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I find the Lacey / Mike / Diandra / tom very bizarre. I can see where having a close nephew / uncle fight over a woman might be interesting especially given Lacey's nearly neurotic need to have a child. Yet, Lacey and Diandra both seem to be the heroines of the piece. I wonder if Palumbo planned on Mike / Lacey fighting for custody of the baby. By the time the final writers took over, it seemed like Mike and Lacey were over.

It looks like Sara / Patrick affair was set up by Palumbo. I didn't realize that story thread had been set up that early in the story. The Chapin family was so complicated for a show that aired only a year.

This seems to be Bob Hamilton's big 'college revamp' story with Mike / Nancy.

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Shriner was leaving 'Rituals.' He decided not to renew his one-year contract before the show was cancelled. I got the insinuation that the Koty / Mike story was an attempt to sway Shriner to stay on the serial. The Koty story sounds awful, though. Brain tumor + surrogacy as a segue to adultery doesn't seem like the most appealing plotline. Anyway, everything was too up in the air for Mike to suddenly disappear.Diandra's baby had just been born and Koty was still pregnant with his child. Even if he suddenly drove off, Mike would eventually have to be dealt with.

In the long run, Mike should have been written out. The show should have slowly written out Diandra / Lacey / Mike / Tom. Tom was dying of radiation poisoning, which would have caused problems between C.J. / Sara. This would have opened up Christina / C.J. and given Christina a taste of what is was like to be with C.J. before it was ultimately revealed Carter. not C.J., was behind the leak that would lead to Tom's demise. Diandra could have left to raise her daughter after Tom's death and Lacey could have been offered a university position elsewhere.

I don't understand saddling Koty with a child. Granted, Cherry was around to watch the kid so Koty could engaging in more exciting stories, but the whole drama seems a bit inane. I don't think anyone really thought Koty was going to die. Maybe Tom wouldn't have either, but you never know.

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Some thoughts on the above clips:

- Kin Shriner and Mary Beth Evans work very well together. I think Mary Beth has a better handle on her character than Kin does (I don't believe someone could be quite so goofy when they have as many problems as Mike Gallagher does), but I enjoy their scenes together. MBE manages to make a ridiculous and underwritten story work, even the fainting spells.

- Sharon Farrell is OTT but yet somehow I still believe her as Dakota's mother. I enjoyed Sharon on Y&R and I enjoy her even more here. I like the clumsy, random way she tells Kin he has such a hairy chest, and how embarrassed her daughter is.

- Some of the dialogue is so clumsy, like when Mike says, "Screw that!" and most of the stuff with the surrogacy. While the hairy chest scene is entertaining, it's not for the best reasons - Kin Shriner with his head in MBE's lap isn't quite the mental picture you'd expect on a safe soap, and the moment where she helps take off his shirt and he likes it is so...is that the best way to show his desire for her? I kept expecting Cherry to say, "Wow, you're REALLY enjoying this massage!"

- The fight scene between Brady and Mike is hilarious. I wonder if JL and Kin had any laughs over this later on GH or PC.

- Philece Sampler, from these few clips, was miscast as a heroine, and is very unpleasant and shrill. I don't understand why we are supposed to care about her relationship with Mike, and I wonder if the show had given up by this time.

- The production values are a little nicer than I thought. The fantasy wedding actually looks beautiful. Didn't MBE wear this dress as her own wedding dress?

- The fashions are so hideously entertaining. Mike's Hammer pants, Lacey's "I have to go work at the mall" getup in that same clip, Brady's supertight tan trousers that show more ass than I remember Lindstrom ever showing in his soap career, and later, both Dakota and Lacey are dressed as overgrown kids in their argument scene.

Edited by CarlD2
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Mike is incredibly flaky, but I give Shriner credit for trying to make the character work. I've thought Shriner acted the same as Scotty as he did as Keith on ATWT and Harrison on Y&R. It was nice to see Shriner play something that was a complete departure from that. Sampler's Lacey is made out to be the baddie, but I don't understand how she could stay with Mike. I'll give Sampler credit because I think she was trying to play Lacey as overwhelmed during the Koty / Mike stuff rather than as a complete bitch as the writing seemed to suggest.

Sharon's Cherry does seem to add something considering this all plays out during the era of C.J. vs. Carter and their fight for everyone and everything in Wingfield. The Lanes and the Washingtons represent the 'havenots' better than the Gallaghers. Renee Jones' hair in that clip is so 80s!

The head in the lap was a bit surprising in a good way, but I still think the set up for all that was just too much. 'I'm dying so let me give you a baby.' Really? I think doing both was just too much, but, then again, why would Koty really want to give them a baby. It just seems like one bad idea after another. I do wonder if there was more to the Lacey / Koty reveal. I would like to see how Sampler would have played the rest of that.

It was nice to see some of the other players in these clips. Andrea Moar seems a bit green, but there is something about her that makes me see how she could be the show's young ingenue. Lindstrum didn't seem as bad as I thought he would be playing the heir to the fortune. Lorrine Vozoff was surprisingly strong given her brief appearance having little to do with the story at hand. She reminded me of Constance Towers and I could see how they would want to keep her at the center of the story even though her family was pretty much a flop.

Mary Beth Evans was very good, and I've never thought very highly of her. I've known she's a competent performer, but she never really wowed me. She is very aware of the character as you said, Carl, but I never got this sense from the little I saw of her second stint on 'Days' or her work on 'ATWT.' Maybe I just missed some of her stronger performances.

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I didn't even notice Renee Jones.

Who did Vozoff play?

So the reveal was after Mike learned of Lacey's one-nighter, right? I can't remember how the story went, the order.

MBE did seem a bit checked out in her later soap work. She had a lot of sincerity here and in some of her other performances over the years.

I noticed in one of the early clips Mike mentions I Love Lucy, which was in one of the early recaps as some fetish of his. I guess that ended with the writer changes.

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Jones is featured with Brooks, Hamilton, and I think Sharon Farrell in the scene when Koty wakes up from the wedding sequence.

Vozoff played Sara Gallagher. The Gallaghers owned a motel / bar that Sara is working in. She is featured in a Koty / Mike scene asking about Lacey's return.

I was referring to the Lacey / Koty reveal when Lacey learns Koty is the mother of Mike's child. Koty later tells Mike that Lacey told her she should have an abortion, but that wasn't featured in the clips. I wonder if that scene played out.

Carl, I think these clips are all from the show's last few months on the air. The Katie story started in April 1985. So the 'I Love Lucy' references would have been from later in the shows run. They are probably from Raymond Goldstone's time with the show, but maybe it was later.

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Thank you for reading them. If you have any thoughts on them, or the clips posted, or have more good gifts of your own, we'd all love that :) I'm sorry about them being so out of order. If there are any other soaps you'd like some synopses of or articles or anything, let me know.

I have a Christine Jones interview from Rituals somewhere - you may have already read that though.

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