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Best currently 'unemployed' daytime actresses

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Amen to nearly all of these. How can so many great actresses be out of work?

I'd add Emma Samms, and that's saying a lot because when she started on GH she was just awful... couldn't move comfortably or deliver a line convincingly to save her life. She grew into the role tho, and I love her now. She was even great when GH brought her back for that insulting run as the butt of everyone's jokes 2 or 3 years ago. I'd watch her now in anything

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I'm glad this topic idea has started a great discussion. A couple of added notes: I would have had Linda Dano on this list if she hadn't stated many times that she has 'retired'. Also, glad to see Lynn Herring's name mentioned because she had totally slipped my mind. She needs to be back in daytime (preferably as "Lucy"), as well as Barbara Crampton and Robin Mattson who have come to mind later.

I understand most of the actresses listed are working in other areas but this discussion was meant as a focus on daytime. We need to get these actresses BACK in daytime and help the genre as a whole. We need to get the powers-that-be to understand that we want these experienced actresses we love hired back, instead of newbies forced down our throats.

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I don't really watch Y&R, but I've often thought they should bring in Taylor Miller for Peter Bergman to see if any of that old 'Cliff and Nina' magic is still there.

I've also been amazed that no soaps have snatched up Terri Ivens and Esta Terblanche. I miss them on AMC terribly. Simone and Gillian were two of my AMC favorites characters.

To echo a poster upthread, what HAS happened to Christine Tudor? As Gwyneth on Loving, she was one of the best soap divas ever.

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