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Someone fire Goutman!!!! Someone fire Pissant......Get this two fired NOW!!

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Why must it always take years for something to be done? I never even considered watching ATWT because nothing on it interests me. If Jean was always so terrible, why does it have to take so much time for something to be done about it?

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I think you're right, Kyle. Why have EW/DK and CG/JP at the helm of these shows for this long? For what reason? Other than they don't give a [!@#$%^&*]. Or perhaps the old standby, "We don't have any money".

I believe that something could have been done for GL years ago. They're at 1.5 now! But I think any EP that was interested in turning the show around years ago are probably not interested any longer because of all the damage that has been done to it by EW. They need to stop the same thing from happening to ATWT.

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Thats the thing...they produce one good show and the rest suck.

Here is the number to the ATWT hotline....if anyone wants to call in and complain.....someone will answer and take your call


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I don't think Luke and Noah are the reason why the ratings are so bad....

Could just be a sign that people were enjoying the holidays rather that watching soaps. Not to mention this system of ratings is so archaic is laughable. I'd be curious to see how many people call that number Plus it wouldn't surprise if the current writers are still there a year from now...

Personally I hope ATWT isn't canceled since there are still people who enjoy it day to day and I think it would be wrong to deny them that because YOU don't like the show.

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Saying that "America," isnt ready for something is a bit of a blanket statement. Actually Nuke initially brought up ATWT's demos...(and though I am gay I am not a Nuke fan, both of the actors are terrible and the storyline is a dull and bland as can be.)

Actually Babs likes the P & G shows much better then the Bell shows...which goes to show you that Babs should be off writiing a crappy soap with vampires in it then running a schedule.

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Dikdn't Goutman say in an interview recently that he doesn't listen to fans, he just goes by his instincts? Guess what Chris ---your instincts are making fans tune out in record numbers. Maybe you should listen to the fans. A 1.7? Ha.

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