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The Dark Knight


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Like Adam's said, Nolan wants his villains to have a sense of realism and that would be hard with a lot of the villains in Batman. He mentioned that Catwoman would be hard to take realistically, but I disagree. Aside from the semi-ridiculous cat suit, Catwoman's attributes are pretty realistic. It's not like she has out of this world powers that would be totally unbelievable. She's quick, stealth, strong and agile. All of that can be pulled off, I think so. And as far as the suit goes, Batman wears a suit. Why can't Catwoman?

Forgive me, I just so want to see Angelina Jolie as Catwoman. :lol: But I'm hearing that Jolie has some competition for the role. Actresses including Christina Ricci, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Kate Beckinsale all want the role if Nolan decides to include Catwoman in the next Batman movie.

The villains I would find hard to portray reaslitically would include The Penguin (I can't see anyone but Danny deVito in that role), Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze. All of them come off completely unnatural in a realistic way. I just can't see the directors being able to realistically portray any of these characters.

I pretty much expect The Riddler to be one of the villains chosen in future films. I hear David Tennant is being considered for the role.

Also, I've read that fans shouldn't expect to see Robin in any films. In Nolan's mind, these films are from when Batman was young, way before Robin was born. But he did say that if Robin was included, he wants Frankie Muniz in the role.

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Catwoman is a complex anti-heroine, she's not really a villianess. Selina Kyle/Catwoman has a whole lot more in common with Bruce Wayne/Batman that any of his other "enemies". Also, in comic book legend, Catwoman and Batman have always had an emotional and sexual attachment to one another, and many even think she's the real love of his life. It's quite easy to portray her realistically, something Burton DID NOT do in his flim, IMO.

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Christina Ricci? SMG? Catwoman has to be sexy! I LOVE Kate Beckinsale. :wub: I can't believe I didn't think of her. I would love to see Kate, Angelina or Charlize!

Frankie Muniz as Robin? No thanks! (Though I did like Frankie on MITM)

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Ok another tidbit from an Australia newspaper


Batman bosses want Johnny Depp to play The Riddler

JOHNNY Depp has reportedly been approached to play a villain in the next Batman movie, with studio bosses searching for someone who can match Heath Ledger's charisma.

The actor is wanted to portray The Riddler in the sequel to The Dark Knight, according to studio bosses.

A source said: “Johnny would be amazing as The Riddler. The studio knew they needed someone who could match or even top the late actor Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker in the most recent film The Dark Knight, and think Johnny has the potential to do so.”

The Riddler is a manic super-villain who baffles Batman with his cryptic criminal clues.

He first appeared in the comic book series in 1948, and was portrayed by Frank Gorshin in the 60s US TV show, a role which earned him an Emmy nomination.

More recently, The Riddler was played by Jim Carrey in the 1995 movie Batman Forever.

Studio bosses are also said to be keen to sign up Philip Seymour Hoffman to play The Penguin in the new movie.

They reportedly believe the Oscar-winning star would be the right choice to play the aristocratic, intelligent and terrifying villain.

Christian Bale is currently wowing critics with his portrayal of the Caped Crusader in The Dark Knight alongside Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Sir Michael Caine and Maggie Gyllenhaal.

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I like both choices of seymour-hoffman playing the peguin and johnny depp playing the riddler, but please don't put both in the same movie, thats partly what ruined the franchise last time around having too many villians and no good storyline/focus. I definantly think Johnny should be in the next one because I do think he could match or top Heath's performance.

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Last time around when they had Mr Freeze, The Riddler and Poison Ivy in the movie at the same time ruined it.

I love Johnny Depp and he should be really great as The Riddler and he will give Heath a run for his money.

Maybe they could have both in the same movie but introduce The Peguin towards the end of the movie in little hints (like maybe a Peguin enclosure at a zoo) rather than have both battling Batman at the same time.

Hmm on second thoughts maybe the Peguin thing can happen after all the credit's have rolled.

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After seeing this, I have to say...wow. Overrated, totally. Heath Ledger's performance was so one note it was laughable. After the first scene, he just kept repeating himself. Same tone of voice, same facial expression throughout the WHOLE movie...has Hollywood sunk so low in quality that this deserves an award?

*shakes head*

And in a movie that's supposed to be about Batman, it's a shame CB was given almost nothing to do until the last thirty minutes of the movie. No wonder some think Heath outshone CB in this movie. Playing a one note psychopath over a good guy hero will always get you noticed. Doesn't mean it was a better performance, because in my eyes, it wasn't. CB was nonexistant, pretty much. What a shame.

How disappointing. The first movie was far better. If people seriously consider this to be one of the best movies in the last few years, Hollywood has sunk to new lows.

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I think you are the only one that feels that way, majority of fans and critics all agree that Heath was wonderful in this movie, and that has to be a first where fans and critics agree. :lol: The only person getting negative reviews from what I've read is CB, some fans have a problem with his batman voice.

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Yeah, I've read the idiotic comments about his Batman voice. Lots of five year olds out there that apparently expect him to talk just like Bruce Wayne.

ETA I'm not the only one that feels that way about Ledger's performance, either.

OSCAR Worthy????

*shakes head*

Of course, the Oscars, just like the Emmys, especially the daytime Emmys, haven't been about real talent in DECADES.

They get it right every now and then, and it wouldn't surprise me if Ledger did get nominated by the panel. They've already admitted in the past they don't watch every nominee's tape. LOL

So yeah, I can see him getting a nod on hype ALONE.

And winning on hype alone.

Hollywood, when it comes to awards, is about as shallow and hypocritical as you can get.

That's the only way to explain a lot of the bizarro noms and wins, and cold shoulder exclusions, and inexplicable losses, in the past twenty years.

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Sounds like someone that knows an empty summer blockbuster that could have been and should have been so much more than it was.

I'm not bitter about people praising Heath. If Christian has the grace and humility to purposely point people to Heath's performance, and he praises it himself, why should I be bitter? What's there to be bitter about????

Me, confused. Some people just aren't that petty, okay?

I'm not. I just was waaaay disappointed with the movie, which was a BATMAN movie, and had little to no Batman in it. I went to the theater to see CB. He should have been featured more.

I thought, compared to BB, that this one was pretty souless.

And yeah. Even though Christian himself has praised Heath's performance, I thought it was one note. It wasn't a bad note. But there were absolutely no layers nor any humanity in this character at all.

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