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The Doctors

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michael.thanks for reviving the thread.I think there is plenty left to discuss about The Doctors.

Buddy,Althea's son by Dave Davis,died from meningitis.I don't think Dave's fate was ever dealt with after he left town.

Althea was head of the outpatient clinic at Hope Memorial.She was engaged to Matt Powers before he married Maggie.

Matt and Maggie married in 68 as did Nick and Althea.I would guess that Buddy died around 66 or 67.

Penny went to live with her father in California.

Christopher Norris and Jami Fields played Penny until this time.When she was brought back around 73/74 Julia Duffy took over.Penny married Jerry Dancy and they were written out in 77.

Elizabeth Hubbard left around 78 and when she returned Penny's death was written in.I think it was a plane crash.Jerry returned to the show.

I think it was one of the many mistakes of the show to kill off Penny.it left althea with less to do.Penny could have been a viable character in her twenties,definitely a viable character.

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The Doctors was cancelled 26 years ago Dec 31st 1982.

Jane Badler was the second actress to play Natalie.Laurie Klatscher originated the role in 1980.Badler took over in 81.

Incidentally,Jane Badler now lives in Melbourne Australia where she occasionally acts on stage and tv.She also is a singer and plays various clubs.She is still looking good!

Natalie was mostly involved with Luke Dancy and later with Paul Reed.In the last episode,she discovered that Paul was a murderer.

Over the next few days.I'll try and find more details of Natalie's storyline.

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Natalie came to town after having worked as a nurse for Greta's aunt, Theodora (played then by the late Augusta Dabney).

Billy I think had also worked for Theodora and he and Natalie were lovers. They had learned that Greta was going to inherit all of Theodora's money so Billy came back to win Greta back after having abandoned her the previous year.

Natalie followed him to Madison. Billy was going to marry Greta and then kill her. Then he and Natalie would run off together.

I don't remember all of the big details of the story. I do know that Natalie finally tried to break away from Billy and did fall in love with Paul Reed but Billy wanted her back. I did not get to see a lot of the last year of the show as our affiliate dropped it before it was cancelled. I do remember reading that Paul Reed is the one who killed Billy Aldrich due to something to do with Natalie.

I do remember that both Greta and Billy had been played by average looking performers - not ugly but just average. Then all of a sudden they were both being played by gorgeous performers. Gracie Harrison took over as Greta and then Alec Baldwin came on as Billy. It was a big change.

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From SOD January 20 1981

Billy's mysterious calls to California are explained when Natalie Bell arrives in Madison. She had to be with him,but he's afraid thar her presence will ruin their plans. Natalie tells him not to worry.

Billy and Natalie met when they both worked for Miss Van Allen,a wealthy woman in California. Miss Van Allen unwittingly planted the idea in Billy's brain for a scheme to gain a fortune.

It seems Miss Van Allen inherited her brother's money.She also wanted custody of Van Allen's daughter ,who is none other than Greta Powers!(Greta's natural father was Maggie's first husband Kurt Van Allen.) Miss Van Allen lost the custody battle to Kurt's widow Maggie! Now that she is facing death,she wants Greta,her niece ,and only surviving relative,to be her sole heir.

Billy and Natalie soon concocted a plan to get that money for themselves.He will marry Greta and...and what?What did Natalie mean when she said that Greta would not "be around much longer".

Natalie tells Billy he must work very quickly,because Miss Van Allen's health is much worse..to speed things up,Natalie suggests that he try to "romance" Greta instead of hot passion."Appeal to her mind ,not just her body".

Billy's new approach may just be successful.After convincing Greta to have lunch with him at The Medicine Man,he gets down to work.He smoothly apologizes for making love to her.It was because he was so relieved about Lee Ann that he got carried away.But it was all his fault and he feels terrible that she feels so guilty.Billy soon convinces Greta that he is kind,considerate ,and very loving.

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Am I the only one who is totally skeptical about Hallmark picking the show up? They've sat on the rights for years, and every time someone comes up with a statement from them on the matter, it always seems to be one of those manufactured things that they throw out whenever they get asked about anything.

But on the other hand, it's totally possible. They just added "I Love Lucy" on New Year's and they'll be adding "The Golden Girls" later on in the year when it finishes up its run on Lifetime, so they're obviously trying out other genres beyond the family dramas and mystery shows (which I love, BTW lol). I wish they could work with P&G!

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Michael I can't remember all the details - other than what I have put up above.

You might go over to my site http://s15.zetaboards.com/SoapsWeb/site/ and go to the Memories and Questions threads to the one for The Doctors. We have a member over there who is pretty good with The Doctors memories and stuff. he may be able to help you.

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