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Re Turner I guess weight gain =not hot enough

Here is a summary of SOD synopses May 79,which would have happened onscreen a few months earlier.

Mike has had an operation to walk again. Mike is hopeful. as for Sara,he hasn't forgiven her for being in love with Colin while they were married. Sara swears she now loves Mike only and he seems resigned to staying with her in a loveless(on his side) marriage.

Nola is trying to stop the aldriches searching for Jason. Mona and Steve believe Jason needs to know he is to become a father. However, Colin is the father.She tells Colin if Jason is found,he'll reveal the truth and Colin will lose the endowment Mona was planning to give him.

Carolee speaks to a rape counselor about her fears of being raped again and not telling Steve as he will be repulsed.The counselor tells Carolee not to burden and blame herself and to tell Steve the truth.

The pressure of being a young father,student and lover are getting to Billy. Greta sees he's having problems but doesn't know what to do.

Carolee tells Steve and he responds to her fears,self hatred and sorrow with support and love.

Mike is angered when Matt suggests he's not trying hard enough with rehab. Mike says he has never been good enough as a son. Matt says he's truly sorry to hear that but loves his son and always has.

Billy confides in Steve that his life is falling apart. Steve and Carole tell him to hold on with hope and strength.

Mike begins to have feelings in his legs but says nothing.Sara however,realizes and wonders why he has said nothing.

Despite Steve's best efforts,Carolee cannot share her pain with Steve. he turns to Maggie for advice.

It seems Jason does not want to be found. Nola says that building up Mona's hopes and then dashing them may not be good for her heart.Steve sees the logic in that.

Nola and Colin are both happy the search for Jason is off. Colin will get his grant money and Nola can continue the privileged life of an Aldrich.

Baby Lee Ann is rushed to hospital with meningitis and Billy is nowhere to be found.After a tense wait Lee Ann recovers.When Billy shows up Matt is furious he has failed as a father and partner.Billy tries to explain that he was missing because he was trying to sort things out. greta intervenes and also questions Billy as to where he was at this crucial time.It's too much for him and he takes off again.

Missy and Like are growing closer as are Barney and Sweeny.Kim is not pleased because she is interested in Luke for herself.

Mike's doctors suggest he go home,unaware of his hostlity to Sara. He vows they will not live together. She can have the house. he only wants to be with his son.

Steve speaks to the rape counselor and is told that in Carolee's current state of confusion she has no physical desire. Steve realizes there is a long road ahead.

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Writing for and/or introducing families from the wrong side of the tracks was of Marland's fortes. That's definitely the one theme that runs through his writing. Besides expanding the Dancys, he created the Reardons on GL and Snyders on ATWT. He created the Donovans on Loving, and began phasing them out as a tight family unit in favor of the dirt-poor Sowolsky/Rescotts, probably to draw a greater class conflict with the Alden/Forbes family. Pretty sure he created the Sowolsky/Rescotts just before he left, or was that the succeeding writer? Did he create the Spencers over at GH, or was that his predecessor? Supposedly he'd pitched a show about a poor, working class family. I'mkind of hazy on that. Did he pitch that shortly before his death, or did he pitch it earlier, only to have it rejected, and thus got ATWT as a consolation prize. Sorry to detour this thread a bit.

Edited by LoyaltoAMC
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On "Loving," Doug Marland was still head writer when the Sowolsky family was introduced. Ava first appeared in May 1984, Harry was Dane's henchman who probably popped up around the same time, Kate showed up not long after, and Steve arrived in December 1984 just as the show brought Noelle Beck on as Trisha Alden. Marland left in June/July 1985 after his two year contract with "Loving" expired.

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SOD summary of synopsis April 1980

Carlolee and Steve feel that Mona is unfairly trying to keep Nola from her daughter.In fact, Mona has spoken to a lawyer about becoming Jessica's legal guardian.To do so she must prove her to be an unfit mother.

Nola asks Steve if Colin mentioned her or Jessica before he died-it sets Steve wondering if Colin is Jessica's real father.

Steve discovers that Colin had a series of blood tests taken and that Jessica's blood type has changed since her birth.Colin's blood type doesn't match. Steve needs to find Jason's blood type to see if his brother is actually Jessica's father.

Maggie is becoming sicker, but deluded Laura will not take her to a hospital.She is convinced that Maggie is responsible for her being thrown out of the nursing program.She does go to Hope Memorial for medication but doesn't tell MJ who the patient is. Laura is also hearing the voice of her abusive dead mother and is confusing her with Maggie.

Maggie realizes that Laura has been lying to her about the roads being blocked after the tornado and begs to be let go.Maggie collapses trying to escape.

A volunteer tells Jack she saw maggie leaving with another volunteer. Matt is relieved that Maggie is alive but concerned.

Mr Windsor discovers Luke plans to marry Missy and sets a plan in motion.

Jack is pleased to see Ashley after many years, but is disturbed by the change in her. Ashley is uncomfortable around Jack and reminders of the past.

Maggie gets Laura to talk about herself. Laura reveals her mom died 8 years ago and she shows Maggie the leter dismissing her from the nursing program.Maggie insistes it's not her handwriting and surmises that Laura's mother wrote it while in hospital at Hope. Laura doesn't want to believe thatt her mother was capable of this and turns on Maggie.

Mrs Ryason,the volunteer who spotted Maggie goes through newspaper reports and identifies the volunteer she saw with Dr Powers.Matt,Mike,Greta and Jack show the photo around,hoping someone will recognize Laura.

Steve is shocked when Mona has no intention of telling Nola that Jason is Jessica's father. She wants the child raised as an Aldrich,not a Dancy.

She tells Nola that she'd love to have her granddaughter stay on a permanent basis. Nola declines,but Mona is not giving up.

Luke and Missy are happy with the upcoming wedding,unaware that Mr Windsor is planning something terrible.

Matt and Jack track down Laura but she lies that yes,she did take a doctor home but as she spoke about her 2 small children ,it can't have been Maggie. From the bedroom,Maggie hears their voices but is too weak to call out.

Maggie says she has to get to hospital. She'll give Laura another chance in the nursing program. But Laura refuses and instead goes back to the hospital to renew the prescription. When she's told she'll have to speak to Dr Garner,she takes off,leaving the empty prescription bottle behind.

Carolee is appalled that Steve and Mona haven't told Nola that Jason is her baby's father. But Steve says he'll handle it in his own way.

Mr Windsor has Missy abducted.Luke knows he is behind it. Windsor says that Luke has to pay off his debts. Luke agrees and Missy is released,unharmed but terribly frightened and unaware that Luke is indirectly responsible. Luke knows he must make those payments as next time.Missy may be hurt.

Luke turns to Viveca for help. She agrees to help- with strings attached. Luke sleeps with Viveca, hating himself for that. Viveca demands more- he must dump Missy as she has no intention of sharing Luke.

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This is the recap from the March 1977 SOD.

Paul's evil castle of intrigue that has been built on the sorrows of others, is about to come crashing down around his ears. His secret marriage to Stacy Wells, stepdaughter of Jason Aldrich, and granddaughter of Mona Croft, is about to be made public. Stacy is pregnant by Paul and in her joy wants to tell everyone the good news. Good news for some can be disastrous news for others, and for Paul, Stacy's news forebodes nothing but doom. He only married Stacy to keep her quiet about their duplicity in the Joan Dancy murder. Paul felt that if Stacy were his wife, she would never tell anyone that she pulled the plug on Joan Dancy at Paul's prodding, to help him weave a web of doubt around Dr. Matt Powers. Paul is so close to his goal of taking over Matt's position as Chief of Staff, as well as having Matt indicted for Joan Dancy's murder, he is afraid that Stacy's pregnancy may ruin it all.


Little does Paul realize that Stacy's pregnancy is only the beginning of his troubles. Jason Aldrich has begun to suspect that something more than a friendship exists between Stacy and Paul. When Jason stops by Paul's apartment and finds Stacy there, his suspicions are heightened. Later, when Jason talks to Althea and Hank Iverson, they mention how kind and supportive Paul has been of Matt, and how remarkable this is in view of the past difference they've harbored. With this unexpected news, Jason's sense of intrigue has been activated. When he finds out that Matt refused to allow Paul's hopelessly ill son to die many years ago, and that subsequent to the decision Paul's wife died, Jason will see that Paul has a very strong motive for doing Matt harm.

Dr. Hank Iverson has decided to take a post in a hospital out of town. The staff of Hope Memorial will miss him a great deal, and all wish him well in this new endeavor.

Matt's son Mike has left Boston to join his wife Toni. Jason hopes that when Mike returns, he will have renewed faith in his father's innocence.

Despite all the sad things that are going on, there is one note of joy. Penny and Jerry are planning their wedding! Penny's mother, Althea, is pleased to be included in the preparations.

Mona's concern over Steve's involvement with M.J. has been well founded. Steve, his children, and M.J. spent the day together,and when nighttime came, and Steve drove M.J. home, he almost popped the question! M.J., sensing what was about to be said, and knowing that she could never refuse Steve's proposal of marriage, and knowing also that Steve viewed her as a reincarnation of his missing wife Carolee, rushed out of the car before Steve had a chance to say anything. Will Steve muster up the courage to ask M.J., or will Ann Larimer manage to change his mind?

Lew Dancy continues to romance Eleanor Conrad. Even though she is old enough to be his mother (or perhaps because of it), she is falling prey to his charms. She offers to finance art school for him, but he declines. He is probably waiting for her to offer more than a one time loan of money, before he reels her in.

Matt continues to feel sorry for himself and again goes to a bar for the express purpose of drinking himself into a stupor. Life weaves a strange spell around its inhabitants, for sitting beside Matt, ubeknownst to him, is Barney Dancy, father of the girl he is accused of killing. They share a few words and Matt leaves to return home. When Matt again goes to the bar, and again sees the same man sitting there, Matt can see that he is cold and ill. Matt offers him his overcoat. As the stranger prepares to leave the bar, he collapses. Matt acts quickly and has him rushed to Hope Memorial. Dr. Paul Stammers is on hand and congratulates Matt on having the courage to bring the stranger into the hospital.


Steve finds the courage once more, to broach the subject of marriage to M.J., and she finds the courage to refuse his proposal. She tells Steve that she knows she is but a mirror image of his missing wife and that she cannot marry him, knowing that it is the part of her that reminds him of Carolee that makes him love her. Steve vehemently denies M.J.'s accusations, but when he is alone with his thoughts, he realizes M.J. is right. He continually confuses his memories of Carolee with the reality of M.J.

Steve may soon find that his memories of Carolee will become a reality. Carolee's doctor has called Dr. McIntyre at Hope Memorial to see if he knows anything about the catatonic patient registered under the name of MaryEllen Smithfield. Since psychiatrist, Dr. McIntyre is no longer on the staff at Hope, the call is referred to none other than Dr. Summers. He is understandably rattled to learn that Carolee/MaryEllen has been traced to the vicinity of Hope. Dr. Summers makes a bee-line to Ann Larimer to warn her that she is in danger of being exposed. If Carolee ever regains her normal state, she may be able to tell Steve that it was Ann who, masquerading as the sister of MaryEllen, had her committed!

MaryEllen's doctor is so determined to find out more about Mary's past, and so convinced that her past is in Madison, that he takes her picture and sends it to Dr. Summers. He has agreed to help in any way he can, including contacting the local press. As Carolee/Mary Ellen's picture speeds its way to the hands of Dr. Summers, Carolee's husband Steve has finally been convinced by his brother Jason that Carolee is dead. Steve instructs their housekeeper Virginia to remove all the reminders of Carolee from the room. Dr. Ann Larimer is very pleased when she sees all the pictures of Carolee have been removed. Ann does not realize that Steve continues to pursue the prospects of marriage with M.J.

Since Paul has made his wife Stacy realize that he does not want her to carry their child full term, Stacy has determined to go through her pregnancy alone. She seems very happy and vibrant these days with the exception of a few noticeable fainting spells. Everyone is extremely concerned about Stacy's health. It will soon become apparent that Stacy is pregnant.

Virginia Dancy has been giving a lot of thought to her estranged husband lately. It's almost as if she were capable of ESP, for at this very minute her husband is lying in a hospital bed at Hope Memorial.

Barney's condition has been diagnosed as hepatitis. As Maggie has run into many cases such as Barney's in her work at the clinic, she has been called in on the case.

When the picture of MaryEllen arrives at Hope Memorial Hospital, Paul Summers wastes little time in showing it to Ann Larimer. In exchange for the picture, Paul wants Ann to give him the letter Stacy wrote implicating them in the Joan Dancy murder. Ann reluctantly agrees.

She gives Paul the letter and he destroys it immediately. Now all he has to worry about (he thinks) is Stacy. But Stacy is a little more determined than Paul suspected. This pregnancy seems to have given her a strength she never had.

At a party Mona has given, Stacy makes a decision. In Paul's presence she tells Jason that there is something very important she must tell him. Paul realizes that he has to act quickly...very quickly. He takes the floor and announces his marriage to Stacy; Stacy announces her pregnancy. There is a murmur of surprise and dismay among the crowd of guests.


Sarah Dancy arrives at Hope Memorial for her work with Eleanor Conrad and is shocked to see her father! The father she hasn't seen in years is now within five feet of her! When Sarah recovers form the shock of seeing him, they talk a bit and he pleads with her not to tell anyone else in the family that she's seen him. Sarah realizes that she can't keep the knowledge to herself, and calls her brother Jerry. Jerry and Sarah decide that their brother and sister, Lew and Nola should know that Barney is in the hospital. Together they will decide if they should tell their mother that Barney is back in town.

Carolee's doctor has decided to use hypnosis on her. He hopes to chip away at the real truth about his patient. He hopes to find out about Steve and Stephie and Erich. The names...the only names that elicit any response from his mysterious patient.

The Dancy children decide to tell their mother Virginia that her husband is back in town and seriously ill at Hope Memorial Hospital. Lew Dancy, however, is very bitter about his father's return, and would prefer that he stay out of their lives. When Sarah, Nola, and Jerry return home to tell their mother the news, Lew refuses to join them - he refuses to have anything to do with Barney Dancy. How will the news of Barney's arrival affect the members of the Dancy and Powers family? Will it affect Matt's case - and if so...how?

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Schemering's book says Elizabeth Lawrence played Virginia from 76-78.

I guess this must be Marland, it does sound like his work. I'm a bit surprised he brought all the Dancys in so quickly -- counting the girl who died, that makes five siblings in a matter of months. Perhaps the show was seen as needing fresh blood very quickly.

I'd never heard of Lew, but I guess that was short for Luke Dancy. Strange that Jason lasted from 76-77 and then was randomly brought back in 1981 with Terry O'Quinn.

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The show was really in need of fresh blood. The Pollocks were successful on "The Doctors" but when their run ended, Robert Cenedella and Margaret De Priest turned out to be very bad fits for the show. Ratings went from 9.5 before the Pollocks left to 7.3 when Marland took over only a little more than a year later. He introduced the Dancys as he did with the Snyders 10 years later on ATWT but it seems like he made them appear more quickly.

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I guess De Priest was seen as successful at the time but I wonder why Cenedella was hired, from Lemay's book it seemed like he was just coasting during his AW run.

What were the ratings during the year Marland wrote the show?

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I would like to clear up some confusion and misinformation regarding the mid-70's era of The Doctors, as much of what has been written about it in the history books is inaccurate.

First off, Douglas Marland did NOT create the Dancy family. The date of the first appearance for the Dancys is given as 1976, but it is not correct. Joan and Jerry debuted in December 1975. They were created by Margaret Depriest. In the storyline, Penny worked for the paramedical unit at Hope Memorial. Joan was a junkie who had overdosed during the holidays. Penny saved her, but Joan went into a coma. We did not know that she was a Dancy at first. Her name was given as Joan Peterson, and Jerry pretended to be an unrelated neighbor instead of her brother. Nola and Virginia started in July 1976, then Sarah arrived in early August, and finally Luke in mid-August. Barney did not appear until January 1977.

Virginia died in March 1978. Luke owned a supper club called Andre's that was across street from Hope Memorial (shades of Ryan's Bar on RH). The club needed electrical renovation. I think Luke tried to bribe a city inspector and then paid a shady electrician to do the rewiring. Sara Dancy and Mike Powers were having an engagement party for the club's opening. The wiring system shorted out and started a fire that raced through club. The ceiling collapsed on Tom Carroll, killing him. Virginia died later from smoke inhalation.

Margaret DePriest's work on the show was very good, I thought. It was superior to what the Pollocks had done at the end of their tenure. Ratings for The Doctors held just fine until ATWT expanded to an hour, and the Dobsons took over Guiding Light. The time changes at CBS and NBC caused the ratings for all of NBC's soaps to fall, with Days and The Doctors taking the hardest hit initially. The drop in ratings really wasn't reflective of the writing. In 1976, I vastly preferred The Doctors over Guiding Light. It should also be pointed out that under Doug Marland, ratings for The Doctors fell even further, and his tenure was not popular with the older audience, particularly when he turned Matt into an alcoholic and let Maggie have an affair with Kyle.

Edited by saynotoursoap
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Thanks. I know ATWT's ratings were slipping at this time but it was obviously still a powerhouse. That's a good insight into why the ratings for the NBC soaps fell. Schemering's book just seemed to blame it on the writing being under par or on people tiring of medical stories. I guess in some ways it's easier to believe a show falters for a drop in quality, you don't want to believe a good show just starts losing viewers.

So Marland created Luke, Nola, Sarah, but the others were created by DePriest? Joan was the one Matt was accused of killing through negligence? Was it DePriest who started the story with Paul?

I'd never heard of Tom Carroll.

That story with the club and several people dying reminds me of what Hollyoaks did with their pub fire in 2006.

Edited by CarlD2
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