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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Ok I finally watched and I loved every moment I was given. It truely was a pleasent surprised. I still saw a little awkwardness in the begenning but he finally settled down. DAM Marc looking fit milk does a body good.

Loved the kjitchen scene and aw Paddy he is truely his dad. I think Aaron dad should come back and see how close Aaron is to Paddy.

The garage scene. This is why I love Cain. They dont change the relationship between Aaron and Cain. Its still the same and I love that. He can still say his crap and Aaron can say it back.

Chas worried about her son but I think she like Jackson and sees that her son is not in any trouble.

Over all good episode. Loved every moment. Not disappointed at all.

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I absolutely loved that little scene with Rhona kissing Marlon in front of Cain, considering Rhona and Cain are married IRL!

I really want Charlie to take all of Diane's money. Furthermore, he better not be taking Victoria away. I'll be extremely pissed off.

Mmm, finally we get to see some more Ryan and it was nice to see Faye again too. I want more of them please. On a superficial note, Sutton's ass looks amazing in that garage outfit. Wow.

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Those boiler suits tend to highlight the best features of Aaron/Cain/Ryan, but Sutton's ass always looks pretty good. Now if only he had some storyline to go with it...

I really enjoyed the stuff on Tuesday's show with Natasha getting the flowers from "Mark" and quietly melting down, and then we see the tension with Natasha and Nathan, and we see Maisie missing her father, and becoming closer to Nikhil. I know some are upset that Cain is involved in this story, putting his nose in yet again, but I think the character works OK as stirring things up, even though Jeff Hordley can do better if he gets the chance.

The stuff with Aaron and Jackson was pretty good too. Aaron was a bit muted but I think he's probably still trying to process all that's happened. They also kept to the rule where if there's a gay couple one of them has to keep their shirt on. I wonder if they would get away with having someone wearing only a top :lol:

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Honestly, I don't really fault Emmerdale for not showing Aaron/Jackson going further because Emmerdale never shows anyone doing anything but kiss. For the year I've been watching the only other characters that have been in bed at the same time we're Ryan and Maisie :lol:

Emmerdale really isn't scandalous in the sex department at all.

I also like Cain screwing with them. I think Charley's maternity leave kind of put any plans for him and Charity on hold, IMO, cause it seems the second she left their story petered out.

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I don't fault them either, I think they have done a decent job with this lately, they let us see a kiss and then t hey were at least in the room together the morning after. I know some wanted a kiss or some affection of some type on Tuesday's show but I thought they did OK. The whole "one shirt one not" rule is something which seems to apply to all British soaps.

They seem to have struggles for story with Cain since his return. They had him with the Wyldes, they were hinting he'd get together with Faye (which I think would have worked well), then Charity returned and there seemed to be months where he called her a prostitute and then suddenly they got back together. Do you know what the story would have been if Charley Webb hadn't had to go for a while? I like Charity a lot and I like Cain most of the time but sometimes I wonder if they had any plans for them. At least they fixed Charity's hair, which is a big improvement.

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Well, it's all based on my own speculation. But there were tons of scenes of Nikhil and Debbie and they were clearly moving toward something there, so maybe Cain would have been involved with their relationship?

But yes, Charity is my FAVOURITE character on the show. I could watch her do anything and be entertained so I hope she gets a story real quick. She perks the show right up whenever she's on. And yes, that hair disaster being fixed has done a lot of favours for Emma Atkins.

I didn't care much for Cain until Charity came along but do you think them being together hinders their story potential too much?

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They did have the whole car deal gone wrong with Cain and the Sharmas, didn't they? I had forgotten about that. I wonder if they will ever go back to Nikhil and Debbie. I also wonder if poor Jai will ever get a story. Chris Bisson is a great actor.

I don't know if Cain and Charity are held back by being together, as they have strong chemistry and the actors are good, but I think that Charity can be a lot more. Charity was riveting to watch when she was climbing up and up and Cain was there to try to bring her back down.

Cain works best when he has some comedy and some family scenes (I don't mean the Dingle comedy with drunken pratfalls or money scams, I mean like his scenes with Aaron). Sometimes they go a bit too far with him as the Snoop Sister of the village. The only time I really dislike him is when he starts degrading Charity.

Edited by CarlD2
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Usually I would mind when Cain degrades her, but I feel they write Charity as someone who can give it back to him just as much. She's isn't afraid to stand up to his verbal abuse.

I don't know how she way in the past, but other than Chas, and sometimes Marlon, she really has no one. They need to integrate her into the cast better.

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Charity's pretty much always been alone but they could still do more to work with what she has. I would say she could go with the Kings but I don't think she would fit in that well with Jimmy or Carl.

There was a daughter, Georgina, who was only mentioned once and then forgotten. They could have Charity and Cain track her down.

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Finally watched Thursday's episodes. They were pretty good -- Emmerdale isn't hugely exciting (which probably doesn't help ratings) but they have much stronger and more consistent daily episodes than almost any soap I've seen. This is pretty surprising since they have to churn out 6 a week.

Marlon and Rhona are very sweet together. I like the way the show has built up to their relationship and I like that the show has a few drama-free relationships going on. Is anyone else surprised Lizzie is even on the show now? They barely ever use her. I wonder if Anita Turner brought her in, or if she was some sort of mandate for a disabled character.

I know Diane is being foolish to trust Charlie so blindly but I still feel sorry for her as she seems to be buying into his games. I'd rather believe he's not conning her but as soon as he mentioned needing money that was the big tipoff. I'm glad Val is there for her, although she's not giving Diane the best advice. I think they've done a good job of toning Val down from some of her OTT hysteria a few years ago, but I would like to see more of her.

I'm glad they mentioned Annie!

The Wyldes are just great drama day in and day out. Poor Maisie, and poor Nathan. Nathan is a little punk but they still manage to create some sympathy for him by forcing him to lie to Maisie and earning her hatred. Natasha making him do that was just awful to watch, but what a powerful scene. I'm glad they aren't taking Nathan TOO far down the path of evil, as I was worried they were during that bizarre stuff where he tried to rape Faye. Speaking of Faye, she seems like such an afterthought at this point, I wonder if she will be leaving when Mark's body is found. I hope that won't mean Ryan goes too, I still want to see more of him. It was nice that he got to comfort Maisie briefly, sort of. BTW, the way they had Cain set up Ryan learning the truth was pretty crafty.

The stuff with Eve and Carl isn't that great although I do like seeing Edna and Scarlett try to rein her in. I hope someone at some point is going to also blast Carl, not just her, because the man has done nothing but encourage her.

Edited by CarlD2
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