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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 23-27

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I do love her. I honestly do. She really is what hooked me on OLTL and i thinks hes fab... but this storyline has turned me against her.

i really dont want her die. well except right after i watched oltl and my hate is full on and ic ant think back to when i liked her, lol.

Maybe im Jack and Jake... who knows? lol.

Because I personally do not find them as love. I just dont buy it. Its like with T&B, at this point thay say they love eachother - they say it, everyone says it, i dont see it.

I am told they are in love but i dont buy the love between them. not saying they are not, i just was never sold on them.

i disagree with that last remark. she wouldnt come off as selfish. not at all. selfish is picking the cock over her family. that is selfish.

i liked how jess has turned into tess.

i think its been happening since nash died. since she lashed out at natalie. its been a slow subtle build. then when she was standing there i think she was Tessica. Really, jess.. but as she looked in the mirror she seen Tess starting to come out - and IMHO she didnt fight it. She let it happen.

now go kill that bitch Nastalie!

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I totally agree Jack. And for me, that means Jess deliberately unleashed Tess, so I call her out as responsible for whatever comes next.

I thought Jared's remark to Natalie "I know how I would feel if someone took you from me." was highly anvilicious. I knocked on wood, but I don't think Carlivati heard me.

I have more questions for you. But I have to run now. :(

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I wasn't watching when Vikki had DID. I've only been a OLTL fan for a couple of years now, so my understanding of how it works is really limited. I guess it seemed to me Jess was calling Tess forward when she was standing at the mirror, but maybe it was just that she wasn't trying to stop it, like Jack Peyton said.

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I beleive it was Jessica in hte first scene and it was Jess who talked to Viki. She made the transition after when she looked in the mirror, at least thats how I saw it. And Tess probably does know everything. She is really just an extension of Jessica; the part that cant deal with the pain. Jessica wouldnt necesarily know what happens when Tess takes over as her mind blocks it out

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I agree. However did she have melicious intent in doing so? thats the diff between her letting tess takeover and crimes that people like todd and jarred do.

im not saying she isnt responsable for whatever Tess does... but its diff than say she stood there channeling tess trying to bring her out to harm people. She just couldnt fight it anymore.

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1) I don't see how Jared's intentions were malicious (unless like me you think he saved Jessica from Alison just to hurt me. Never forget it's all about me ;) )

2) You make a good point about Jessica's intentions, and I hadn't thought about it. Tess was the alter that rose to the surface whenever there was pain that Jessica couldn't deal with. Jessica's in pain so I can see that she might knowingly allow Tess to take over that pain for her. I was thinking that in her rage and anger she was allowing

because Jessica always needs somebody else to do her dirty work.

Jessica can't get her hands dirty. But you really made me consider the alternative. I hope it will be more clear down the road what her intentions are.

On another note: Do you hate Jared? I am sorry, because I am sure you've discussed this before, but I honestly don't recall. I guess I am just questioning why you're not feeling the Jared/Natalie love. What makes it such a stretch for you to buy the love story? Do you not think they have chemistry? Where did the love story fall apart for you?

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Great episode! First of all, Bree Williamson half naked! :wub: I think Tess came out when she let her hair down and stripped. :wub: Ron's Friday cliffhanger was back! :)

I'm so loving Talia's involvement with this Tina storyline. If I didn't already know ( <_< ), I would've been like, "Meet who????!!! Who's 'He'???" And man, Kevin Spirtas plays a badass so well. Jonas rocks!

Those were great scenes. They had a lot of good dialogue. I am now loving this storyline now, ever since the letter was introduced. And now they're getting married?? It's perfect!! Lindsay's going to exposed at her wedding!! I can't wait to see that.

I waited two months before I said this because I wanted to see if my instinct was right......... Ron Carlivait's writing feels a lot like Jim Reilly's stories/writing in the 90's and it's a major reason why I am loving OLTL so much.

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I'm going answer this because I was thinking about it earlier . I like Natalie and I have mixed feeling on Jared, but I'm not really buying the love either. I can't even put my finger on exactly where it feel apart for me. It kind of felt like they were into each other, then Nat thought he was her uncle, then she found out the truth, but it never felt like the relationship solidified during all this. I find it so hard to believe that she cared about this guy so much she would be ok with him conning her whole family. They just didn't spend enough time together for me to believe that. I think this upcoming story with Tess may actually solidify the couple. Unless I miss my guess she's going to give them lots to overcome together.

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