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B&B: Week of June 16, 2008

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Remember how we were all in awe of B&B's "Storm's Heart" SL? With the bleeding heart on the operating table and everybody kicking ass in all their scenes? Well, B&B just about erased all memory of that with this Katie/Nick ish last week.

I love campy as much as the next B&B fan, but really. Bridget discovering a cure on Google? Shouting about the "protocol"? WTF? What does that even mean?

And couldn't B&B bust out the hospital set again? Or are we meant to believe that obscure 80s ballads and Mr. Ed's tender wuv cured Katie?

Seriously, when Grampa Frisco lifted Katie in his Big, Strong Arms and carried her upstairs, I was LMAO. Was it meant to be so cheesily bad? It's like Brad wanted to do a wink-wink tribute to Jack Wagner's Frisco days on GH, but then realized that the heart-transplant thing is actually sorta serious. So we got some tearful crap and the show just fell between two stools. Honestly, William deVry was written off the show for this?

Don't get me started on Sanctimonious Plank o' Wood intoning about the scandal and bad press that Donna brings to FC. Funny how Donna managed to succeed where Ridge's shooting of Grant and tongue hockey with once-daughter Bridget failed. :blink:

I did laugh when Marcus walked in on the "family emergency meeting" and everybody sat there looking guilty as hell.

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LOL, not just illogical. It was the cheesetastic crapness of it all!

I suspect part of it was dictated by Operation Nick is Not a Manwhore. Because the Frisco-love was overwelming. When Katie opened her eyes and saw those horse teeth braying at her and breathed "Have I gone to heaven?", I was :blink:

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Shoot me for saying it, if you must...but I don't like Heather Tom in the role. If I ever hear Brooke launch into another "beloved baby sister" speech, I might not survive the diabetic coma. It's a damn shame Felicia didn't get this much story after she nearly died.

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Katie is a waste of space, dragging Nick even further into the gutter. HTom is Bell and Alden's pet and will continue to shove her down our throats until HE tires of her or writes her into a corner (Felicia). Bell doesn't care what the viewers want, it's his show and and as he's said in the past, if we don't like it, change the channel. I don't think he thought that many of us would, but as the ratings have proven, we have.

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i FLOVE Heather Tom. She *Is* perfection.

I like katie. She is at her ebst when she is the moral Logan trying to steer her crazed family in the correct direction and bonding with Stephanie.

I *HATE* this storyline and what they have done to Katie.

Hi, Thorne. Meet katie. Yeah ya alkready did but go do it again and make it work this time BB!

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^ Seriously, what did Winsor Harmon do to piss off TPTB over at B&B? That guy can't get a SL or pairing for love or money. I adore the Meddling Siblings chemistry he's got with Felicia, but that's just filler.

WH stands out from his two predeccessors by the fact that he has chemistry with nearly all the female actresses he's been paired with (Bobbie Eakes being a notable exception). I mean, seriously, Hunter Tylo? KKL? Schae Harrison? Jennifer Gareis? Heather Tom? Dude shmoozes them big-time.

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I was enjoying Kate before, but this whole storyline has ruined her for me. And it all couldn't be any more obvious if they tried.

Now Steffy and Marcus...I'm ALL about them! I think if they started to put them together as a pairing, there's some good stories from all different angles

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