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Higley Quit DAYS?

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No, you're not naive, or no, you're not off base? And I never actually said you were naive, per say, just that your general opinion on that subject was misguided to the point of coming across as naive - There's a difference. But that's not the point.

I couldn't agree more.

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Sorry, I'm posting on a few sites currently... so I'm a bit distraught.

Everybody kept telling that Maria won't do good solo, that she doesn't know how to write, but you wanted us to wait and see how it turns out before judging her.

Sorry if it doesn't make sense again.

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It does make sense (that's what I thought, I only wanted a confirmation). She has shortcomings, but to dismiss her after only a few months as a total hack worse than Latham is a capital crime. She's a very gracious and sophisticated woman, polite, kind, likeable. Or so I've heard. :P

There's a whole lot of things in her writing she needs to improve and I don't like at all how she hires new writers, but I think she's ultimately a good influence on the show.

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Explain this more, if you can. You mean that the existing writers...seeing that Griffith was still there are monkeying with their work...chose not to return because, in their view, "the cancer" was still there? Or do you mean that Griffith had some agenda that meant he was not willing to have old writers back?

But, didn't we read that Brad Bell and Josh Griffith are friends? How does that fit in the equation? Because if he is sabotaging Maria, I don't see how the friendship could exist. Or is the friendship a thing of the past?

[Or, since Maria said she had a friendly rivalry going with Brad in her Nelson interview, do you think Brad is feeding Josh with what to do?]

Why would he? He said that himself...but what has he written that is actionable?

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I love that you share this, but I wish you'd say if "he says this at Gold Derby/The Envelope" or "he says this at DR" or whatever... I totally trust you, but I'm a source nut...and I really like to see the source. :-).

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Sylph and I have discussed this in great detail. We think it's no coincidence that almost 90% of the new writers hired by Y&R recently are represented by Jim Sarnoff, who happens to represent Josh Griffith as well. Rain1 told us that Griffith is very particular about writers who join Y&R, from that I gather first priority is given to writers are represented by the same agent as he is, regardless of talent.

Griffith is pushing a MAJOR agenda in this instance and it's not helping the show any...

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