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Loving/The City Discussion Thread


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I only really bothered much with the show in '95 during the murders - and I vaguely remembered Angie from AMC from when I was very little (I thought it was so cool that she had crossed over) - so I'm confused as to how quickly some of the Loving couples broke up. When did Jacob first appear on the show? How long had Angie and that poor Charles been married? How long did it take Jacob and Angie to hit the sheets?

Also, what actually happened to Ava? I remember an old WOST episode from the murders where she is haranguing Alex to leave town with her, which of course he doesn't. And then he turns up on The City with Lisa Lo Cicero. What was that all about? I only remember Lisa's character, Jocelyn, from The City and I loved her there, but I had no idea she had been on LOV. And I thought Ava was married to Alex during the murders. How did it all go tits-up so fast? Where did Ava go, or did she stay in Corinth?

I always thought it would be amusing to have a couple Loving characters pop up somewhere, as I once suggested for my tag for the AMC finale with a little Bobby Martin turning up in Corinth at Alex Masters's police station - just down the road from Pine Valley. But I imagine Alex and Jocelyn are still here in New York - would you go back after that?

I will shamefully admit I liked Tony Soleito. I always liked the Soleito stuff on TC and I thought GH should've made more of it - I remember in 2003, when they brought Tracy and Dillon back to the show, the suggestion of tying it to the Jeromes and having Tracy cajole Dillon into seducing Jerome heir Lucas Jones. They've used Tracy's old Soleito tie bit in the last couple years and again very recently, but I wouldn't put it past Ron Carlivati to actually have people from TC show up. I know Garin Wolf had intended to interest a teen Soleito heir for the youth set.

Also, WEHT Steffi and Cooper? Why did she even appear on TC?

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I think Jacob first appeared on Loving in early 1995, or spring 1995. I think Charles and Angie got married around that time. Jacob and Angie were having sex soon after. There are some clips of them on Youtube.

Ava wanted to leave Corinth because of the murders. This caused strains on her marriage to Alex, since he was a cop. There was also tension over Jocelyn. She moved to Florida with the kids. Alex joined her, but they broke up, offcamera, and he went to The City soon after it started. He wasn't involved with Jocelyn at first (he was getting a divorce, she was dealing with mental problems and turning tricks due to sexual abuse). Some months later they got together. Supposedly The City was going to bring Ava back but the show was canned.

I think they probably had Steffi appear on The City briefly to get more fans to cross over. She and Tony had the sex scene when she was about 8 or 9 months pregnant (which got some negative fan reaction and was panned by Marlena de la Croix). Around that time, Cooper came to Soho and convinced her to move to Paris - I think - with him.

Alex did appear briefly on OLTL after The City was canned. I wonder if they were considering bringing him over.

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Maybe he was on another time that I missed, but Alex's OLTL appearance with Bo was while TC was still on the air. That's when the OLTL crew comically did all of those TC-style quick zooms and shaky shots over *funky* music to establish that they were in... The City.

I still have a Christmas episode on tape where Steffi is pregnant and Cooper makes a surprise visit. Deborah, who had hit the lottery and bought Alden mansion, is also in the episode.

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Did a little Googling, and the episode in question aired on January 15, 1997, so yeah, roughly two months before The City's last episode on March 28. Mantooth went on to play another character on OLTL and I had totally forgotten about that. I have vague memories of people saying that he should be paired with Slezak or Strasser.

The other day, I found a Sydney/Jackson Montgomery crossover episode that I'd forgotten I'd taped.

Edited by SFK
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Chip Albers' Curtis Alden returned to Corinth in February 1989 announcing that Lottie, his wife, had died while they were living in Germany. Albers stuck around long enough to play the Curtis / Rocky / Todd and Curtis / Rocky / Rio triangles. The last mention I've found of him in the Scanning the Soaps column is from October 1990, where Curtis has informed immigration that Rocky and Rio's marriage is fradulent. Curtis did announce his plans to serve in the Gulf.

At the time of Albers' run, Millee Taggert and Tom King were headwriters. When Curtis returns in February 1993, Taggert is headwriting with Robert Guza and picks up the Gulf War thread with the Tess Wilder / Curtis Alden / Buck Huston triangle.

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If you find the date, I would be interested in knowing when Albers left. I know IMDb lists him as Curtis until 1991, but I'm almost positive he was gone by the time Cabot 'died' in February 1991. I followed the synopses into February thinking Curtis might have been written off after a two-year contract, but couldn't find any mention of him. After the immigration plot, Rocky / Rio dovetail into an 'exciting' storyline where Rocky cheats on her paper, is called in front of the college board, and then fights off the advances of one of her professors.

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From my synopses dated the week of March 4, 1991:

Curtis informed Clay of his intent to leave Corinth and join the Marines. Trucker convinced himself that Trisha blames him for their baby's death, Trisha fell in love with an abandoned baby at the hospital. Ava confronted Paul about Carly's teenage pregnancy, and he admitted to being the father. When Paul argued he was too young for the responsibility of fatherhood, Ava rejected his excuse for abandoning Carly and insisted she no longer loves him.

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