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AMC Will Marian ever be back on Contract?

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When Will Marian be back on Contract, Will she ever?

Jennifer Bassey is an brilliant actress who was used a lot back in the late 90s, if Liza ever returns will it mean storylines for Marian?

What do you all think about Marian?......

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As much as I love Bassey and Marian, I don't think ever in a million years would that happen.

I was thrilled when Bassey went on contract after the audience was won over by her pairing with Stuart, but it seemed as soon as she went on contract, her storyline dried up, and she's been wallpaper (if that!) ever since.

Personally, if I were writing, I'd write in a secret child that was born from Marian's affair with Tad. That would be devastating enough to potentially break up Marian's marriage to Stuart, shake up Marian and Liza's close relationship, and bring some Mid-to-late 20something sexy hellion to town who has it out for the Chandlers AND the Martins. Amanda Dillon needs a little devil to sex around with.

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I could se,e specially with Petey, Jill Larsen going back sooner than Marian as much as I adore Marian. Maybe if Liza comes back... (has she EVER really interacted with COlby? those could be some wonderful and funny scenes)

I had a dream last night Pratt had signed Brooke/Julia Barr back to the show :( then I woke up (true story--god dreaming of soaps...)

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Yeah I think we should count ourselves lucky they haven't removed Palmer and Myrtle from contract (I suspect it's partly out of honour--and AGnes Nixon still being there in some tiny capacity--they haven't, much liek they never did Ruth Warrick--which is frankly how it should be *glares at GH* )

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I've been reading everyone's responses, and the more I read, the more I keep hearing this surprising voice in my head saying "Would you REALLY want her back on-contract?"

Before you jump down my throat, I think Marian is an AMAZING character, and Bassey a great actress. And her years on AMC back in the 80's with Tad and in the 90's with Stuart, were all wonderful in their own way. But I think the character's time as an A-player is over. Would I like to see her more than twice a year? ABSOLUTELY. She should be with Colby, with Stuart, with Adam, with Tad... but on contract? One-to-three guaranteed episodes a week? I don't know. I think AMC has serious canvas issues that need to be addressed, but the solution isn't making sure Marian is in front-burner story. I think re-inventing and restoring A-players like Tad, Erica and Adam, who have seemingly grown pretty stale over the years, is probably the first thing this show needs. Putting Marian back into the forefront right now isn't a top priority, nor do I think it should be. I think it's more a longing to see the beloved AMC of old than a desire to see Marian on contract.

Now pardon me, while I put on my asbestos suit. :P JMHO

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No asbestos needed here.

BUT, I really want to know what you think here: Why isn't this an issue at B&B or Y&R. Their "Marian-equivalents" are still on the front burner driving story. It works there. Why ONLY there?

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Because even when taken off the front-burner, these characters on Y&R and B&B are still on at least one episode a week (unlike Marian, who only shows up about three times a year now).

If you write this big storyline for Marian on AMC, long-time fans I think will be hard-pressed to find something they enjoy that is AGE-APPROPRIATE for her (although the long-lost-kid, while cliche, is probably the best concept, even if it is a history rewrite), while newer fans will wonder who this older woman is who is suddenly so involved in story. Whereas you give Kay or Jill a story on Y&R, or Stephanie on B&B, and the fans just realize it's "their turn in the spotlight", no matter which fanbase they are - old or new.

Here's the other thing - "Contract" doesn't necessarily mean "front-burner" A lot of actors on soaps now aren't on contract, but are front-burner (like Noah, Liberty, Janet on ATWT). It's just cheaper for a show not to guarantee a certain number of episodes a week for a lot of people, even if some weeks they DO meet what that guarantee would be. Marian could be non-contract for a HUGE story she's front-burner in for six months, and the fans wouldn't know the difference between contract and non-contract. And then when the story ends in a year, she just goes back to the back-burner. But half the time, people eating up screen time on soaps aren't even on contract in the first place.

I think "on contract" has taken on a different meaning on the message boards than what it really is. You don't need a contract to play a major role in story.

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Okay, very clear. I have to say I do prefer the Bell model...I'd like to see those vets at least one day a week, and with their time in the spotlight. But I also realize that would need to be structurally set up. It is organic to the Bell model (for now...I doubt it will last in the current financial era), but it is not for most other shows. DOOL seems to keep flirting with the idea of viable and consistently featured veterans, but the lack of commitment to it is appalling. Hence, we keep having these "permanent" dismissals, followed by re-hirings. But that is off topic...

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