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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Is it just me or has Roxy been ignored as of late? The writers acts like Ronnie was the only Mitchell that died. Is this deliberate? Possibly a dig at Rita Simons? 


Kim is truly becoming a twat tonight. It is sad that everyone else has accepted Denise's wishes but her. I wish Denise would've really just gave Kim the business and wrote her off. 


Can't nobody tell me that they aren't building up to Whitney screwing Mick. It's written on the wall. 

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She's been ignored all along - even her exit story was all about Jack - but it's ridiculous now. Rita Simons has complained on Twitter. 


I hope they won't go there with Whitney and Mick as her desperate behavior disturbs me, especially given her past with Tony King. This show doesn't have the ability to write this kind of nuance. 

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I don't mind Jack being the center as he is the widowers; however, Ronnie wasn't the only sister that died. Roxy died too. It's even sad that the kids rarely bring her up too. Amy mostly brings up Ronnie more than she does Roxy. It's jarring for me that Ricky refers to Ronnie as his mom when he was raised by Sam up until last year when she left him with Jack. The writers are so not dealing with this story properly. I'm not surprised though as EE has dealt with a death in over a decade. Look at Pauline, Pat, Charlie, Peggy... All their deaths were quickly swept under the rug and there were no real affects. Lucy's death only shook up the canvas b/c they needed it to give Ian and Jane something to do for a whole year, and it destroyed them in the process as characters. 


When it comes to Mick and Whitney, I just know it is coming. If Lee is to die in the bus crash, I bet money that those two wound up having grief sex to get over it. 

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I don't think he has those types of feelings for her, it's all in her head, but this show has proven me wrong too many times before. 


I was glad Denise calmly shut Kim down. What a selfish person Kim is - an overgrown child. She doesn't deserve Denise in her life. She will chase away her husband too. 


Phil was even more offputting than usual. He can barely contain his loathing of Sharon, and his little cult barely even speak these days. If that is Lisa on the phone (if only) I hope she puts another cap in his ass. 


Scott Maslen was not good at all in that coffin scene. He is better at shorter/angrier moments. With less clothes.

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I can only wish that Lisa would come and cap his ass. Only this time, I hope she finishes the job. 


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 at you wanting Scott Maslen to have on less clothes. I thought he did OK. I am over his constant sniveling now. I'm at the point now that I want Glenda or Max to bitch slap him and tell him to snap out of it. 

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Thoughts on tonight's episode: 


1. Jack is a hypocrite. I am glad that Glenda reminded him how nasty he was to Roxy. 

2. The funeral was tacky. I wasn't moved and the glow sticks in the church were just low-class. 

3. I really want Denise to knock the f-ck out of Kim. Like seriously. Denise should take Kim writing her off as a blessing. 

4. Phil meeting the son of the man who gave him a liver is such garbage. A blind man can see Phil is doing this out of guilt. 

5. I wish Glenda would've bust Sharon in her sh-t. Sharon can't criticize anyone for their motherhood when she beds the man that had a hand in Denny's dad death. 

6. I wish Glenda would've taken Jack's ass to court over Matthew. Jack's past is just as sketchy as his. I hope Charlie returns to reclaim his child. 


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I couldn't understand a word that boy or his mother said. I thought I was watching a ventriloquist act gone wrong. Some of the worst acting I've ever seen on Eastenders. And the random story of Louise being set up and taunted over Peggy's death (when she hasn't mentioned Peggy in many months) - it came out of nowhere. And what a lovely message to have a black teenager as the one harassing white girls. Apparently they are pushing more teen stories to raise ratings - good luck with that!


Kim is just a selfish brat who is trying to make the baby have a life she never had. Did you see how disappointed she was when Dona wasn't bitter about being adopted? 


Everything with Jack, Glenda, Sharon, Danny, etc. was poor. Sharon should have shut up. The scene where Jack beat Danny's ass and Max coldly watched should have been disturbing but instead it was hilarious as it was so badly done. 


One of the only good scenes was Sal taunting Glenda until she ran out of the church. 


Whitney is desperate to find reasons to drag Lee down and get into Mick's pants. They've just about ruined her. The show has a lot of hostility toward female characters. 

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I saw how disappointed Kim was when Donna didn't react the way she wanted. Kim needs to build a bridge and get over it. Again, Denise should see Kim disowning her as a blessing. I would. 


I just can't with Mick/Whitney. Just make them screw already so we can move on. It is obvious it is gonna occur. I agree that this show has hostility towards female characters. It is so annoying. 


Luke (I think that's his name) taunting Louise has me looking like. 

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 It wasn't lost on me either that he was a Black boy taunting a White girl. Seeing as I am usually one that begs for diverse characters to be more than 'the friend' or 'the talk-to,' I am finding my views slightly bending when it comes to this story. With the climate of race being super hot as of late, I am nervous when it comes to this arc. I hate that a Black boy has to be the sacrificial lamb in a story attempt to make the audience pity Louise, which I don't. 


Jack beating Danny was ludicrous. I hate how this show makes young, virile men get beat up by these old goats on the regular. Ain't no way a man of Danny's age would just stand there and take Jack beating on him. 



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I don't think she will be as they were too obvious, but I have a feeling as some have speculated that nasty Keegan will die or nearly die, and will tell Denise he was in care, and this will convince her to keep the baby. I just dread the inevitable reconciliation with Kim, who has become unbearable. I hope Denise dropkicks her out the front door. 


Other than the bad explosion and the scene of the kids "crashing" I thought it was done OK - I liked the POV of the windshield and the people running around. But the market conflicts leading up to it felt so tired and I did not like most of the episode. I am sick to death of Kim and I'm sick of the nasty teens and I'm really sick of how childish and deluded Whitney is and how many times she runs to Mick to complain about Lee. This story was so good a few months ago and now it's just a boring love triangle with a spoilt princess. They've just ruined her. 


The scenes with Jay and Billy and the scenes with Shirley, Tina and Sylvie going for a photo were the only ones I enjoyed. 



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Do you think that the Jay/Billy and Shirley/Tina/Sylvie scenes just red herrings or do you think they are gonna be involved in the crash today too?


I hope what you said about Keegan isn't true. Denise giving up her child is one of the most mature, honest things a soap character has done in a long time on this show. I hate how the character is getting beat down over it. 

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I think they must be involved in something. I hadn't thought about it but the bridge and the train will be affected by the explosion and crash, surely.  

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Sharon Marshall already pretty much said the baby won't be put up for adoption so now it's just down to the show coming up with a contrived reason. It's going to piss me off. 

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Ugh! Why?! I felt like Denise (and Phil too) giving up that child was so much more powerful. I am not interested in seeing a power struggle between Denise & Phil over this baby with Phil emerging victorious. It is predictable and not realistic. What court would give Phil a baby when he's an alcoholic and multiple time crime offender along with Ben the murderer living under the same roof? 


re: Jay/Ben ... really? I'm sick of Sharon. I'm ready for her ass to croak now.

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Phil is going to have story with that wooden child (Aaron) and his mother so I don't know what will be going on. Maybe Sharon Marshall is wrong, or maybe Denise keeps the baby and Phil doesn't go for custody. I don't know. All I know is I will be annoyed. 


I love Sharon sometimes but it's mostly Letitia's work. The character herself is so sad and so submissive. And they've done nothing to make us think Phil cares about Ben. Nothing.

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