birth to her daughter Antonia. [2000]
#04: Lenny Cöster (Alexander Becht) and Carsten Reimann (Felix Isenbügel) have sex for the first time. In his mind, Lenny hears his ex Emily say: "Have fun with your sweety pie. Maybe he'll visit you in prison." [2010]
#03: Jasmin and Anni have a great time at an open-air swimming pool – which they entered illegaly. [2013]
#02: During her audition at a music school in London, Julia Blum (Yvonne Catterfeld) is torn between her boyfriend Nico Weimershaus (Raphael Vogt) and her former teacher Jonas Vossberg (Dominic Boeer). (She eventually reconciled with Nico and all three characters left the show in the same episode.) [2005]
#01: Till sprays a romantic graffiti for Katrin. [2014]


Best Weddings

Video: https://www.rtl.de/cms/gzsz-die-25-schoensten-hochzeiten-4138280.html


#25: Marina Geppert (Natascha Pfeiffer) und Karsten Richter (Thomas Gohlke) [1992]
#24: Elisabeth Meinhart (Lisa Riecken) and Clemens Richter (Frank-Thomas Mende) [2009]
#23: Elisabeth Meinhart and A.R. Daniel (Hans Christiani) [1997]
#22: Ricky Marquardt (Oliver Petszokat) leaves Nataly Jäger (Nadine Dehmel) on their wedding day [1998]
#21: Ayla Özgül (Sila Sahin) and Tayfun Badak (Tayfun Baydar) (the scenes are from their engagement party – eventually, they didn't get married) [2011]
#20: Iris Gehbauer (Andrea Kathrin Loewig) and Michael Gundlach (Udo Thies) [1993]
#19: Patrizia Bachmann (Christin Baechler) and Jo Gerner (Wolfgang Bahro) [2002]
#18: Elke Opitz (Claudia Weiske) and Patrick Graf (Alexander Kiersch) [1995]
#17: Anni Brehme (Linda Marlen Runge) and Amar Akram (Thando Walbaum) (fake marriage) [2015]
#16: Sunny Richter (Valentina Pahde) and Vince Köpke (Vincent Krüger) (wedding was cancelled) [2016]
#15: Dascha Petrova (Lena Ehlers) and Tayfun Badak [2011]
#14: Ayla Özgül and Philip Höfer (Jörn Schlönvoigt) [2012]
#13: Katrin Flemming and Marc Hansen (Arne Stephan) [2007]
#12: Elena Castillo (Elena Garcia Gerlach) and Dominik Gundlach (Raul Richter) [2014]
#11: Katrin Flemming and Jo Gerner (2nd attempt) (wedding was cancelled) [2016]
#10: Paula Rapf (Josephine Schmidt) and John Bachmann (Felix von Jascheroff) [2005]
#09: Katrin Flemming and Jo Gerner (1st attempt) [2008]
#08: Flo Spira (Rhea Harder) and Andy Lehmann (Raphael Schneider) [1998]
#07: Sandra Lemke (Maike von Bremen) and Viktor Hansen (Arne Stephan) (fake/hostage wedding) [2006]
#06: Sophie Lindh (Lea Marlen Woitack) and Leon Moreno [2015]
#05: Cora Hinze (Nina Bott) and Leon Moreno [2002]
#04: Sandra Lemke and Deniz Ergün (Ismail Sahin) [2005]
#03: Verena Koch (Susan Sideropoulos) and Leon Moreno [2010]
#02: Pia Koch (Isabell Horn) and John Bachmann / Emily Höfer (Anne Menden) and Tayfun Badak (double wedding) [2014]
#01: Katrin Flemming and Till Kuhn (Merlin Leonhardt) (symbolic wedding) [2016]

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Some casting news:


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Daniel Buder departs AWZ on February 26th, 2018, when his character Vincent Thalbach is sent to prison. The 40-year old actor joined the show in September 2016. Vincent is Michelle Bauer's (Franziska Benz) estranged father, and after years of no contact, he reached out to her one day. Even though her mother Carmen told her to be careful, Michelle bonded with her father, but he was up to no good: He wanted Michelle to become the next figure skating star and did a lot of awful things to advance her career. Vincent also worked against the Steinkamps, mainly Jenny and Deniz, and used the "Pumpwerk" gym as a place to sell drugs. (Now that writers' pet Francisco Medina is back on contract, it was only a matter of time before Buder had to go. In a press release, the show even stated that "there is only place for one bad guy in town".)



On UU, Tabea Heynig (Britta Schönfeld) has gone on maternity leave. The 47-year old actress, who has been on contract with the show since January 2010, is expecting her first child. In the show's storyline, Britta went to Singapore for a new job. She's supposed to return later this year (but only time will tell if she really does).



Also on UU, Aaron Koszuta briefly returns as Valentin Huber in late April 2018 – just in time to introduce his on-screen sister Larissa Huber. The new contract role will be played by 20-year old actress Linda König. Koszuta departed the show last fall when his character moved to Hamburg to become a police officer.


How AWZ films its vast figure skating scenes:


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In addition, AWZ updated its opening two weeks ago.


Version A:


Order: Tatjana Clasing as Simone Steinkamp (original cast member) & Silvan-Pierre Leirich as Richard Steinkamp (original cast member) / Cheyenne Pahde as Marie Schmidt #2 (2016-present), André Dietz as Ingo Zadek (original cast member) & Tanja Szewczenko as Diana Sommer (2006-2009; 2016-present) / Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen as Jenny Steinkamp #4 (2011-present) & Igor Dolgatschew as Deniz Öztürk (2007-present) / Julia Augustin as Vanessa Steinkamp Lukowski (2006-2009; 2010-2012; 2013; 2014-present) & Maike Johanna Reuter as Pauline Reusch (2017-present) / Franziska Benz as Michelle Bauer (2016-present) & Bela Klentze as Ronny Bergmann (2016-present) / Sam Eisenstein as Marian Öztürk (original cast member) & Juliette Greco as Lena Bergmann von Altenburg Öztürk #1/#3 (2007-2013; 2013-present) / Igor Dolgatschew as Deniz Öztürk (2007-present) / Alles was zählt



Version B


Order: Julia Augustin as Vanessa Steinkamp Lukowski (2006-2009; 2010-2012; 2013; 2014-present) & Lars Korten as Christoph Lukowski (2015-present) / Sam Eisenstein as Marian Öztürk (original cast member) & André Dietz as Ingo Zadek (original cast member) / Heike Warmuth as Carmen Bauer (2016-present) & Tatjana Clasing as Simone Steinkamp (original cast member) / Ania Niedieck as Isabelle Reichenbach Steinkamp (2010-present) & Francisco Medina as Maximilian von Altenburg (2007-2013; 2014-2015; 2017; 2018-present) / Franziska Benz as Michelle Bauer (2016-present), Bela Klentze as Ronny Bergmann (2016-present) & Cheyenne Pahde as Marie Schmidt #2 (2016-present) / Silvan-Pierre Leirich as Richard Steinkamp (original cast member) & Christian Feist as Damian Steinkamp (2017-present) / Jörg Rohde as Ben Steinkamp #2 (2009-present) / Alles was zählt



Edited by Huntress
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