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Neighbours: Discussion Thread


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I'm still watching and enjoying more than I have since probably 2008. It's bizarre that there are now very few characters that completely annoy/disinterest me. Kate and NuDeclan being the only prime candidates. It's also a real tragedy that just as the show hits a creative stride (presumably because Ten have completely lost interest and stopped pushing an agenda), audiences are dropping to an all time low. What doesn't seem to be considered is that viewers often desert a show that the network has given up on. DOOL didn't exactly soar when Jeff Zucker prematurely signed its death warrant.

As for the stories, it's fantastic to finally get a long running adult storyline in Paul's murder attempt that doesn't rely on the Kennedys as a standby. Jane Hall is, dare I say it overshadowing Jackie Woodburne with her acting. An incredible talent and a brilliant character that will be truly missed. It's great to finally have some darkness in the characters too - Rebecca pushed Paul and covered it up but she's still a heroine. Likewise Paul is not panto villain as he was in 2006. Steph/Libby is another case in point of this. It's not got going the moral browbeating route.

On the other side of the coin, even the teenagers appeal to me because Bower has redressed the balance issue. There's something very Sky Mangel-esque about Summer and I genuinely don't understand why fans on forums detest her. Andrew, Natasha and to a lesser extent Chris are also entertaining.

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The best promo the show's done in a long while. Shame it took the move to Eleven to do it.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILbA1CCh8G8?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILbA1CCh8G8?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILbA1CCh8G8?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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Every time someone posts in this thread, I expect news of cancellation. I don't know why I have this impression. It seems as if every one right step in the right direction, it takes five in the opposite one.

Has it run its course? How are the ratings doing?

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All the good is tainted by all the mistakes that hack, Susan Bower, constantly churns out. That article is spot on, when Jenny Lewis says that the only way the show will move forward, is when Bower is willing to acknowledge her own mistakes. Every bit of negativity that is thrown at the show, Bower will put on a disillusioned positive spin, like it's all not really happening.

Basically, she has zero clue as to what the show is about, and where its heart lies, and without this basic knowledge, she's constantly screwing the show over. Her version of family friendly is childish, immature, mediocre and twee; her desire to be edgy is character destroying. She doesn't want the show to be daggy, but daggy is what the show is about, and if you're ashamed of that, then she has no business being Exec Producer. Of course, she's too stubborn to step down, and FrematleMedia are too stupid to fire her, and hire someone with the love that this show deserves.

As for ratings, well, that depends on the country. The Australian ratings have taken a battering these last few months, sinking to an all time low of 350,000 (I think it was), but the UK ratings have improved a lot, and have been pulling in highs of 1.65m for event episodes, and stabilizing at around 1.48m. This is a sign that the quality has improved, but also representing that the shows Oz reputation is shattered beyond repair(?)

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Steph's story represents the good and the bad. Its destroyed her character, and ruined several others in the process, but it has given us some awesome scenes after the revelation. These have shown that the show can write good dramatic material, but, it's all tainted by the fact that the story should never have happened in the first place. I guess, a lot of people (and me included) would've suspended our disbelief, if the execution had been right, and if the plot hadn't of ruined Steph and Toadie, and to a degree, Libby as well (she would never have left a heavily pregnant Steph collapsed on the floor).

I have no problem with Karl, and I don't see why anyone should. Steph killed Ringo - a young man that Karl treated like a son - while over the alcohol limit. There are extenuating circumstances, like Steph having PND, but it's understandable that Karl would want some kind of justice.

When I look back at where Steph is now, it saddens me, b/c the character has fallen so far from where she once was. It's all misery after misery for her, and that's sad and disappointing. There have been some good scenes between Steph & Libby, and all the referencing of the past, and acknowledging how one-sided their friendship has become (Steph doing more for Libby), the scene where Steph gave Dan their baby, was written so simply and beautifully, and Sonya, being the only character in this mess, to stay true to her self - she's a diamond, and one I'm glad they've made permanent. Sadly, the good does not outweigh the bad. And even the good is bad in itself, b/c you have to forget that they would never being acting like that in the first place, and simply enjoy the well written dramatic material for what it is.

And here's the thing: 2009 was dreck, and really killed the shows rep in Oz. So, any good in 2010 was always going to be an improvement. Steph's story and the character of Sam Fitzgerald both symbolise the limits of Bower's writing and storytelling capabilities. She's all about good and evil, and struggles with grey; plot over character - that's her style. Sam was an awesomely multifaceted character under the previous regime, but Bower made her evil; Steph's story could've been written with character, but instead it was all about plot - dark plots.

Neighbours is not about darkness, but about human kindness, love and good humour. Dark stories have there place when told with the right balance, and with the right characters, but when the show is flooded with misery and nastiness, it's difficult to appreciate the good dark stories, like Paul blackmailing Rebecca to stay married. That story has so many layers, and as dark as it is, one that probably gets written off as more of the same. But I love its potential, and appreciate it for what it is; Jane Hall & Stefan Dennis sell the material, too, which is a bonus.

Edited by Ben
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Okay I'll weigh in too. Perhaps my standards have dropped but I find the show much more watchable now than I have done in over 18 months. I no longer feel as though the foundation of the show has crumbled beyond repair because the balance has changed and I'm now watching stories that interest me as opposed to teen romance nonsense 90% of the time.

That's not to say it's perfect. There are a lot of things I would improve but this is fine tuning a canvas of characters that seems to work well together for the most part. Sonya is a fantastic, earthy addition to the show that makes Toadie and Callum tolerable to me for the first time ever. The new generation of teens is more watchable because there's some genuine conflict instead of the crap we had with the last lot. Summer and Natasha remind me a lot of Sky and Serena who were the last teens to have any appeal.

Weak links? Losing Rebecca is catastrophic. Karl and Susan are crying out for a storyline. Paul still lacks focus or motivation. He is a good example of what Ben has said regarding Susan Bower's black and white characterization.

But at the risk of playing devil's advocate, what I like about the Steph/Toadie/Dan/Libby mess is the show taking a risk with the characters. Steph slept with her best friend's husband, gave away her baby, killed her neighbour - but I still think she's likeable and I still think Libby's behaviour was just a more extreme version of what we've seen before which is understandable given the circumstances. I feel as though Steph and Libby's twisted resentment of each other despite being best friends finally manifested itself and I can believe it in the characters which many fans can't. I do agree however that the writing was erratic at times.

I agree about that story and I only wish it had more airtime. I want to see Rebecca and Paul at home and the power play going on. There is room for that kind of story alongside genuine human kindness stuff as there was in 2004 which is why I disagree with Jenny Lewis's article. I don't mean stupid stories about gnomes etc but building friendships and couples that we invest in. Only the Kennedys and Rebecca could make me shed a tear these days and I'm ashamed to admit that Neighbours used to be able to get the waterworks going with most of its cast.

My final note - so much could be improved if Susan Bower would grow the [!@#$%^&*] up and let the show go to PG on Eleven. There would be no objection to the global audience because Australia has one of the most draconian TV classification systems. It would finally allow the series to return to being 'provocative' and family friendly. Tackling issues seriously instead of sugar coating things in code. I just thank god that the writers have strapped on a pair lately and allow discussion of people sleeping together. The Steph/Dan shag would have been a joke otherwise.

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I just want to add that I do agree with this, and that the show is much more enjoyable to watch these days than it has been - it has definitely improved. I don't want to confuse people when I say that, after my last post, but for me, even with the improved drama, the show is still lacking in other Neighbours qualities, which separates it from other shows, like H&A. In their bid to improve and be modern, they've gone down the path of simply focusing on misery to create drama, instead of also using humour and happiness to create those warm magic moments that Neighbours did so well. Otherwise, characters become like Steph, where their lives revolve around one miserable climax after another. There's also a coldness that arrived with Parkers, and has stayed ever since.

I wonder if the show will go PG for random episodes? That way the overall show will still be G rated, with the added bonus of writing PG material for singular episodes.

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I don't think there's any problem with going down that route, simply allowing them the flexibility to tackle grittier things as and when they want to. Most of what's in Home and Away or even B&B needn't be classified PG so it could be on a level footing.

Interesting point you make about the coldness of the Parkers. I think they were desperate to recapture "heart" but the casting was just wrong, wrong, wrong. Particularly Miranda and Riley. Subsequently the family lacked any chemistry and it all fell flat.

A new user on YouTube (ClassicNeighbours) seems to be uploading various episodes, mostly post-2000 in good quality. I've just been reliving some of the stuff from 2004-5. God I loved the show back then.

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Yeah she's checked herself in suffering from exhaustion. I hope she gets well soon.

Ratings seem to be doing quite well, it seems to have lost only half of it's audience from Ten

The results from the five capital cities were:

Tuesday 254,000

Wednesday 274,000

Thursday 259,000

Two episodes have screened tonight in Australia so we'll have to see how that goes.

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Well done Neighbours! The press in Australia is still reporting that the figures have gone down dramatically, saying that losing any more of a third of its audience on Ten is a 'haemorrhage' despite the fact that Tuesday's episode was the highest rating program of Eleven and the third highest rated show of digital as a whole. Seriously, Oz really has it in for the show.

I really hope it can go from strength to strength. The problem is, it really can't afford to go through rough patches now as the audience is so small as it is, so they really need to do all they can to keep this loyal audience. I wonder if it will get 300k+ come the winter?

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